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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2305051
muscle growth story

Fantasy is closer to being a reality than people think I met my wife in a most unexpected way! You would never guess in a hundred years how we came to meet oddly enough we met on the internet in of all places a chat room that was one of many that made up a chat called virtual places or just VP where you were represented in the chat rooms by an avatar an image used to visually represent you to the other people chatting these postage stamp sized pictures could be customized or painted if you will using any image editing program allowing the adding of text special effects letting the artistic talented make both friends and express themselves which helped those of us who can't type or spell meet people through our art which is how I met my wife Belinda.

When we met I was 43 recovering from a severe illness at 6'2" I weighed only 160 lbs. and was not physically as strong as my healthy self of 225 lbs. had been although I still had long brown hair which hung down the middle of my back along with my beard which I wore cropped short to my face. Belinda was 40 and in great shape at 6'1" weighing 172 lbs. twelve pounds more than I did. She had an incredible figure a large full 40 DD bust a 34' waist with full womanly hips measuring 38" long muscular 36" legs long blond hair past her waist and blue eyes. I still remember how surprised I was by her beauty as she had described herself as a plain Jane when asked to describe herself, and the only pictures I'd seen were taken from a distance with her wearing loose-fitting outfits.

Needless to say at our first meeting in person I was a little intimidated by her but she immediately made me feel at ease, never even seeming to notice herself being a little bigger and a good bit stronger than I! Even though I was very aware of it until I just had to say something about it after we'd been together about three months.

"What is it Doug something bothering you?" she asked.

"Well, I was wondering if it bothered you that you were bigger in some places than me?" I replied.

"Oh like my chest being bigger" she giggled. "Why does it bother you, it's not that much bigger, get a tape measure so we can see just how much bigger my chest is than yours okay?" she said.

"Well okay I guess we can do that" I reply getting the tape.

"You first arms out!" she says as she wraps the tape around my chest measuring it smiling as she says, "Size 37 very nice okay now me only you measure under my boobs my actual chest size" She removes her bra I measure 40".

I tell her, "That's three inches bigger but I should measure your chest with your boobs because that's really how big your chest is".

Belinda says, "Oh okay if you want to measure that way I need to bend over so you can measure. Alright, go for it measure now that I'm bent over make sure you go under my armpits and under my boobs then measure with my boobs across my nipples."

I measure I can only say, "Wow!" at seeing her chest size with her breasts added her chest measures 52". I exclaim, "Your chest is 15" bigger that's way bigger!"

She answers, "Yes it is way bigger but 12" of that is boob flesh actually my chest is only 3" bigger, and that bothers you?"

I reply meekly, "No, not really I love your boobs I just feel so small knowing you outweigh me by 12lbs."

Smiling broadly she says, "Oh is that all that's bothering you baby you figure each of my boobs must weigh at least 6 or 7 pounds each!" pausing before saying, "Besides with me feeding you right you have sex with me all the time working out I'll make you stronger you'll outweigh me in no time only, my chest will still probably be bigger!" she laughs and says, "I won't lift weights or gain any weight while we build you back up okay because if I lift or work out too I'll get really buff quick!".

True to her words two years later I was 225 lbs. very fit and muscular while she had only gained five pounds all of it in her chest still much larger than my now 44" her tits were now a much fuller 40 F firm as they are full my chest now 4" bigger if you didn't count her boobs her other measurements still the same wow her body was incredible for a woman 42 as anyone could see! Oh did I mention we got married right after we met and our sex life is incredible staying that way after ten years. At 53 I'm still 225 lbs. fit and Belinda has still got a great body her tits are even bigger 42 FF only she has a bit of a tummy since she's put on some pounds she doesn't like at 275 lbs. She feels fat now. I think she looks even sexier God her breasts are huge she wears a 42G bra wow!

After listening to her complain about her weight I remembered what she'd said when we first got together about building up really fast if she worked out hard lifting weights and such! So I got her a membership at Power House Gym and gave it to her saying, "Here you go you get as built up and muscular as you can, work all that fat off yourself until you weigh the same as me or less! I know your chest is bigger I don't care if your arms get bigger than mine!" I continued before she could say a word saying, "I just want to see my baby all buff hard bodied let me see how muscular you can get over the next two years like you did for me how about it?"

Belinda said, "Okay lover I'll do it lets see how buff I can get in two years I'll start in the morning."

Good to her word as always first thing the morning of June 3 2010 she started working out going to the gym for one hour at first doing the Stairmaster for 30 minutes lifting weights for 20 minutes coming home totally trashed saying, "Tomorrow I'll do better!".

"Sure you will." I agree. The next day she is up and off to the gym again.

Belinda says, "I am going to do this!" It's been almost three months she has been going now she goes for almost two hours a day now doing the Stair master for 45 minutes before going to lift for an hour working her legs on Tuesdays and Thursdays her upper body on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Then works out on the weekend end working on an isolated muscle group of her choice.

Belinda has lost heaps of weight since she began and it really shows. I've been telling her how noticeable it is she thanks me for noticing to which I say, "I bet you weigh almost the same as me now huh?" "Maybe," she tells me, "But you have to wait another month before I let you weigh me okay I do have a surprise for you anyway want me to show it to you?"

I am totally surprised blurting out, "Yes please do thank you, baby"

Belinda says, "Okay I know this one piece you picked out for me when we went to Fredrick's of Hollywood the first time is your favorite only with my fat gut and bigger tits I could not even begin to fit into it but now that I have been working-out my fat gut is gone as you'll see it's now totally flat but the twins got a little bigger you'll see after I put it on for you be right back! " she quickly disappears into our bedroom taking almost twenty minutes before returning with it on over her blue bikini the one piece is stretched so much in front to go over her huge breasts and still tie behind her neck she had left just barely enough material to cover her large hard jutting nipples!

Belinda shyly asks, "How's it look I had to stretch it a lot to fit over the twins guess some of my tummy moved to my boobs made them a little bigger but just look how flat my tummy is now cool huh?" while trying to hide the strings from her bikini bottoms.

I stare drooling a bit before saying, "Fits even better now boy howdy you were not kidding about your tummy being flat my goodness you have developed six-pack abs the twins did not get a little bigger they got heaps bigger! Are you going to wear that to bed I'll take you pulling on that big nightshirt as a no! " I watched her pull on her big nightshirt over what she was wearing.

Belinda says, "Oh I know but I just wore something else for you so indulge me baby for a little while longer okay lover... please I just want you to be really surprised that's all I promise I'll wear something else to bed by the end of this month I'll let you weigh me too how's that, is that okay Doug my love?"

I tell her, "I guess so but that makes almost four months that I have not seen you naked for more than, a few minutes you know."

Belinda says happily, "I know lover but it is going to be worth it you're going to be so surprised when you see the results of all the hard work I've been doing for you, baby!"

I tell her, "I can already see you've lost heaps of weight after seeing you in that old one-piece, and from the way your sweatshirts fit across your tits they look like they've gotten heaps bigger too after you come home from working out your nipples kind of stand out a lot looks very nice" I grin.

"Is that so, I hadn't noticed" she says blushing before smiling and giving me a wink adding, "Okay off to bed got a long day tomorrow." In bed, all I can tell is how much firmer she feels when we cuddle but that is all because she says I have to wait till the end of the month for sex too.

Now she gets up an hour earlier to shower before heading off to the gym for almost three hours coming home for a couple of hours before going back to the gym just as I get home from work for another 2 hours to come home shower eat and go straight to bed this lasted until September 31 the last day of the fourth month when I came home from work she had dinner waiting for me with candles on the table with a note saying have a seat and light the candles I'll put on some music and be right out baby. I did as instructed music started to play a dance beat oh wow she played "She's a Brick House" Belinda danced slowly into the room wearing hi-heels a long-sleeved white silk button-up blouse with only three buttons buttoned the top one about to pop an old Levi mini skirt stretched to the limit with a slight tear in the middle at the sight of her my eyes became big as saucers my jaw dropped open as she did a bump and grind to the music smiling wide Belinda asked, "Surprised?"

Before I can reply she throws back her head thrusts out her huge full breasts popping off all three buttons holding her blouse together revealing her huge tits held only by a string bikini top the two triangles just barely covering her large erect nipples! Slowly reaching down between her legs grabbing hold of her skirt where it is torn in the middle a side in each hand she rips it into two pieces throwing it behind her revealing her string bikini bottoms the small triangle front piece just covering her pussy mound! Displaying her perfect six-pack abs between her huge jutting tits and tight triangle of pussy...Her legs are ripped her thighs bulging muscular quads have grown thicker than mine bringing her arms up over her head before dropping them into a powerful double biceps pose flexing them up huge shredding her sleeves to tatters as she does! Tearing away the last of her blouse all she's wearing is her string bikini she continues to dance flexing her new muscles to the music swelling them to amazing proportions not even she'd seen until now!

Belinda asks, "How's this for muscle lover, you like?"

Taking several moments before I can speak I finally blurt out, "Wow! Belinda you are ripped my God look at the size of those muscles your tits OMFG! Lover just look at how flat your tummy is damn that's an impressive six-pack baby OMFG look at that ass! Holly Fuck your arms are just massive bet there big as mine maybe bigger!"

"So you like my new muscles?" Belinda inquires.

I burst out, "Hell yes you look amazing Belinda can I feel them?"

