Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2304701-Artsy-Fartsy-Beginning-of-a-Good-Thing
Rated: E · Draft · Children's · #2304701
My introduction of Arturo (Artsy) and Farley (Fartsy) and their unlikely connection

Artsy Fartsy The Beginning of a Good Thing

We begin our journey with a homesick boy in an unfamiliar town and a heart missing the holiday season festivities in his old neighborhood...

Arturo: Man, I wish there was some snow...

Valentina: Come on, ni. You've been so grumpy since the move. I know you miss our little piece of New York, but Papi has such a great opportunity here in Murfreesboro.

Valentina: We are going to make such good memories here. You just have to give it a try!

Arturo: But it's nothing like New York, Mami. It's not even snowing, and it's almost Christmas! I haven't seen a single tree like the ones we visited in the city.

Valentina: Just because things are different doesn't mean they are worse. Your papaco has a vision for how he can build a new line of fashion here. He's taking what he knows and what he is curious about, and out of that, he will make something magnifico!

Arturo: But I don't see anything but houses here. There's no bright lights or people in the street making music. It's nothing compared to our neighborhood.

Valentina: I think you just haven't been looking. Spend some time outside of that room of yours. We have a beautiful backyard! Start your adventure there, mijo.

Arturo: Ugh, fine. I'll look for a tree back there that we can decorate.

Arturo heads to his new backyard, and begins to evaluate what tree would rival Rockafeller Center.

As he scans, he is disappointed to see pine needles puddled around each of their trees. He notices a tree just beyond their fence perfect for the job, but his eyes catch a small girl and what looks to be an abuelita.

"What are they doing?" Arturo thinks to himself.

He looks closer and sees that the girl's clothes are dirty but well fit. She has blond hair that sticks to her face and some type of cloth in front of her.

Meema: Hello, little one. Would you like to join us?

Arturo glances over and realizes the older woman is calling out to him.

Arturo: No thank you, sera. I was just admiring your tree. It would be beautiful as a Christmas tree.

Meema: I quite agree. We have one inside, but I think it would be a wonderful way to share holiday cheer with all of the neighbors! You happen to be a new one! We're the Evans'. I go by Meema, and this here is my grandbaby, Farley.

Farley turns to wave and smile, revealing a missing front tooth and eyes that warm Arturo up like hot cocoa on Christmas morning.

Farley: Howdy! We're making tie-dye shirts like Meema used to wear! Do you want to join us?

Arturo: How can you be making tie-dye with no paint? All I see is mud and grass...

Farley: There's some colors you can't get from paint. Look at how many colors I can make up here!

Meema: You can use whatever you'd like, little one. I do have some paint inside and an extra shirt.

Arturo: I never say no to an art project! I'm Arturo, by the way. Nice to meet you both.

Farley: Nice to make your acquaintance, my friend.

Meema heads inside to retrieve the tie dye paint and leaves the two new neighbors to get to know each other.

Farley: So you're from the big city, huh?

Arturo: How did you know?

Farley: You talk like someone from the city. It's funny.

Arturo: It's not funny! Everyone where I'm from talks like this. I loved it there, but my dad made us move.

Farley: I've never been anywhere but here. My papa travels all around the world working for this band. He helps them tune their instruments and fix the equipment. What's your papa do?

Arturo: My papi is a fashion designer. He makes beautiful clothes and I'll be like him one day.

Meema: That day might be sooner than you know. He's your tie dye kit. I'm so happy you can spend some time with us.

Arturo lays out his shirt and begins to think of inspiration. He sees the healthy tree and thinks about his visits to Bryant Park, just a few blocks away from the home in Hell's Kitchen...

Onomatopoeia pages(2): Splat!

Arturo uses his creative skills to create a design on his tie-dye shirt

Farley smashes mud into her own creative "design"

Meema: Well, how marvelous do these designs look! They are both something I would've worn in my younger days.

Farley: Thanks, Meema! I really like how it came out. I think the theme was... earth. I sure do like yours too, Arturo!

Arturo: I think it's good for a first draft. Maybe we could do this again, and I can create something even more elaborate!

Meema: You're welcome over anytime. Please tell your parents that we'll send over a plate of cookies for the holidays, and we're so happy to have you as neighbors!

Arturo: Gracias, sera. I will. Thank you both for letting me share your backyard.

Farley: Don't mention it, amigo. By the way, I would love it if you helped us decorate our tree!

Arturo smiled and thought to himself, "I think this is the beginning of a good thing."


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