Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2303944-No-Dialogue-Contest
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Contest · #2303944
My entry for the “No Dialogue” Contest - Maãlík
In a world full of lies, sorrow, & sadness, a young man named Legend lived happily & peacefully. His village was extremely poor. There was violence, thievery, & distrust all through the streets of his dark town. Women & children often were often kept safe inside, as any opportunity to take from someone was used by the desperate individuals who roamed the streets.
Legend was walking down to his favorite bread store. A smile gleamed across his face as he proudly walked to his destination with his head held high. As he walked by the locals, many men & women gave him dirty looks. One man even spit in front of his path, groaning & grunting as he walked on. Legend was un-phased by the looks of disapproval. He had his basket in hand, excited to get the bread from his favorite bread shop.
A young girl ran up to him, sadness in her eyes. She seemed to have wanted anything that Legend had to offer to ease her pain: Food, water, money, anything. Legend took pity on the girl, pulling out a silver dollar coin that shined brighter than the calm sun that barely showed over the dark town. The little girl’s eyes brightened. She smiled, taking the coin from his hands. She thanked Legend, giving him a strong hug before running back to her baby brother & older sister. Legend nodded to the eldest sister, knowing the harsh realities she’s facing having to grow up so fast in a world where she should still be a child.
Legend continued on towards his destination. He passed many demolished & abandoned buildings. Some that had less fortunate individuals still sleeping in it. Although there was no foundation or strong walls to keep them from being cold at night, they had plenty of blankets to wrap themselves into. They bundled together to keep each other warm at night. Legend saw an older gentlemen on the ground, freezing from the harsh breeze that blew across the streets of the depressing village. The elderly man seemed to be on his last limits of warmth, slowly going into shock. Legend looked ahead to see a fire pit where other less fortunate individuals were bundled up at. He grabbed the elderly man, carrying him on his back all the way to the fire pit before resting him as close to the fire as safely possible. The elderly man looked up at Legend, smiling at his kindness & generosity. Another elderly woman covered the older gentlemen with a blanket, with all of the other less fortunate individuals looking on as the life started to slowly exit from his body. Legend sat in silence, honoring the elderly man’s death, before continuing his journey.
After some time, Legend finally made it to his destination: The Village Bakery. He could smell the fresh bread being baked, calling his name to go buy it. Before he could step inside, a talk, pale man in a long trench coat blocked the door. Legend looked up at him, emotionless. This mysterious man had been bothering the bakery for some time. He would take their bread from them without pay; even threatened the owners with death if they opposed him. The tall man started to reach for Legend, but Legend swiftly whipped his arm at his neck, then slowly walked past him & entered the bakery. The tall man’s neck began to form a straight line across the adam’s apple, with blood rushing down his neck. He fell to the ground, dead. Legend had freed the bakery family of the terror of the tall man.
Legend entered the shop, his hand red from the tall man’s blood, but still happy he made it. He reached in his pocket to gather change for 10 pieces of bread, but had no money left from his deeds. The bakery family gave him bread for the rest of his days, which filled Legend’s heart with joy. There’s always positivity in any negative moment you may have in life.
- Maãlík
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