Belinda purrs, "Of course you can silly" She flexes her bulging bicep right in front of my face letting me see it flexed to a peak. Belinda purrs again, "Go on squeeze it baby hard as you can!" she teases.

I grab hold of her swollen bicep my middle finger and thumb not making it all the way around damn it's big! I squeeze hard barely making a dent in it!

Belinda giggles, "Oh go on you can squeeze harder than that come on squeeze harder that tickles. So you like my new bikini?"

I gasped, "I love it!"

Belinda grinning asks, "So do you want to measure my biceps? Baby the tapes on the table if you do."

My reply was, "I sure do flex that bicep up real big for Daddy!"

"Okay, how is this? Belinda asks as she flexes up big for me.

I say, "Great let me measure okay got it wow 18" baby".

Belinda says, "Now measure yours okay"

I flex my bicep she measures 13.5".

"Hey baby mines bigger how about that?" Belinda says with a smile!

Belinda asks, "Guess how much I weigh Doug?"

I reply, "Oh I don't know 220 lbs."

Belinda blurts out, "Nope weigh the same as you 225 lbs. How about that, except my arms are bigger, not bad for an old lady? Huh baby" teasing as she poses invitingly in front of me.

"Don't you agree?" she asks.

My reply was, "Belinda you look amazing for a woman twenty no one will even believe your 50!"

Belinda asks, "You really think so? You don't think these big muscles make me look manly?"

My reply was, "Not with those huge luscious tits of yours baby you look like an Amazon Goddess!"

Belinda blushing says, "Oh lover you say the nicest things are you really turned on by me being this muscular?"

I blurt out, "OMFG I am so turned on right now I can't take my eyes off of you all I want to do is feel those big muscles and kiss you all over!"

Belinda exclaims, "OMG really!"

Belinda ponders asking, "If you're serious why didn't you tell me this years ago Doug I'd have muscled up years ago all you had to do was ask me too. Do you like that I weigh the same as you? What about my arms being bigger than yours?"

I exclaim, "They may be bigger but they're not stronger Belinda a man's muscles are twice as strong as a woman's so even at half the size of a woman's they're as strong or stronger!"

Belinda surprised asks, "Oh you don't think my bigger arms are stronger than yours now! Okay, how about we arm wrestle lover to find out you up to it mister?"

I quickly say, "You bet I am where and when Belinda?"

Belinda says softly, "How about now on this table mister!"

I put my arm on the table saying, "Well come on then girl let's go for it you just got to remember a man's muscles are way stronger than a woman's even if they are smaller just a fact baby yours still look incredible being so big."

"Oh is that so okay" Belinda gripping my hand smiles saying, "You say go mister man."

I blurt out, "Alright ready set go" I throw my full strength into her pushing her arm halfway over having taken her by surprise but to my surprise she holds me there for a long time despite my advantage of taking her by surprise and almost beating her before she could react in time except she stopped me before I could half from being down making use every bit of strength I have before finally putting her down. After almost 5 minutes of battling her with everything I had to finally win! "See yours are bigger but mine are stronger!" I say proudly face red and out of breath.

Belinda growls, "That's okay you proved your point for now but you have to admit I gave you a good match didn't I?"

My reply was, "You sure did why just look how much bigger your bicep has swollen from our wrestling match wow! Belinda let me measure it now! Please!"

Belinda says, "Oh sure but it isn't any bigger."

I excitedly say, "Oh I bet it is just flex for me so I can measure it and prove it to you."

Belinda says softly, "Oh alright I will but it's not going to be any different than before you know."

I say, "It is too now flex that swollen bicep for me!"

Belinda growls softly saying, "How's this?"

I say, "Good but pump it a few times first."

Belinda asks, "You mean like this!" pumping her arm three times before flexing for me,

I tell her, "That's great now I can measure and wow it's way bigger now 19" a full inch bigger than it was before we arm wrestled! Yours was 4.5" bigger than mine before we arm wrestled but even though yours was that much bigger! Mine was stronger because I'm a man my winning proved it"

Belinda tries to point out I barely won saying, "I see even if you did say go before I was ready you still took over 5 minutes to win."

I am still full of myself from winning smugly tell her, "The point is I won and proved my point!" I tease.

Belinda a bit angry at my smugness softly says, "I lost so I guess you're right but my biceps being even bigger now 5.5" bigger really turns you on huh baby?"

I blurt out, "Hell yeah it does! Let's go in the bedroom so you can take off that bikini and let me show you just how much while I feel those big muscles and suck on those huge tits! I want to feel that hard body while I FUCK YOU!"

Belinda purrs in a voice like smoked glass, "Oh you think so do you? Well, I think I'm the one who's going to FUCK you to submission mister! As for my taking off this bikini follow me back inside now just you watch this!" She flexes her Pecs causing her huge tits to burst out of her bikini top as she simply unties one side of her bottoms letting them fall to the floor leaving her standing naked and giving me a full view of new rippling muscles and huge tits she giggles all of a sudden making me ask, "what's so funny?"
Belinda replies, "Oh I just noticed that either one of my tits is twice the size of your head you know that!" As I put a hand on either side of one of her huge breasts squeezing it as I kiss and suck her hard nipple.........

I moaned saying, "OMG your boobs must be at least twice what they were so firm too!" sucking her huge hard nipple making her moan softly as I do my left hand sliding down her rippling abs to her shaved wet pussy fingering her softly as I rub her swelling clitoris she pulls me from my chair carrying me towards the bedroom undressing me as we move down the hall. Until we reach our bedroom both naked and fall onto the bed my hands all over her body feeling her powerful muscles rippling beneath my touch.

Belinda asks, "You really do like the way my new big muscles feel huh lover?"

I reply, "God yes Belinda I do can't you tell?"

Belinda quietly says, "Kind of by the way you keep touching them and squeezing them not to mention this" She takes hold of my hard cock swollen bigger than it ever has!

Belinda exclaims, "I mean my God it must be at least an inch longer a couple thicker now" She grabs hold of it exclaiming, "Oh my goodness is all this for these?" flexing her huge bulging biceps making my cock swell as she does!

Belinda grinning says, "I guess I've got my answer right here! Huh, baby?"

My reply I groan, "FUCK ME Belinda God please I want you!"

Belinda confidently replies, "Oh do you REALLY? You REALLY want to FUCK your big strong muscular Belinda while you feel my ripping muscles bulge and swell bigger as we FUCK is that what you want baby?"

My reply bursts out, "Oh God yes please FUCK ME!"

Belinda coos, "Well since you said please here I come" Climbing on top she slowly slides her hot wet pussy down over my hard cock and grinds on me for over an hour making me almost pass out from the intensity!

In the morning I wake to see her laughing in front of the closet mirror as she tries to fit into an old bra that's way too small the cup can't even fit over her nipple seeing how small it is I tell her what she already knows while trying to be funny I say, "At least try one of your 42 FF bras baby that double D isn't even close!"

Belinda knowingly replies, "For your information, this is a 42 FF, my love"

My shocked reply was, "Wow OMFG just how big are the twins now Belinda?"

Belinda teases asking, "Well if you want to come over here measure my chest under my boobs to find out since I can kind of guess at my cup size after we know my chest size without my boobs."

I reply, "Well alright you got it baby where's the tape?" She holds out her hand with tape in her hand for me to use" so I jump out of bed and go to where she is standing in front of the closet mirror taking the tape from her.

I say, "Arms out bend over at the waist, and no flexing."

Belinda growls, "Just measure my chest smart ass!"

I reply, "Oh sure no problem just a minute while I get this around you there you measure 46" So what bra size do you think you are now?"

Belinda quietly says, "Like a 46 HH I think, or pretty close to that a little bigger than 42 FF huh like about 4 inches and four cup sizes you know your baby doll has got one huge pair huh" she grins.

I exclaim, "You're right about that my love!"

Belinda says, "See I told you my muscles would get big fast if I started lifting and stuff this is only after four months! Only you said you wanted me to do this for two years like the way I got you back up to 225 lbs. So you really want me to keep on working out lifting for another year or two baby?"

I quickly reply, "Sure do Belinda go for it I love you with all this muscle!"

Belinda nods yes before saying, "Okay lover if big muscles turn you on like I know they do! I'm going to blow your mind in another eight months because you haven't seen nothing yet it'll make one full year of me lifting weights and stuff keep in mind this is only after four months!" she does a double bicep pose for me giving me an eye full of her 19" guns to make her point before changing poses to show off her thick triceps and powerful legs totally ripped with bulging muscle.

Belinda exclaims, "I'll be so much bigger in eight months you're going to look tiny in compared to me! Why baby just wait you'll see I hope you don't mind me being way bigger than you! Because in eight months my arms are going to be so much bigger than yours you're going to freak! Then I'm going to arm wrestle you again my arms are going to be so huge and powerful you'll be trying to get out of arm wrestling to avoid getting humiliated by my huge girl muscles totally dominating your puny man muscles I can't wait to see the look on your face."

My smug reply, "Oh really you think so Belinda I don't think so but you go for it anyway we'll find out in eight months okay but I already know I'll win just like last time!"

Belinda angered by my reply growls, "Just you wait mister man you'll see I'm so going to kick your ass arm wrestling in eight months I don't want to hear no excuses when you lose either!"

Well, it's been almost six months now OMFG! Belinda wasn't kidding about getting bigger fast! Her muscles have just kept growing bigger and bigger it almost seems like she's grown a little bit more every week wow she has built up her muscles packing on an incredible amount of muscle mass making her ripped body beyond huge! When I ask her if I can measure her arms?

