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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2311585
Anya's secret ability saves their kingdom

In the wind-kissed city of Aerilon, where cobblestone streets stretched towards the clouds and houses clung to the cliffs like birds' nests, lived Anya, a girl with a secret as light as the air. Anya, unlike any other, could levitate. It began subtly, a feather-light step that kissed the ground instead of pressing. Soon, she was tiptoeing on clouds, her laughter echoing through the canyons as she skimmed rooftops, a silverfish on the sky's ceiling. She kept her gift hidden, a whispered legend amongst the children who dared to chase after her fleeting shadow.

One day, a shadow swallowed Aerilon whole. Crimson banners emblazoned with a black griffin choked the city, the iron grip of the Wyverns closing around its throat. Their leader, the tyrannical General Vadis, craved Aerilon's floating heart, the Aetherstone, a celestial gem that powered their levitation towers, the source of their oppression. Anya watched from her secret perch, her heart a trapped bird. When Vadis's soldiers ransacked her home, tearing her family from her, she knew she couldn't hide anymore. With a whisper, she launched herself into the bruised sky, her anger fueling her ascent.

Aerilon's levitation sputtered and died as Vadis severed the Aetherstone's connection. The city, once a buoyant melody, became a discordant plummet. Homes groaned, cobblestone tears streamed down the cliffs, and screams pierced the air like dying stars. Anya, a solitary spark against the encroaching darkness, became a beacon of hope. She swooped down, scooping up children, guiding falling families to ledges, her silver laughter weaving a shield against despair. She became a silent angel, a guardian of the falling. Vadis, his rage a storm cloud, chased Anya through the plummeting city. He, who commanded towers that scraped the heavens, found himself grounded, his griffin emblem a mockery against the girl who danced on the edge of disaster.

Anya led him to the Aetherstone, now a dark, lifeless shard in Vadis's hand. His greed blinded him to the tearful faces, the clinging hands, the city crumbling around him. In his fury, he crushed the stone, unleashing a shockwave of raw magic. The city screamed. Then, silence. Anya, suspended in the void, watched as Aerilon, bereft of its heart, began its final descent. Tears, for the first time, weighed heavy in her heart. But from the dust and despair, a spark. A whisper of light. The Aetherstone, fractured but alive, pulsed with a new rhythm. And with it, the city. Homes, defying gravity, righted themselves. Children, laughter echoing, floated back to their families. Aerilon, wounded but defiant, rose again, not on towers of iron, but on the wings of its own people.

Anya, the silent angel, landed softly on a rooftop, her laughter mingling with the city's newfound song. She was no longer a secret, but a symbol. A reminder that even in the darkest fall, hope, like gravity, always finds a way to lift you up. And so, Aerilon, the city that defied its fall, became a legend, a testament to the girl who danced with the wind, and the magic that lived within her, and within them all.

Prompt: Levitation
Word Count: 517 words
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