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Rated: GC · Fiction · Contest · #2305468
A woman finally escapes the evil clan she was a member of only to find there is no escape.
"The Long Journey Home"


W. P. Gerace

Patty could not believe she finally escaped the clutches of Raven McBride and his cronies. After nearly ten years under Raven's mind-controlling games and evil ways, she finally managed to store enough of her resources and powers to escape his control. It was an eerie dark morning this early late October as Patti gathered at the bus stop in downtown Phoenix. Finally, she would return home to her loving family and friends in Philadelphia. Patti will miss the refreshing, pleasant winters and desert life, but not Raven's glaring dark eyes and pale skin that resembled the closest thing to a corpse Patti could ever imagine. Looking around the terminal, she could have sworn a few times she saw a few of his followers watching and observing her every move. However, she was sure her hibernation spell was potent, making her scent and presence invisible to them all.

"Where you going, honey? You look scared? You ok, child ?" An older woman with soft blue-green eyes appeared, sitting in a plain black dress and shoes next to her.

"Oh, just visiting some friends. A little trip, nothing big. I am fine. Thank you for asking, though. "Patty responded, not wanting to be rude.

"Oh, that's so lovely. Would you like a piece of candy, honey? "The woman opened her black leather purse and revealed a tiny bit of what looked like peppermint in her frail, wrinkled hands.

"Oh no, thank you. I am ok. I sure appreciate that, though. "Patty's anxiety escalated, wondering if this was one of Raven's imposters. He had so many on his team that it was wild.

Attention! Attention! Gate B333 is boarding now for Philadelphia. Please have your pass and ID ready to show your driver. Attention! Attention! Gate B333 is boarding now for Philadelphia. The announcer's voice sounded robotic as if he were reading from some pre-established script. His tone was cryptic as if he was hiding something. Did Raven and his people have her figured out? Briefly, she saw the famous leader of the Witch Cult standing in the middle of the terminal underneath its dull white lights, his pallid skin glowing, his jet-black hair slicked back in its usual all-in-place style. Clutching a dusty brown leather-bound book in his strong hands, his blue veins pulsing on the edge of his skin, he was holding the Witch Covenant's Creed, the Secret book of the clan. This was nonsense. Her spell was more potent than anything he had contained in that crummy book. Shaking her head and clearing her thoughts, Patty thanked the kind lady who had a puzzled look on her face. She had to get out of this place and now before it was too late.

It was nearly a five-day trip back home. Patti hoped that with her prescription of anxiety pills, she would sleep most, if not all, of it. The driver seemed to be the most normal person here, standing at the entrance of the elongated silver Greyhound bus. He was new to this career. He could be no more than twenty-five, if that, with his bulging muscular build outlined in his dark blue driver's uniform. He had the kindest look she had ever seen in the desert city.

"Welcome aboard, mamm. "Smiling, the driver had a deep Southern accent.

About twenty minutes later, Patty was settled in her high back dark blue seat, looking out the window. The city she had known for the past ten years slowly disappeared in the background. The towering russet mountains of downtown Phoenix appeared further away, slowly disappearing in the early morning hues of dusk. Gazing at her watch, it was nearly six a.m. This would be around when Raven and his clones would start the evil rituals, looking for a new soul to take and sacrifice. She recalled all too many innocent women and children begging for their lives as Raven took his black steel knife and swished it quickly across their throats. Seeing all that blood ooze out of their necks nauseated Patti.

Falling into a deep slumber and finally getting the rest her withered spirit needed, Patti kept dreaming of Raven and his clan chasing her in a dark field. He cackled in that domineering pitch of his. You can't escape us, Patti. Never will you hide from us! You belong to us! Patti woke up, and sweat saturated her t-shirt. Trembling inside, she felt her heart beating violently away as if it were about to leap from her chest. If only she could calm herself down and connect with her inner good spirit, which she used to heal others before running into the darkness of Raven and his clan.

"Miss, we are in Philadelphia now. Welcome home! "The driver stood above her, his previous boyish look gone.

"How did you know I was from here, sir? "Patti asked.

"Because Patti, you can't escape ever. Did you think your shitty hibernation spell would hide you from our powers? You belong to us forever. "The driver's face cracked as a bloody red skull replaced it.

"No!!! "Patty yelled.

Patty looked out and saw her mother holding her bible and rosary beads. The windows were opaque and almost soundproof. The chances of her hearing Patti were slim. It was too late, though the driver was now a demon with his bloody skull face. His incisive fangs pierced her chest. She could feel all her blood drain out of her as it oozed down on the dark carpet of the bus's floor. Slowly, her consciousness and everything around her blurred. An eerie silence surrounded her as she felt her spirit float away from her.
© Copyright 2023 W.P. Gerace (phoenixdude71 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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