Belinda laughs saying, "You have to wait to do that baby don't want you to go ruin the surprise when you see the difference in size after eight months! You'll see just how big I've grown you'll be able to imagine just how huge working out for two years will make them after you see what a year's worth of pumping iron does for my muscular size I'm betting you can't wait huh" wink.

I know she gained a bunch of weight! She won't let me weigh her or tell me how much she weighs just that she has a few pounds on me now. We have incredible sex every night she fucks me now until I can barely even move riding me for hours at a time making sure I see how much her giant jugs have grown flexing her arms to show how huge her biceps are getting to be!

I told her, "We should go shopping and buy her some new clothes that fit her so she has something to wear besides her sweats and bikini."

She says, "My sweats are okay for now I'll let you buy me new stuff when it's been one year because until then I'll be a different size every couple of weeks till then okay." Her sweats have been reduced to shorts and a sleeveless half-shirt on top as her arms have grown so big and muscular they ripped her sleeves to shreds same thing happened to the pants legs of her sweat pants her huge quads ripping them apart admittedly she does look hot in them but I know she must weigh over 250 lbs. now she's getting really huge!

I started going to the gym six months ago and figured I needed to keep up so I really started pumping the iron but try hard as I could I just got more cut and my arms only grew about a half inch bigger making my biceps 14" when I flex next to her they seem pretty small. Damn, it will be a Year in two weeks she can't possibly grow more muscular size in two weeks, can she? OMG! She's making me feel puny already I don't even know her measurements yet! I guess I'll find out in two weeks just have to wait!

The day finally has arrived I get to weigh and measure her today. Belinda's still at the gym getting a good pump before she lets me see just how huge her muscles have become she says she's going to really give me a show tonight by flexing in different poses she's learned to show off her muscle size best for me before letting me measure her in each pose so I measure them fully flexed to their new enormous sizes I have to admit I'm excited about it getting turned on more and more thinking about her huge muscular body seeing her flex her big bulging muscles for the first time after her building them up so much bigger!

"I was skinny eight months ago compared to what I look like now." She has made her body more muscular than it's ever been in her life and to her surprise she likes her new muscular body and enormous breasts worried I wouldn't like her like that only to find out how very much it turns me on! Not even her arms being inches bigger than mine mattered a bit, besides when we arm wrestled I won and I love her new rippling muscles! So now she's been lifting every day for eight months since she first got all ripped with muscle six pack abs 19" arms weighing the same as me 225 lbs. She'll be home soon I can't wait to find out just how much bigger her muscles have become!

I know she has put on weight and outweighs me now by how much we'll see when she gets home as to how big her arms are now I don't know what the measure couldn't say but I can say they look pretty huge bulging out every time she bends her arms the tiniest bit her shoulders have grown thick and wide to match her now broad muscular back her deltoids now the size of cannon balls, her traps thick slabs framing her thickly muscled neck her long graying blond hair hanging over them and down her broad V back to her tiny narrow waist I can't wait till she gets home so I can feel her huge bulging biceps with my fingers run my hands all over her huge rippling body her tits must be bigger than basketballs now I swear! God, what's taking her so long to get here oh I think I hear now My God Belinda what took you so long?

Belinda says, "God I'm sorry Doug didn't mean to make you have to wait so long do you forgive me I just had to stop by the Fredrick's of Hollywood on the way home so I could pick up something special to wear for you when I show you the results of all the working out I've been doing these last eight months I wanted to build my muscles up as big as I could for my man your Belinda has put on pounds of hard muscle all for you my love you have never seen a woman with muscles as huge as mine why compared to how I was eight months ago, oh never mind let me show you how huge my muscles are now lover!"

I can't wait to blurt out, "OMG please show me those massive muscles come here flex those massive muscles I want to see and feel them please baby!"

Belinda purrs, "Okay just a second let me put this outfit on first okay? Almost got it on squeezing it over my boobs oh my they are way bigger this new outfit is stretched as far as it... oh god snap this together it's on here I come" She struts into the kitchen where I'm waiting sitting by the kitchen table my jaw drops at the sight of her huge massively muscled body wearing a skin-tight one-piece stretched so thin over her muscular pussy it's parting her pussy lips as it is pulled between them with the top of the thong splitting into two long thin straps framing her bulging eight pack before going around her enormous boobs squeezing them tightly together making almost two foot of cleavage!

"Wow!" I gasp just as she decides to do an incredible double biceps pose flexing her massive softball-sized biceps making them bulge up until they split a half baseball-sized cap coming to a peak a thick rope of vain snakes over it and across her thick meaty arm as she flexes it pumping her arms several times making them swell even bigger!

Belinda asks, "What do you think lover pretty big huh oh no too small give me a moment mommy fix" She giggles pumping her arms making them swell bigger still!

Belinda said, "Measure them now my love, then tell me if you think they're huge"

Stunned at the size of them I pull myself together quickly measuring her right flexed bicep.

I exclaim stunned, "OMFG! 27" Your biceps are HUGE!"

Belinda coos, "Do you really think so you aren't just saying it to make me feel good?"

I blurt out excitedly, "Oh God no your arms are massive! My God your amazing Belinda when you said your muscles would get big fast if you worked out lifting weights I had no idea my God Belinda just look how muscular you've become God your muscles are so huge and rock hard too OMG! You've grown so huge it's incredible, can I just feel your bicep as you flex baby?"

Belinda purrs, "Of course, you can feel anything you like a lover I built these huge muscles for you..." bending down so her right arm is right in front of me she slowly flexes her arm urging me to feel it as she does, "go on feel use both hands lover squeeze hard as you can!"

Both my hands can't even reach all the way around it when she's relaxed as she flexes her huge bulging bicep forces my hand open as it swells my other hand barely can hold all of her giant meaty triceps I'm fascinated by how soft her skin is as it's stretched over such hard rippling muscle as she flexes for me.

Belinda asks, "Do you like how big my arms are now?"

Still running my fingers over her massive biceps I answer softly, "Oh I love them so big so powerful too!" I kiss her bicep without thinking I kiss it again admiringly she brings me back from my trance.

Belinda coos, "Oh my goodness lover you do like my big huge muscled arms don't you kiss my bicep like that God you made me wet when you did that sexy man. I haven't even shown you how much bigger my abs have grown or how big my glutes are now my ass is a serious bubble butt but that is nothing compared to how muscular my back is now here look..." She turns her back to me bending over at her waist and giving me an eye full of her big round tight ass which I can't help but kiss as I run my finger between her legs rubbing it along her pussy slit wet spandex covering it growing wetter from my touch!

Belinda moans softly, "Oh you bad boy you better stop that before you make me forget what we're doing you!" standing up straight with her broad muscular back to me.

Belinda says, "Check this out lover!" as she puts her arms behind her back grabbing hold of her wrist with her left hand she flexes her back her Lats thick as planks as she brings her arms in front of her making them form a huge V thick shoulders begin to bulge and ripple swelling almost as wide as the door making her waist look tiny as she turns to face me again.

Belinda asks, "Measure my waist and hips please baby"

I do as asked waist 34" hips 44" mostly from her muscular ass before I can say anything she grabs hold of her new outfit where it is covering her wet pussy and rips it off tossing it across the room her enormous basketball-sized tits bounce up and down jiggling uncontrolled as they are freed!

Belinda says, "God I'm glad that thing is off was cutting me in half I look better like this don't you think?"

My reply, "Yes you do!"

Belinda says, "Hey watch this" flexing her Pecs left then right making her huge boobs dance making me laugh out loud and making her smile with delight. She is wearing her hi-heels which make about 6'5" so when I stand up to give her a hug and kiss I am really hit with just how huge she'd become not only do I have to look up at her but when I try to hug her my much smaller arms can't reach all the way around her huge chest I have to lower my hug to around her amazingly small waist my face buried in the cleavage between her enormous tits each breast almost three times the size of my head she busts out laughing uncontrollably as she looks down at my head buried between her tits wrapping her huge muscular arms around me lifting my whole body off the floor as she hugs me tight squeezing the breath out of me as she does I feel like a skinny teenager with her huge arms crushing me! Her shoulders have grown much broader than mine too realizing that I can't breathe she stops laughing and releases me from her crushing bear hug sitting me back on my own two feet still holding gently under my armpits to steady me looking at me concerned!

Belinda still concerned quietly asks, "Oh my goodness baby I didn't realize I'd hugged you so tight I'm so sorry baby!"

I reply, "Oh no worries Belinda my love you just surprised me and kind of squeezed the breath right out of me with those big strong arms God you're strong and picked me off the ground like I was a little kid God you're so much bigger now how much do you weigh now honey?"

Belinda replies, "Guess what? You can pick me up if that will help you guess my weight okay."

My reply was, "Well alright let me see" I wrapped my arms around her waist and started to lift her off the floor making her giggle as I did lifting her a foot or so off the floor for about a minute before sitting her down.

Belinda asks, "Well go on what's your guess?"

I say, "Like around 275 lbs. or so am I close?"

Belinda says, "Pretty damn good guess you were off by five pounds I'm 280 lbs. I outweigh you by 55 lbs. Now what do you think about that skinny man guess I am a lot bigger than you now huh strip naked so we can compare"

I say, "Oh sure Belinda..." I quickly take off my clothes standing naked in front of her.

