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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #2306784
From my banned DeviantArt. Story about a witch shrinking a group of kids at a park.
Celeste is a child sized elf. Her body is similar to a 9-year-olds but she’s actually about 60 years old in human years. She has platinum blond hair, brilliantly beautiful green eyes, and a perfect elven complexion.

“MINIMIZE!” Celeste yelled out as she gripped her ornate wand tightly. A field of purple magic pulsed out of the wand and encapsulated a table that Celeste was pointing at. The field of magic collapsed in on itself and pulled the table with it. In an instant the table was reduced in size significantly and was barely visible to the naked eye. “HOLY SHIT IT WORKED!” Celeste yelled out as she did a little dance and ran up to the shrunken table. Her professor was watching from afar to see if Celeste finally got the proper infusion to perform this complicated spell. “Good job Celeste! You finally were able to get the spell to work!” The professor said as she walked and crouched down next to the girl to inspect the table.

Celeste was an elven student at the magical school of Vegnalus. In this world the normal mortal/human plane exists but is devoid of magic. All of the magic has been sucked out of the plane and sent to the elven kingdoms for them to tamper with as they so choose. To harness this magic a select few kids are able to earn a wand that can be infused with special properties that allow them to cast spells. These spells range from spells meant to harm others to one such as this that seeks to shrink an object or even a person. Using magic against other elves is strictly banned and can result in immediate imprisonment so those who attend magical schools are able to use portals to the human realm to test magic on. The only rule is that no humans can be brought back to the school, and no one can know you were in the human realm.

As Celeste inspected the table, she realized the spell would shrink an object to the size she thought in her head. This made her giddy with excitement to try this out in the mortal realm. “Do you think I can go to the mortal realm to try out my new spell! I want to try the Mass Minimize spell on a group of people.” Celeste asked her professor. The professor inspected the table and decided to relent. “Of course, just make sure no one sees you perform magic or else! Also follow the protocol and stick to locations where human children are. Most people get a little suspicious of “kids” being in adult oriented locations.” Celeste was informed. With that she got cleaned up and used the portal to send her to the human realm. She decided to go to a playground that was very busy today since that would provide a cover and let her try out the mass minimize spell!

She took form within a forested area near a large playground. She immediately followed the procedure and used a cloaking spell to become invisible to the naked eye. She could still be interacted with so it’s still a risk either way. She came out of the underbrush and eyed the playground. There were maybe 20 kids playing around the playground. A handful of parents were scattered around the playground sitting at tables or benches. Celeste backed up into the forest so she could hype herself up. All of a sudden, a small rabbit jumped right next to her which spooked her into yelling “OBLIVION!” As she pointed her wand in the direction of whatever spooked her. A red aura surrounded her and slashed through the creature killing it immediately.

Celeste tripped and fell onto the group. She looked around to see if anyone was near and inspected what she just killed. She saw the corpse of a rabbit, no sign of any injuries due to the nature of the spell. “I’m sorry little buddy.” Celeste said in a hushed whisper. She gripped her wand and channeled her inner magical force and yelled “RESTORE!”. Energy danced around the corpse and embraced it. Green auras pulsed out from all living things in the area and restored the life of the little rabbit. Celeste gave the confused creature a pet and quickly moved away after the rabbit scurried off. She made sure no one was inspecting the woods and waiting half an hour just to make sure she was good.

She approached the playground and inspected the group. There were probably only 15 kids now. A handful seemed to be very young, a few of them were closer to the age she looked, and a few more appeared older than she did. She looked around and considered the best method of getting the parents out of the way. “SLEEP!” Celeste yelled out as an otherworldly chain grasped onto all of the adults and yanked them into a form of sleep. “OBSCURE!” Celeste yelled out as she created a magical bubble to surround the entire park. This would prevent anyone from seeing them and for the time being no one could enter or leave the park. All of the kids began looking around as Celeste dissipated the cloaking spell and focused intently on her next spell. In her mind she focused on all of the kids and imagined their own individual auras. With that she relaxed and yelled “MINIMIZE!” in a mere moment all of the kids on the playground disappeared as they all shrunk down to around 1 inch in height, give or take depending on their original heights. Celeste breathed a sigh of relief as she put away her wand.

She began hunting for every one of the shrunk kids on the playground and began collecting them in her pocket. She did toy with them a little, some of the really little kids she stuck in her mouth for a bit while she searched. She momentarily swallowed a little girl but coughed her up and made sure she was still breathing. She pretended to step on some of the kids. She might have accidentally stepped on a little boy but that’s what the restore spell is for she thought as the boy was brought back to life. After collecting all of the kids she sat with the sleeping parents and contemplated what to do next. She considered just messing with them but that would require her to run away to some other spot and risk being caught. As much as she was tempted to just eat them or crush them and restore them just to test the limits of the spell, she would rather not risk her own magical abilities causing issues. She quickly temporarily modified the memories of the parents to think they didn’t have any kids. As she did this, she discovered a stowaway on one of the benches with a young mother. A little girl was sleeping on her mother’s lap. She considered for a moment and decided this was the perfect opportunity. She already tested out a mass shrinking spell, now she can find out what the requirements are for the resurrection spell to work. She shrunk the kids a little more just to make sure the kid didn’t choke on any of them. This little girl was around the age of 5, she was wearing shorts and a purple t-shirt with a unicorn on it which was the only reason Celeste spared the girl. The girl had light brown hair and was tan. She was very skinny and short for her age.

