Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2304136-The-Time-Crystal
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #2304136
Izzy must learn how to restore the forest's fading magic. Word Count: 650
One afternoon, while walking through Rosewood Forest, Izzy stumbled across a magnificent willow tree. There was a path covered by a curtain of willow branches. Her heart filled with the thrill of adventure as she pushed the branches aside and followed the stone pathway.

Not far into her walk, she met a wise old owl perched on a gnarled oak tree. "Ah, young explorer," the owl hooted softly, "you've arrived just in time. Our forest's magic is fading."

"Fading? But why?" Izzy asked, her eyes wide with concern.

The owl sighed, "The Time Crystals that sustain our forest's magic have gone missing. Without them, I fear the forest will lose its enchantment forever."

"The Time Crystals are hidden, guarded by riddles only a true adventurer can solve," the owl explained, his eyes twinkling like stars. "Are you up for the challenge?"

Izzy's eyes lit up. "A riddle? I love riddles!"

The owl cleared his throat and said, "Where the moon meets the water, and the willow weeps no more, there you'll find what you're after, behind the hidden door."

Izzy's mind raced. "Moon meets the water... that must be the forest pond! And the willow... there's a weeping willow right by it!"

Wasting no time, Izzy thanked the owl and dashed towards the pond. Her magical friends, a gray rabbit, a brown beaver, and a bright bluejay who had been quietly listening, followed her eagerly. When they arrived, Izzy noticed something she'd never seen before- a small door, almost camouflaged, at the base of the weeping willow. Kneeling down, she opened the door. There, hidden among the roots, was a small pink crystal, glowing softly like the first light of dawn.

Just as Izzy reached out to take the Time Crystal, a sound in the leaves made her pause. Out of the shadows slinked a fox, its eyes fixed greedily on the glowing gem. "Ah, so this is where it's been hiding," the fox smirked, lunging for the crystal.

But before he could snatch it, a blur of fur and feathers intervened. The rabbit hopped fiercely between the fox and the crystal, while the beaver swung his sturdy tail like a hammer. High above, the bluejay let out a sharp, warning tone that echoed through the forest.

"Step away from the crystal," the rabbit declared, his eyes narrowed and his nose twitched.

Cornered and outnumbered, the fox backed away, disappearing into the forest as quickly as he had appeared.

With the fox gone, Izzy carefully picked up the Time Crystal. Its glow seemed to brighten, as if thankful to be found. She and her friends hurried back to the wise old owl, the crystal cradled in her hands.

"Ah, you've done it!" the owl exclaimed as they placed the crystal into a carved nook in the oak tree. As it settled into its place, the air shimmered with a wave of magical energy. Trees seemed to stand taller, flowers looked brighter, and even the air felt fresher. "You've saved the forest, young lady," the owl hooted gratefully. "Its magic is restored, and it's all thanks to you. All the creatures of Rosewood Forest thank you."

As the sun dropped low in the sky, Izzy said goodbye to her forest friends and the wise old owl. As she walked back through the forest, she felt its magic wrap around her like a warm, comforting blanket. She yawned and hurried home. When she got there she climbed into her big comfy bed and felt something small and cool under her pillow. Pulling it out, she found a mini Time Crystal, its soft glow a perfect match to the moonlight streaming through her window.

"Thank you," she whispered, placing the crystal on her nightstand. As she lay back, she took a deep breath and rubbed her tired eyes. With a contented smile, Izzy closed her eyes and drifted into a peaceful, dream-filled sleep.

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