Belinda asks, "Flex your bicep for me lover let me see how big it is!"

I say, "Oh sure baby how's this?" I flex my right arm as big as I can for her she gives it a squeeze.

Belinda says, "Very nice let me measure it"

I say, "Sure" she measures.

Belinda coos proudly, "Oh my it's bigger now 14" grew a whole half inch in the last eight months bet you I can win arm wrestling now what do you think my arm is way bigger than yours now but it was bigger last time and you said bigger isn't stronger before we arm wrestled last time you beat me too even though my arm was bigger! I want a rematch since my arm is so much bigger than yours is now I know I can beat you easily! I bet you can't even give me as good a match as I gave you before I win bet you can't hold me off a full 5 minutes like I did you! What do you think mister man?"

I blurt out without thinking my manly pride overloading my ass with my mouth saying, "I can hold you off for 5 minutes I can beat you!"

Belinda purrs, "Okay then let's just find out let's arm wrestle but I should remind you that my arm is 13" bigger than yours now that's 27" compared to your 14" you can still back out if you want to."

I tell her, "Hell no!" as I put my arm on the table waiting for her to put hers on the table across from mine...

Trying to act confident I say, "So go take a hold of my hand girl let's do this you can say go too!" taking my hand and getting a grip she sits her massive arm on the table across from mine I see just how tiny my arm looks in comparison.

Belinda acts surprised saying, "Oh my goodness Doug your arm looks so small next to mine you better say go okay? I want to at least give you a fighting chance."

Belinda giggles "Whenever you're ready Doug just say go."

I say, "Oh okay go!" taking her completely by surprise throwing everything I got onto my arm pushing against hers only hers doesn't even move at all.

Belinda says, "Oh you little sneak you totally surprised me but you're going to need to push a lot harder than that if you want to win go on you not even trying yet." she fakes a yawn without even the slightest bit of strain showing on her face while I'm starting to sweat my arm shaking from the effort.

Belinda says, "Oh well here let me make this more of a challenge for me" She lets me push her arm almost all the way down just an inch from the table.

Belinda purrs, "You almost got me Doug you can use both hands if you want Doug. You're going to need to if you want to hold me off for a full 5 minutes you only have 3 minutes to go." putting all my strength on top of her hand trying to push it down or at least last 3 more minutes. Before another minute passes Belinda pushes both my arms over with one arm elbow still on the table as she pushes my arms down pinning them both to the table with just her right hand!

Belinda said, "I win you're pinned mister!" holding my arms down on the table with one hand try as I might I couldn't get free of her huge powerful arm holding them down!

Belinda giggles as she tells me, "Nope I got you now! I'm going to hold you down like this until you tell me what I want to hear how about that?"

I ask, "What do you want to hear? Belinda, tell me what to say. I'll say it you win my huge sexy Amazon Goddess!"

Belinda purred, "That works" staring at my huge erection!

Belinda asked, "Is that for me my goodness just look at the size of your cock!" her attention made me swell even bigger my cock growing as thick as a beer can over nine inches long!

Belinda purrs, "God you are making me so wet Doug God you are so sexy my man just looking at your body, that huge cock! Oh God!" moaning as she fingers her juicy hot pussy clit swollen so big it stands out from between her pussy lips as she fingers herself harder pinching her hard nipple!

Belinda moans, "Oh God I want you to FUCK me right now stretch my tight pussy with your big thick cock lover! God, I'm so horny Doug just look what you've done to me Douglas my love. See how big you've made my muscles they feel so big and hard I can feel them swelling larger as my hands slide over them. Oh God, I feel so strong now! I've never felt like this before OMFG! I'm just so fucking much stronger now! I'm going to just pick your sexy body up in one arm and carry you to our bedroom so I can fuck you all night long with this huge muscular body you asked me to build for you these huge muscles are all for you!" holding me cradled in her massive right arm carrying me to our bedroom holding my face up to her face kissing me deeply her tongue wrestling mine making me moan my hand reaching down between her legs rubbing her clit as fast and hard as I can.

Belinda growls, "Oh God you're going to make me cum lover!" suddenly her whole body seems to contract before flexing all over at once swelling her huge muscles bigger than they'd been up till now with a groan and a growl she grabs hold of my legs putting one leg over each shoulder with me sitting on her enormous breasts as she starts to suck my cock as she walks into our bedroom my body bouncing up and down on her tits taking my throbbing cock out of her mouth kissing the head licking it gripping it hard right as I'm about to cum choking it so my load just builds up! I beg her to let me cum I squeeze my thighs tight around her thick neck pulling my ass off her tits just as she releases her grip on my pulsing cock allowing me to trust it in her face as I wrap my arms around her head smashing her face up against my stomach her mouth open as she licks my throbbing shaft I blast my spunk all over her face filling her mouth with cum gagging her from the huge amount that I blast out over and over again my cum runs down her chin and neck drenching her filling the vast valley of cleavage as my body bucks against her face and neck I make her stagger a couple of steps while tries to pull me off her hands gripping my right shoulder and left knee she over powers my hold until she now holds my body out horizontal at arm's length with powerful bulging muscles she holds me aloft my body even with her shoulders as if I was laying sideways on the bed my Belinda holds me effortless mindless of me as she stares down at her cum soaked cleavage licking her lips eyes glazed over taking deep breaths her huge chest swelling with each breath sweat slick muscles ripple across her magnificent body every thick cord of muscle bunching into mounds of engorged rippling vascular muscle my cock already growing hard again I grab hold of it so horny and turned on at the sight of my muscle goddess so pumped from her orgasm! Her arms are swollen to unbelievable size pumping my cock jacking myself off swelling my cock up harder and harder growing so fat my fingers don't go all the way around it as I gaze at her massive muscles!

I exclaim, "OMFG!" she is the most muscular woman I've ever seen so huge is my Belinda! Not many men could compare to her muscular size most male bodybuilders don't have arms as huge as hers! God I'd love to measure them right now! God, they're so fucking big I think to me stroking my dick faster a little pre cum forms from my thinking about it OMG! I run my hands over her arm reaching so my hands have hold of either side of her enormous upper arm so much bigger now feeling it in my hands I can tell by the thick slabs of meaty pulsing muscle her arm is bigger than it was when she flexed it for me to measure only a short while ago wow!

I say, "Belinda my love OMFG you're so ripped!" as I message her bulging bicep kneading it with my fingers only making the tiniest dents in it.

Belinda lets out a soft growl before saying in a voice like smoked glass, "Never made you cum like that before yummy! You going fuck me with that monster cock you better say yes she purrs."

I moaned saying, "OMG please let me fuck that dripping hot pussy my love just put me down on the bed so I can! Almost impossible to fuck you hanging up here like this you know?"

Belinda surprised purrs, "Oh my goodness how long have I been holding you up like this with my arms straight out why are you so light I barely noticed here let me do a few curls with you before I put you down need to loosen up my arms they feel so swollen I can hardly bend them." Sitting me gently on the bed then stretches a bit as she rubs cum all over her boobs before straddling me on the bed her pussy juices dripping all over my cock as she slowly lowers herself down on top of my cock her tight pussy slipping over my hard cock until I fill her completely the head of my cock touching her cervix!

I beg, "Oh Belinda take it all please."

Belinda shocked asks, "Oh my how much more is there you filled my pussy already!"

I tell her, "But you only took half of it I got another four inches for you baby!"

Belinda purrs, "Ah well, in that case, we'll just have to stretch my pussy until it fits won't we!" she lifts up slowly then slams her tight pussy down on my cock with such force I wince she starts doing this faster, and faster I moan in ecstasy as she forces more and more of my huge hard cock into her pussy until she takes it all! "There now it fits!" she growls as she starts to grind on it going faster and faster milking my cock as she does making me cum so many times I'd blacked out she'd fucked me for over an hour straight riding me until I couldn't even move just lay there with her still going on top of me until she screams with pleasure in an orgasm so hard for almost 15 minutes before collapsing on top of me her huge body to spasm over and over for hours with aftershocks! I wake up with her huge sweat-covered body on top of mine powerful swollen muscles bulge with her every breath her huge swollen breasts pushing hard nipples into my chest her thick quads still straddle me with my semi-hard cock still inside her tight wet pussy. Her face nuzzles my neck her thick muscular arms entwined above our heads I can't help but run my hands all over her bulging muscles grown so incredibly huge being engorged with blood from her orgasms fucking for almost 4 hours non-stop! I almost wish I could measure her incredible size as I start to grow hard at the thought and begin to fuck her slowly waking her from her sleep with a growl as she starts grinding on me all over again before rolling us over so I'm on top her strong hands gripping my ass as she forces me into her throbbing pussy deeper and deeper! Until we both cum together in a flood!

Belinda gasping says, "God I can hardly bend my arms they're so fucking pumped my whole body feels so swollen God baby my muscles feel enormous are they bigger than before?"

Gazing down at her pumped body beneath me I gasp, "OMFG yes they do where is that tape I got to measure you now" Finding the tape I rush back to the bed where she is sitting.

I tell her, "Okay go on Belinda try to bend your right arm flex so I can measure."

Belinda replies, "I'll try but they're so tight I don't know if I can but here goes this is the best I can do" With great effort she finally gets her right arm flexed almost all the way!

My eyes go wide at the sight of her giant biceps! Snapping me out of my stunned stare!

Belinda asks, "Please hurry up measure I can't keep my arm bent like this much longer!"