Celeste grabbed each of the kids and asked them if this was their sister. After they responded she would use her finger to slightly open the girl’s mouth and would drop the shrunken kid in and wait for the girl to swallow before grabbing the next one. She only did this just to scare the hell out of the kids. She did quite enjoy messing with these little shits. She eventually did find an older girl, maybe 10 or so, who was this little girl’s older sister. “Well then, you will have a fun time being digested and turned into shit inside your own little sister.” Celeste said with a smile. Which met the requirement for a certain spell, “ENSNARE!”. With this she gained access to the girls’ POV, only when someone is terrified are they weak enough to have this spell work on them. She dangled the girl over the girl’s mouth and let her breath surround the girl. After a few seconds she dropped the girl into her little sister’s mouth. She quickly stuffed the rest of the kids into the girl’s mouth just so she could transfer to see the POV inside the girl’s belly.

The stomach was pitch black except for a few phone flashlights lighting up the fleshy chamber they were trapped in. They were big enough to cause some discomfort to the flesh around them but not big enough to get back to the entrance due to the way the girl was sitting. Gastric juices slowly filled the chamber, but no digestion occurred just yet. It seemed like a magical residual encapsulated most of the kids. A few of them were not shielded and slowly began to be impacted by the juices surrounding them. Due to the large number of kids in a small stomach a handful slipped down into the small intestine. They most likely would be digested quickly she assumed. For those still in the stomach digestion would be slow, so Celeste decided to stir the pot so to say.

Celeste transferred back to herself and rubbed the little girl’s belly to promote digestion. She decided time was up and she had to drop the shield surrounding the playground. She woke up all of the parents and the kid followed by her dropping the shield and cloaking herself. Under the effects of her memory altering spell, they all rationalized being at the park in different ways. No matter what, however, they completely forgot they had any kids. If the resurrections worked in the morning Celeste decided she would nullify the memory spell and return the kids to the park with their memories altered as well.

Celeste followed the little girl and her mother home and hid inside the girl’s room and jotted down notes of the day’s events. This shrinking spell was very difficult to infuse into a wand, so its effects are rather unknown. This trip was actually going to be very beneficial to her school since they could begin training other students on how to use this spell. After a few hours, and a few drinks and snacks, Celeste checked in on the kids inside this unaware girl’s belly.

The little girl’s older sister appeared to be immune to the digestive process due to the spell Celeste cast on her specifically. The rest of the kids at this point were just nutrients for the girl. The remnants that hadn’t been digested yet were all around the girl. The older sister just hugged herself as she was pulled through the small intestine. She didn’t need to breathe due to her size so for the most part she might survive this ordeal. Celeste did hypothesis that the large intestine might have other plans for its only living occupant. Well only living human occupant. The intestine pulled the girl along for a while until Celeste stopped watching and decided to wait until she entered the large intestine. She was kind of disappointed she wasn’t able to see the digestion process but just decided it was fine.

The girl spends the rest of the day playing in her room and eating snacks here and there. Completely unaware of the horror that had occurred inside her belly. Celeste just waited and watched the girl. The girl hadn’t gone to the bathroom yet, so Celeste hadn’t needed to interact with her at all yet. After the girl ate dinner, she laid down and played with toys in bed. Celeste decided it was a good time to check in on the sister.

The girl was close to the colon at this point. She was running all around the intestine trying to get out. The rest of those who were consumed by the girl were collected inside a turd that was slowly progressing behind her. As the girl ran further into the colon she got face to face with another collection of waste. She was surrounded by shit and would inevitably be trapped in it. She tried to squeeze by one, but this must have been felt by the girl, so she flexed a little and officially trapped her older sister inside one of her turds. Now Celeste just had to wait for the morning so she could collect the waste and see if she could successfully use the resurrection spell.

Celeste decided to take a nap and wait until the morning to do anything else. In the morning the little girl was called down to have some breakfast. As she got up, she shuddered and ran to the bathroom. Celeste followed behind the girl and waited in the bathroom. When Celeste realized the girl was about to flush, she shrunk the girl. “Sorry kiddo, couldn’t let you flush those kids away.” Celeste told the miniature girl. She put the girl in her pocket and collected the poop inside a bag. The older sister did live through the ordeal and was completely out of it. Celeste cleaned the older sister off and left the house. She cast a sleep spell on the mother and went to the playground bathroom to try and resurrect the kids.

Celeste placed her hand over the waste and tried to sense the magic present in the bag. She did sense the kid’s souls, so she grabbed her wand and yelled “RESTORE!”. This brought back all of the kids, so she quickly washed them in the sink and wiped all of their memories of the past 24 hours. She cast a sleep spell on them and grew them to a normal size and left them at the park. She canceled the memory spell on the parents and after a few of them showed up at the park Celeste teleported back to her realm with a bunch of interesting, informative, and somewhat abhorrent information. Celeste was so happy she succeeded and already started planning some future trips to shrink and play with some future “toys”.
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