I say, "Oh sorry I wrapped the tape around her bicep OMFG 29" your arm is 2" bigger than it was last night wow talk about pumped!"

Belinda says, "No wonder I can hardly bend my arms I hope you're proud of yourself just look how huge my muscles are now! My upper arms are bigger than your thighs what do you think about that my lover man!"

All I can say, "Is wow!"

Belinda gets up off the bed standing facing me her huge arms unable to hang against her sides from her massive biceps pushing them out.

Belinda groans, "God I need a shower to loosen up you going to join me so you can wash my back and front well you figure it out giggle."

Well, Belinda wasted no time over the last year! Let me tell you I thought her muscular strength and size were huge already with her 29-inch upper arms and 34-inch thighs making her 290 pounds of ripped female muscle! How could her giant 46KK breasts get any bigger?

Belinda showed me just how wrong I was in the first three months gaining muscle mass and size so quickly that her biceps had stretch marks. By hitting the weights lifting six hours a day fucking me four hours or more a night!

I asked, "Can I measure you in three months?"

Belinda said, "I'll let you measure and weigh me after six months! Okey! Dokey! Pokey!" grinned at me as she did a quick double bicep pose that blew my mind her biceps and triceps looked heaps bigger! Even covered by the huge baggy sweatshirt she wore.

I had a pretty good idea how huge she must be getting because I grabbed her sweatshirt and put it on by mistake my hands didn't come out the end of the sleeves the bottom hung past my knees! When Belinda saw me with it on she burst out laughing!

After she stopped laughing she said, "Hey take off my shirt you'll stretch it all out!" giggling as she grabbed hold of it at the shoulders and pulled the neck down over my shoulders all the way to the floor saying, "Just step out of my shirt now please I need to wear it thank you." After I stepped out of it she picked it up and shook it out like a blanket before pulling it on over her head having to work her massive arms into the sleeves working the bottom of it over her giant jugs just covering her belly button as she tugged at the neck because it was choking her until she just ripped it into a v neck. She didn't just make me feel smaller she made my 248 lb. body look like an anorexic teenager compared to hers!

I knew there was no way I was going to keep up with her muscle growth! So since my gains in muscle size and weight were as good as they'd get. I decided to work on making my cock bigger and started doing exercises to make it bigger fatter and longer!

Belinda got tired of all the attention comments and rude remarks about her juicing to get her huge muscular size and growth. She absolutely didn't do even going so far as to let a doctor examine her at the gym and test her by taking blood and urine to test for any steroids or drugs of any kind after all the tests the Doctor found her to be 100% natural simply a person with a rare ability to build muscle size quickly. Even that did not stop the ignorant comments. All of it was distracting her from her workouts so she asked me to build her a gym at home I did gladly with 3000 pounds of free weights and a bench press even a Universal Machine. It just meant I got to watch her lift!

Belinda was so into her work-out doing dumbbell curls with one hundred pounds with each arm doing set after set in perfect form starting her 12th set her body drenched in sweat the fabric of her sweatshirt stretched so tightly it was almost transparent the seams already popping from the stress of her huge vascular biceps bulging bigger with each curl a vein thick as my finger pushes out visible through the sweat-soaked fabric as it snakes its way across her gargantuan bicep as it peaks and splits! Suddenly her sleeves can't contain the mountain of muscle that is Belinda's bulging arms. A loud ripping sound as the seams burst joined by a tearing sound from the fabric as it too simply bursts into pieces falling like party ribbons to the floor. Letting out a growl as she does three more reps dropping the hundred-pound dumb bells to the floor with a loud clank!

My eyes are wide as saucers as I stare at the mountain of muscle that is my wife! I'm sweating as much as her my huge hard cock is hanging out of the leg of my shorts. I moan "FUCK ME..."

Belinda sees me staring at her smiling at my comment says, "Doug how long have you been watching me?"

I stammer out, "Um ah..I don't know. Wow, Belinda your arms...Wow! Can I touch them?"

Belinda teases, "Oh these little things.... Boy, howdy I can't say that with a straight face, are my arms HUGE or WHAT Yes you can touch them squeeze them even measure them if you want. But only if I can touch that monster hanging between your legs!"

Belinda smiles, "As to what you said yes I'd love to FUCK YOU!" tearing what's left of her sweatshirt off ripping her sweat pants off grinning she asks, "Is this better lover you wanted me to pose for you let you see how much bigger my muscles have grown those sweats were in the way huh nude is how to view this body!" her huge muscles glistening with sweat.

Belinda says, "Come here I thought you wanted to feel them...lover."

Doing a double bicep pose that almost makes me faint! I snap out of my trans and almost jump the six feet between us crashing into her as I trip over a dumbbell making me bury my face in her cleavage. The weight of my impact doesn't even move her body! She laughs as she catches me under my arms picking me off the floor like a little boy.

Belinda teases, "Hey have you lost weight, Doug?"

Doug snaps, "No I've gained weight I'm 255 lbs. now!"

Belinda holds me at arm's length moving me up and down still off the floor saying, "Funny you don't feel that heavy must be me LOL how much do you think I weigh now go on pick me up then guess!".

Doug hugs her around the waist and with some effort lifts Belinda off the floor, "God dang you're heavy!"

Belinda asks, "Well how much do you think I weigh now I've gained a bunch of weight over the last few months so guess!"

Doug replies, "Let me think like 350 lbs. or more?"

Belinda says with a giggle, "Doug my love you are not even close you said you weigh 255 lbs. Lover I got a lot more than 90 lbs. On you you're so cute I got 147 lbs. on you!" wink.

Doug blurts out, "OMFG baby doll you weigh 402 lbs. Wow!"

Belinda says with a grin, "Yuppers 402 lbs. of girl's muscle all for you!" she starts doing poses first another double bicep pose. Then posing to show off her Triceps a huge thick slab of horse shoe shaped meaty muscle!

Belinda tells me, "Go on lover squeeze my flexed bicep as hard as you can!" I squeeze as hard as I can! Not so much as a tiny dent can I make using both hands my hands can barely cup the peak of her bicep my other doesn't begin to cover her huge horseshoe slab of triceps!

Belinda teases saying, "Oh go on baby I can barely feel that, squeeze harder!"

I triple my efforts!

Belinda yelps, "Ouch don't hurt me LOL!" flexing her bicep making my hand pop off as it expands larger.

Belinda asks, "Why don't you measure when I flex my bicep bet mine is heaps bigger than yours now! I bet mine is the biggest you ever measured I'm interested to know how big it is I never measured you'll be the first to do it!" I wrap the tape around her incredibly massive bicep reading the measurement.
Belinda asks, "Well how big did it measure?"

Doug gasps, "Sweet Jesus it measures 31 inches Baby Doll OMG that is as big as the men's world record I think!"

Belinda says, "Wait that can't be right you better measure me again!" Pumping her arm with a hundred lb. dumbbell a bunch of times!

Doug measures again stunned speechless by what he sees on the tape!

Belinda almost shouts, "Was it bigger?"

Doug answers, "OMFG it sure was 34 inches 2 inches bigger than the men's world record! Belinda, you have the biggest biceps in the world HOLLY FUCK!"

Belinda lets out a yip, "I knew it, I knew mine were the biggest in the world, yes they're going to get MUCH BIGGER too!" She flexed her world-record bicep for me.

Belinda asks, "Oh by the way wanna arm wrestle me now my big strong man hmmmm how about it I see your arm is a lot bigger now than it was last time we arm wrestled go on my strong man flex for me so I can measure that man muscle." I flex for her with a very serious face she measures my bicep.

Belinda said, "Oh my goodness 18 inches of male muscle we have to arm wrestle now for sure, like you said men's muscles are stronger doesn't matter if a girl is bigger."

Doug meekly says, "Okay if you're serious I'm game but 16 inches is an awful lot bigger ya think?"

Belinda grins as she says, "Oh but that's 16 inches of girl's muscle all of my huge size is show lover all 34 inches isn't a match for 18 inches of hard man muscle come on please arm wrestle me lover please!"

Doug answers in a whisper, "Okay I'll do it Baby Doll I'll arm wrestle you can I ask you something first."

Belinda answers saying, "Sure ask away lover."

I ask, "What's the most weight you can curl with one arm?"

Belinda ponders a moment before saying, "Um let me think like 250 lbs. I think does that tell you what you wanted to know?"

Doug gulps saying, "Yup told me just what I wanted to know thanks Baby Doll."

Belinda tells me, "Let me go put on some clothes first Doug before we arm wrestle okay I don't want you distracted by the twins I know how you love to look at them lol! I'll be a minute okay?" watching her sweet ass swing and sway as she struts down the hall to our bedroom to put something on to cover her giant beach ball boobs she rummages our dresser drawers until she finds a shirt an old favorite of hers a sweatshirt that was always way too big for her a size 6X with Giants blazed across the front before pulling it on she finds a pair of shorts that she was too fat to wear last time she had tried to wear them over a year ago. Here goes pulling the shorts on having to stop at her massive thighs ripping the sides to fit over her thighs pulling them up amazed she can button them up they used to be mid-thigh now they fit like Daisy Duke's skin tight and very sexy now to put on this shirt I bet it isn't too big now pulling it over her head she finds her muscular arms too big to squeeze into the sleeves try as she might no way to force her huge bulging muscular arms into the stretched out sleeves finally the seams just gave out tearing out several inches on either side too as she pulled down the top trying to stretch it over the twins it was only just big enough to fit over the top half of her tits the bottoms of her nipples showed the front didn't say Giants it read nothing only a stretched out I, a, n is visible!

Belinda laughing walks back into the kitchen sitting down across from Doug, "You like my outfit you ready to arm wrestle mister?"

Doug replies, "Ready as I am going to get you know that top isn't helping me stop looking at those big juicy breasts did you want me to say go?"

Belinda smiles saying, "Yes please lover"

Doug counts down before saying, "Ready set go!" he throws all his strength into their match to no avail she beats him effortlessly.

Doug asks, "Okay Baby Doll I want to go to a biker bar and introduce them to my Baby Doll's huge muscles how about it Baby Doll please I want you to arm wrestle any man there so I can bet on you!"

Belinda pleasantly surprised asks, "You really want to go to a biker bar to arm wrestle against any man there so you can bet on me alright maybe what will you do for me if I do?"

Doug says, "Stand up and bend over Baby Doll I'll show you! Oh, take off those shorts too please!"

Belinda asks, "Why oh alright like this?" bending over and ripping her shorts off her bare ass looking so good!

Doug starts spanking her ass with his huge cock growing harder with each slap he forces his thick cock into her wet pussy making her moan and grabbing her hips.

Doug says, "Now just let me pull you over as we fall backwards when my ass hits the floor your pussy should be OMFG YES!"

Belinda screams as my huge hard cock fills her instantly! Belinda goes wild grinding on my thick hard member for almost 45 minutes before flooding her love juices all over me when she orgasms!

Doug finally asks, "Does a promise of heaps more of my big thick cock interest you watching those huge muscles swell when they get pumped up has some effect on my cock know what seeing your muscles swelling does to it."

Belinda ponders over the information I'd just pointed out after a long silence she nods her head yes saying in a sultry voice, "Let's do it you have opened my eyes to all the fun we can have getting paid to what can I wear to hide these giant girl guns don't want to intimidate the boys before I can even get some to arm wrestle me you tell me what to wear."

Doug smiles knowingly saying, "You can start by putting on your blue bikini I have an old football jersey that belonged to my brother he wore it over his pads when he played for the Lions it will be perfect should even be big for you say Williams across the shoulders with the number 69 on the front and back you still have those over-all jean shorts I saw them in the closet so get dressed I'll bring you that jersey move that sweet muscular ass get ready!" running to the closet to fetch the huge football jersey which when he pulls it out of the box it was kept in and shakes it out to see how it looks it's even bigger than he remembered e-fucking-normus size rather pleased with himself he tosses it to her.

Belinda is taken completely by surprise when the huge jersey covers her like a blanket already having put on her bikini she tries to pull the jersey on finding to her surprise it slips on with ease even the sleeves fit loose going over the twins with no problem the bottom of it going well past her waist almost covering her ass! I'd already found her old overall shorts tossing them to her as well only putting them on was hard work getting them over her massive thighs the outside seams ripped halfway up but the waist buttoned no problem was even a little big her waist was a 36 back then it was 34 now her smallest measurement she has now lol!

Belinda stands in front of the closet door mirror looking herself up and down front and back before saying, "My outfit looks cute don't you agree put on my four-inch heels do my hair touch of make-up and I'm ready!" only place her top fit tight at all was across her nipples being so hard they just poked out through the jersey.

Doug says, "I'm ready let's go." Wearing my cowboy boots jeans black thermal with a dragon printed on it black leather jacket to finish my look.

Belinda whispers, "Don't you look sexy my Douglas!" slapping my ass as we walk to our Yukon.

I ask, "You excited Baby Doll I am I can't wait to see the faces after you make those big tough bikers feel puny when they compare their muscle size to yours OMFG this is going to be great!"

Belinda purrs, "I do have to admit the thought of it is making me wet for you didn't mention this was a strip club!" squeezing my thigh as we pull into the parking lot of The Crazy Horse Saloon Strip Club.

I say, "Must have slipped my mind." winking at her.

Belinda purrs, "I can see how that could happen to look over by the pool tables an open table grab a couple of chairs for us I'll go get us a picture of beer and a couple of shots of gold okay?" with her long blond hair huge tits and bigger than life body she is quickly waited on at the bar along with several offers to buy her a beer shot whatever she ignores them while paying for our drinks grabbing our Picture glasses and shots she struts over to our table turning every head at the bar as she struts past bikers yell compliments both rude and nice I hear one Biker yell a lady like that could fuck a man to death but what way to go!

It's not long before they start coming over to our table trying to hit on her and ask her to play pool or if we'd like to play doubles against him and his old lady just for fun playing for drinks how about it balls are already racked lag for break we agree I find us a cue walk over to the table he hands me the cue ball I ask, "Closest to the rail breaks right didn't catch your name?"

He says, "Name's Joker my old lady goes by Janice bitch whatever your lady got a name got to tell you man you got one huge blond she's a big girl lol!"

I tell Joker, "My wife's name is Belinda I'm Doug thank you for telling us how big and blond she is never noticed before don't tell but I think she has huge tits too." Elbowing him knowingly as I place the cue ball shooting my lag for a break cue ball comes to rest right up against the rail.

Joker has to look twice before saying, "Hell go on and break never seen nobody lag that good dang!"

I smile at him as I break knocking in a solid and three stripes calling the pocket before shooting in a stripe calling each as I clear the table leaving just the eight ball looking at Belinda I ask, "Honey it would be rude of me to shoot the eight in the corner I should give our new friends a chance don't you think Joker you tell me which pocket I have to put the eight in that cool with you?"

Joker gets all butt hurt saying, "You think your hot shit asshole alright Fats seeing as how the eight is dead against the rail about to drop in that corner let's see you put it in the far corner same side all the way up the rail no way is a scratch shot if you make it ha!"

I say to the room, "Twenty says you wrong Choker ha ha."

Joker red faced yells, "I'll take that bet easy..." his words are cut short as I walk over give Belinda a deep wet kiss turn around take two steps to the pool table and casually shoot the eight in with a perfect masse' sweeping Joker's twenty off the table in the same motion.

Belinda yells, "Kicked his Joke ass! Baby wonder if he rides his bike here to get schooled LOL!" the whole bar bust's out laughing at Belinda's joke at Joker's expense making him so mad he breaks his cue stick.

Joker yells, "All of you fuck off nobody talks shit to Joker I'm a fucking Hell's Angel I don't care how fucking big that Cunt is if you don't want the both of you in the ER you better hope I like the way she sucks dick if I don't you're both dead!" the bar suddenly got quiet as Hell's Angels started to surround our table I'd sat down next to my wife did a shot poured myself another beer drained it poured another.

Belinda says, "Relax Baby I got this I guess Choker Joker whatever his stupid dick name is oh sorry I meant nick name is such a loser the only way he'll ever get head is from his cell mate next time he's in the joint or if a bunch of Hell's Angels back his punk ass so he can try to scare the tall blond who insulted his pride to blow him not happening boys the cock I'm sucking is my old man's with that said how's this sound if limp dick Joker here can pull me off this chair force me on my knees without all you boys helping shit I bet fifty bucks he can't find his dick without one of you helping oh you guys use prospects to do that I watched Sons of Asshole on cable oh please that was funny never mind I'll sweeten the deal Joker just pulls me off this chair pushes me to my knees by his lonesome I will not only suck every one of you off I'll fuck the Jesus out of every man in here using this" standing up with her long muscular legs spread wide that big perfect ass half bared as she reaches her hands back grabbing her ass cheeks pulling them apart giving The Angels an eyeful of her swollen wet pussy before sitting back down on her chair than as an afterthought she pulls up the front of her shirt showing off her giant tits still barely covered by her bikini top she pulls it back down.

Hell's Angels drooling all say, "Do it Joker pull that big fucking blond off that chair force her on her knees she fucks us all willingly fuck dude did you see that pussy any of you dudes ever see a rack that big OMFG Joker do it!" he tries to knock her off her chair by slamming into her only she doesn't move he just bounces off her falling down jumping up embarrassed he tries to grab hold of her wrist only he can't seem to lift it from the table where the hand attached to it was impatiently spreading her fingers checking her nails board. The guys watching just shook their heads as they turned away going back to what they were doing before Joker's outburst.

Belinda growled, "Little man you are getting on my last nerve be gone no better yet suck your own dick here let me help you!" grabbing him by the back of the neck forces him to his knees dislocating his spine as forces his head down until his mouth is pressed against his fly thinking silly girl he can't suck his dick with pants on so with the other hand Belinda grabs hold of his belt and waist of his pants ripping them violently off his body his mouth pressed to his naked privates.

Belinda growls softly in his ear, "You wanted your cock sucked go on suck it I want to hear you sucking that cock do it little man don't make me hurt you now do it!" whimpering as begins sucking his cock gagging a little as terrified he sucks his cock for all he's worth for fear of Belinda's wrath. No one even notices except for his old lady Janice who watches trying hard not to laugh out loud thinking guess you picked the wrong lady to try to scare who's scared now?

On the other side of the bar, a crowd had started to gather around the small stage that the topless dancers normally performed on which was now occupied by an announcer calling for entries for the wet t-shirt contest $500 first prize put up by the bar sign up at the bar $10 to enter only 12 entries now and thirty minutes left before sign-ups close before we start so come on ladies! All the men who saw Belinda flash her huge jugs immediately began to yell for Belinda to enter! Even going so far as to send a small number of their group to politely invite her to enter she would not have to pay the sign-up fee they had already paid for her no strings attached. They pleaded for her to say yes.

Belinda smiling wide asks me, "What do you think it's up to you they did ask so nice should I?"

I ponder it over for a moment saying, "Seeing they asked so nicely go for it Baby Doll I think it starts in like ten minutes hope they got a t-shirt to fit you lol!"

Belinda stands up slams a shot and her beer before announcing loud enough for all saying, "Lead me to the stage boys and make sure my Old man has a seat up front and I need a few shots of gold too after that you can give me my t-shirt and show me where I can change."

I am seated right next to the stage as she is guided to the back of the stage where two six-foot changing curtains have been put up for the ladies who have entered to change into their supplied t-shirts where all but a few have already changed and began to line up on stage with most of them seriously stretching out their t-shirts even so none came close to Belinda's huge breast size. Belinda towered over all the other contestants being at least 3-4" taller than the tallest the top of her head showed above the changing curtains only disappearing from view when she bent over to take off her Lion's jersey which after pulling it off she balled up in her hand as she stood up straight on her tip toes so she could see me to toss it to me to hold for her. As it went through the air towards me it unrolled covering the two guy's heads sitting next to me before I quickly pulled it off them and rolled it up putting it under my chair glad they didn't notice what it was. From behind the changing curtains, I hear a couple of the girls still changing with Belinda exclaiming loudly, "OMG you are a huge girl!"

Belinda stares at the t-shirt she is supposed to put on saying, "I know you girls think this is going to stretch enough guess we'll find out soon enough here goes!" beginning to try to pull the tiny t-shirt on over her giant breasts surprisingly since it was a spaghetti string top with no collar or sleeves to deal with it much to the amazement of all present stretched over her huge melons! The contestants who just witnessed this nothing short of a miracle stretch to fit are speechless!

All three of the contestants including Belinda stare in amazement at Belinda's t-shirt waiting for it to be given only to be brought back by the call for all contestants to get in line on stage with a reminder that nothing is to be worn underneath the t-shirt. Hearing this reminds Belinda she needs to take off her bikini top which she does by reaching between her tightly squeezed together breasts with her index finger and hooking the middle string of her bikini top ripping off and out from her tight cleavage to whip it around over her head before flinging it at me to catch in pleasant surprise. With the ladies all lined up on stage with Belinda last having not stepped up onto the stage yet is still the same height as those standing on the stage. The announcer starts to explain how the contest will be run the girls will be brought up on stage in groups of three sprayed down with water and dance to one song at the end you cheer and clap whatever for who of the three you liked best the winner of that will go behind the curtains to be joined by the winners of each next group of three we have 15 contestants that's five groups of three which means we will have five finalists so if we can have our first group on stage. After some pushing and shoving the stage is cleared with only the announcer and the first group of three made up of two buxom thirty some things wearing cut-offs and a blond twenty year old skinny with a pair of double D's that looked out of place on her stick figure the announcer asked each her name which were Terri, Tina and Gina who he hosed down with water after saying their name to the crowd and moving out of the way as they started to dance seeming to not finish soon enough so when they did the crowd quickly picked Tina because she Bev, Kim and Lynn who to help along with their wet t-shirts quickly stripped off their bottoms removing jeans as they danced until all each wore was a g string which only got their song cut short and the crowd taking no time to pick Kim a semi-muscular red head with huge porn star fake tits that still looked sexy for being fake because of the way her large nipples stood out though her wet t-shirt as soon as the crowd picked the next group jumped up on stage these three were also made up of girl that danced at the bar introduced as Mary, Nikki and Dee all blondes all surprisingly muscular going from fitness trainer to almost body builder muscle size all had extremely enhanced boobs making every one of them a full double F or better to go along with serious dance skills on stage making them a big favorite with the crowd so much so that the attention from the crowd yelling and cheering caused three of the six girl left quit deciding not to compete which left Belinda a very full figured auburn bobbed haired woman in her early forties named Karen and a tall brunette whose hair hung one length well past her shapely ass named Jasmine who all noticed the others leave just stepped closer to each other smiling while wondering if she needed to say something to the other while waiting this thinking was cut short by the finish of the group on stages song ending and the crowd being asked to vote the crowds cheers were so close a second vote was called than a third with the final vote deciding Mary the winner her being without question the most muscular of the three after picked as winner she did a double bicep pose for the crowd receiving loud cheers in response as she turned to exit the stage stopping in front of Belinda her breasts poking into Belinda's her flexed right arm still up in an effort to intimidate Belinda.

Belinda smiled at her group saying, "Ladies I'm not sure if she wanted me to compare her tits to mine or if she wants to arm wrestle me afterwards either way no contest shall we show them ladies how about it?"

Jasmine and Karen reply together, "Let's rock this place!"

The last three strut proudly out on stage Belinda First the crowd grows quiet at the sight of her the announcer looks up at her face from between her huge breasts speechless until he is snapped out of his trance by Belinda asking, "You going to soak us down so we can dance or what?" hearing this the girls are quickly sprayed with water until soaked saying their names after getting wet Karen Jasmine Belinda launch into dance.

Belinda's wet t-shirt is stretched so thin already it totally sees through once it got wet her saucer-sized nipples stood out from her giant beach ball-sized breasts like pink nose cones from the top of the Apollo 11 her thick nuggets standing out almost an inch thick as a pinky finger as she danced the wet t-shirt began to tear apart looking more like she wore a fishnet top as Belinda really let go dancing like she only did for me making the crowd go crazy when she dropped down to the floor in a full split with her feet held up above her head as she made her huge breasts dance right than left together than apart making them slap together clapping to the music even though this made her shirt rip completely apart leaving her topless even the other two girls in her group started clapping cheering her on! Without using her hands she pulled her wide-spread legs together until she was standing up bent over at the waist showing off her perfect ass reaching between her legs grabbing hold of the middle of her shorts where they covered her pussy ripping it out to give a full view of her swollen mound just covered by her bikini bottoms which were so wet and tight they painted her swollen pussy blue showing every bit of her hot swollen juicy mound the crowd was going insane throwing money at her begging to see more which Belinda being so aroused gladly showed them grabbing hold of the waist of her shorts and tearing them off her ass throwing the halves into the crowd leaving her standing center stage in just her bikini bottoms as the song ended! Screaming over the crowd the announcer said I think we know who the winner of this group is Belinda picked up the bigger bills the crowd tossed on stage before she strutted off the stage pausing in front of Mary thrusting her huge tits in Mary's face then slapping her aside with one giant full breast almost knocking her down making her stumble as she fought to keep her feet causing the crowd to laugh at Mary who looked up in time to see Belinda grin as she flexed her massive right arm for Mary's eyes only shocked by what she saw Belinda's arm was easily 4-5x the size of hers no way her eyes must be playing tricks that big woman's arm couldn't possibly be that big, could it?

The announcer got on stage waiting for the crowd to quiet down before saying, "Alright we have our four finalists after a short break give our finalists all new t-shirts to start fresh so when we bring them back out we can wet them down again all at the same time and have them all start dancing together on stage where I'll point to them as they dance if you want the girl I'm pointing at to sit down don't cheer or clap I'll do this until we have a winner since this is the final round we are going to let the ladies use the stripper pole if they want okay give us another ten minutes and we'll start. Having already handed out the new t-shirts all four finalists had put on their new t-shirts and were milling among their friends in the crowd Belinda strutted out from behind the curtain wearing her new stretched-out t-shirt string bikini bottoms hi-heels and a smile as she knocked the guy sitting next to me out of his chair so she could sit down saying, "How was that Doug did I show off the twins the way you wanted me too OMG you were right all those men cheering to see more of my body OMFG what a turn on! I am so fucking wet for you Doug after this is over we have to go outside and take a ride in the Yukon just feel!" taking my hand in hers she places my hand on her pussy squeezing my hand tightly against her steaming wet pussy so swollen its lips kiss my fingers before she releases my hand to get a quick feel of my hard throbbing cock a big smile on her face as a result of what she felt!

I tell her, "In answer to how I think you did showing off the twins the way I wanted you to OMFG you totally blew my mind the way you let go on stage dancing so sexy I know you gave every man in here a hard on and at least half blew their load in their pants it was like you were fucking us men all at once I've only seen you that turned on a few times and those were when it was only the two of us OMG I tell how wet it was making you all those men cheering wanting you begging to fuck you're hot sexy body just to touch those huge breasts kiss one of your huge hard nipples offering anything throwing fifty dollar bills at you OMG Belinda you're so fucking hot!"

Belinda asks, "Do you think I'll win?"

I blurt out, "You already won you make all the other contestants look like little girls in training bras compared to you the one with the biggest tits Mary isn't even close to having boobs as huge as the twins she couldn't even begin to fill one of your old tiny bras OMG you must be like five cups bigger not to mention yours are real breasts, not silicone like hers I can't wait for her to flex her muscles thinking how big they are until she does it standing next to you on stage Belinda and you strike a pose as you dance next to her those massive muscles of yours will make her look like twiggy compared to you OMG I can't wait!"

Our talk is cut short when the announcer calls for the finalists to join him on stage Belinda just stands up from her chair and using her long legs simply steps up onto the stage next to him as Mary struts onto the stage from the back coming up to stand on the other side of him the other two finalists dropped out not wanting to continue. Introducing Belinda and Mary to the crowd before throwing a bucket of ice water on both ladies to the cheers of the crowd he exits the stage as the music starts to play the song "Slow Ride" with both ladies taking their cue to dance Belinda started getting into being on stage feeling all the eyes on her big beautiful Amazon body the water making her huge rippling muscles even more defined bulging and swelling with her every move her massive melons standing out from her chest almost three feet big saucer sized nipples growing harder and jutting farther out by the second Belinda stood middle stage with both her hands going from her swollen pussy up over her pool ball sized rack of abdominals to finally reach up and start messaging those giant breasts squeezing them together before pushing one up to her mouth so she could suck on her hard jutting nipple licking the tip as she gave the crowd an evil grin and yelling out do you want to see more of these two little girls maybe if I rub them together they'll grow should we find out boys? The yes yelled by the crowd was deafening Belinda responded by squeezing her jugs together and flexing her thick pectorals which resulted in her giant tits expanding even bigger growing a couple of cup sizes right before their eyes in an effort to get the crowd to even notice her Mary climbed the stripper pole once on top she flipped over with both hands gripping the pole she did the splits taking one hand off she reached between her legs and ripped off her thong her swollen pussy catching the eyes of the crowd but only a few so Mary holding the pole with one hand her muscular arm bulging bigger from the strain as she used her free hand to start fingering herself her clit beginning to swell until it was plainly visible Belinda seeing Mary's ploy ripped off what was left of her t-shirt pausing to give them a shot of her huge upper arms she didn't even flex her biceps and still the crowd gasped in amazed surprise! Belinda strutted over to the pole ripping off her bikini bottoms as she stopped next to Mary watching her finger herself for a moment.... And started to finger her wet swollen pussy her big swollen clit already stood out from between her tight pouting pussy lips! Then she surprised everyone most of all Mary by suddenly grabbing Mary by her waist pulling from the pole still upside down moving her grip to Mary's thighs Belinda spread her legs wide and started rubbing Mary's pussy against hers going faster and faster making them both flood juices as Mary screamed in orgasm seeing this the crowd went crazy chanting Belinda's name over and over! When the song ended Belinda held Mary over the crowd by her ankles as her body bucked wildly from aftershocks begging Belinda to let her eat her pussy if you won't let me do that can I feel your massive bulging muscles please! Ignoring her Belinda offered her to the crowd telling them, "Hey boys I got her all hot and wet for you Mary's ready to fuck aren't you Mary you boys want her she's too small for me well you want her?" in answer to the roar from the crowd Belinda tosses Mary into the waiting crowd. Mary's boyfriend and with the help of another guy carry Mary back to the dressing area. Belinda is announced the winner to the cheers of the crowd you can collect your prize from the bartender after you get dressed. Belinda finished picking up most of the bills the crowd had thrown up on stage stuffing it into three empty beer pictures and giving them to me with a wink!

Belinda growls softly, "Hope you got my clothes lover cause if you didn't notice I'm naked sweaty too LOL! I could use a few beers too ya know grab me a couple of shots of Gold too if you don't mind?" taking her Jersey bikini bottoms and Hi-Heels from me and quickly exiting the stage to the dressing area where she just managed to fit back into her bikini bottoms only to find as she pulled on her Jersey that it fit way tighter than the first time she put it on making her have to stretch the sleeves to their limits pulling tugging them over her huge swollen biceps and triceps having become pumped from her efforts on stage after a good fifteen minutes managed to squeeze her massive upper arms into the Jersey sleeves fitting over her arms like spandex when she's finished pulling it over her boobs it fit her now more like a skin tight spandex top her huge boobs stretching it until it was almost see thru at least the bottom of it still managed to just cover her bikini bottoms! Slipping on her heels she strutted out to where I was sitting waiting for her I'd sorted and counted her winnings $936 not counting the $500 first prize she still had to collect from the bartender. Sitting down next to me she quick downed the three long neck beers I had for her followed by two shots of Gold.

I excitedly tell her, "OMFG that was an incredible performance Belinda I think you made every guy in here blow a load in their pants! OMG you had that Mary begging to feel your muscles I mean begging! You're so fucking sexy!"

Belinda grins wickedly asking, "Was it good I was so worried I'd mess up but I just imagined I was dancing for you! OMG you don't know how many times I almost grabbed you out of that chair so I could fuck you in front of everyone lover! OMFG I'm so fucking horny from doing that contest I want you to fuck me now! Right now! Did my dancing turn you on lover you get hard watching me rub Mary's pussy against mine using her to get me all wet and swollen for you feel grasping my hand in hers she forces it over wet swollen mound!

I exclaim, "OMG Baby Doll your pussy is steaming! I can feel your clit pushing against my fingers it's so swollen OMG could you see how hard you'd made me from on stage? Can you tell now feel how huge I am for you Belinda! "pulling my chair up against hers Belinda runs her right hand up the inside of my right thigh feeling how thick my cock had grown so fat she could only grab hold of half!

Belinda gasped, "This from watching me dance OMG I want it NOW! Right now let's go get in our Yukon climb in back and FUCK!"

I stammer, "That's a great idea let's stop by the bar and collect your $500 prize from the bartender on our way out to the Yukon okay? "

Belinda rolls her eyes before saying, "If we have too $500 is worth a stop I guess" taking hold of my arm she leads us up to the bar and reaches over the bar to grab hold of the bartender pulling him over the bar so he's now facing her and asks, "I was told you have my $500 may I have it now? "

The bartender says, "Put me down I'll get it for you Belinda okay" releasing him he goes to the cash register opening it he takes out her $500 and counts it out in front of her on the bar saying, "Here you go you earned it! "

Belinda scoops the money off the bar placing it in her cleavage and says, "Yes I did now for my real prize come Douglas my love" hooking my arm in hers she guides us to the door out it to where I parked our Yukon on the far side of the parking lot I press the unlock button unlocking the doors Belinda throws open the rear passenger side door and rips both seats out of the back tossing them into the bushes before telling me to get in!

I'm surprised by her actions and do what I'm told only to be pushed the rest of the way in rather forcefully as she followed pulling the door shut behind her. While pushing me onto my back in the back of our Yukon pinning me between her thighs as she rubs her wet steaming pussy against my swollen cock pulling her top up over her head taking it off so only her bikini top remains pulling the $500 from her cleavage she tosses it into the air unties her bikini top pulling off shaking her huge breasts from side to side squeezing them together.

Belinda purrs, "Now I need to strip off your clothes grabbing the waist of my pants she rips them open and tears them off my body exposing my very erect swollen cock.

I look up at her on top of me I am completely aware of how very huge she'd become! Gazing up at her huge muscular body arms bigger than my legs! Her thick cobble stone abs going up to those giant perfect breasts pushed out by massive pectorals OMG my Baby Doll has grown so fucking muscular so powerful! Just look at her picture...Ever seen arms that huge before on a man let alone a woman! After a serious 40 minutes FUCKING we manage to put our clothes back on with the most trouble coming from Belinda having to stretch her jersey to fit over her swollen muscles especially those of her arms not to mention her swollen breasts her erect nipples standing out thru the tightly stretched fabric of the jersey. Just as we were about to climb out of the back of our Yukon we notice Mary tapping on the window of the driver side door trying to get our attention I climb out first asking, "What's up can I help you?" Belinda has also climbed out of our truck shutting her door and come around to my side to stand behind me with her hands on my shoulders.
Mary says, "Hey I was just wondering if you'd come back inside so I can arm wrestle you if you wouldn't mind my boyfriend and his friends have been teasing me something terrible saying you can't beat her tits being bigger maybe you can beat her arm wrestling you know will you let me try please I'll buy you guys drinks shots whatever I'm begging please?" looking at us with big puppy dog eyes.
Belinda replies, "Well I don't see why not okay with you, lover?" giving my shoulders a little squeeze.
I say, "Sure could be fun we'll follow you Mary" we follow Mary back into the bar and over to where her friends table is in the back where her friends have pulled some tables together so about 20 of them are seated drinking beer and carrying on. Seeing us they start yelling banging on the tables clearing a place for Mary and Belinda to arm wrestle saying, "This is going to be good that Mary has beat a few of the dudes in here never even heard of a chick beating her!" a burly dude holds a chair for Mary to sit at the table another pulls a chair out across from Mary indicating Belinda is to sit there.
Belinda smiles saying, "Such a gentleman why thank you!" taking her seat I grab hold of it pushing it in for her so I'm standing directly behind her as we are both handed beers.
Mary says loudly, "Okay all of you behave Belinda has agreed to arm wrestle me so I can shut you guys up when I show I'm still the strongest gal here!" flexing her 19" arms in a double biceps pose a few times to make her point. The men all trying to feel her flexed arms yelling their support for her as she sits her arm on the table with her hand out awaiting Belinda to take a grip.
Belinda shakes her head saying, "If you wanted to arm wrestle me to prove you are the strongest gal here I don't think arm wrestling me is going to prove that honey oh should I flex my muscle for them before we begin sure why not." Bringing her right arm up she pumps it a few times before she flexes her huge swelling biceps making the seams of her sleeves rip open showing gaps of skin poking out thru the holes being ripped by her bulging biceps the crowd stunned to silence as she sat her arm on the table across from Mary's taking a grip of her hand letting all see that her arm was nearly twice the size of Mary's. Belinda smirks asking, "Whenever you are ready somebody can say go this
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