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Rated: GC · Fiction · Other · #2314144
Story about a desperate dad and well some tiny kids...
Dad (Sean) - Age 30, rather tall (6 ft), medium build, brown hair, and brown eyes.
Mom - Age 29, long blond hair, dark green eyes, very short, and very skinny.

Their 4 daughter:
June - Age 13, rather tall for her age, independent, green eyes, rather skinny, starting to hit puberty, and dark blond hair.
Erin - Age 10, medium height for her age, kind of athletic, brown eyes, light brown hair, more athletic build but still skinny, and she was very energetic.
Sarah - Age 7, very calm, short for her age, skinny, brown hair, brown eyes, and gets scared easily.
Izzy - Age 4, energetic, normal height for her age, skinny, blond hair, green eyes, and afraid of nothing despite being young.


As Valentines day rolled around for the year, Sean began to plan stuff for him and his wife to do. They always had to deal with the kids so a night for just them would be amazing. Sex was non-existent in their relationship since their youngest Izzy always slept in their bed. Well as the day came upon them, his wife got told she had to go out of town for a few days right around Valentines day for work. Sean begged her to reconsider going but it was overtime pay and it could get her a new position. He would be stuck with his kids, alone, for Valentines day this year. His wife thought about it for a few days and decided for this one time she would allow him something. "Listen babe. I know you were really excited but I have to do this. But I have decided to give you permission to do something that will make watching the kids easier and well help you. You have permission while I'm gone to use this." His wife said as she placed down a weird device on the table next to him. "This is a shrink ray. You have my permission to for this one time shrink all four of the girls and well... put them in your cock." She said this embarrassed but its technically legal in the country and safe since those who are shrunk are protected from harm. Sean was confused but kind of excited. "Have fun sweetie but be careful with them." His wife said as she went to get her suitcases so he could drop her off at the airport.

After arriving from the airport he put his kids to bed and stayed up late looking at the device. Since tomorrow was Valentines day he decide he would do exactly as his wife said tomorrow. He went to bed and slept well. His youngest, Izzy, also slept in bed with him all night too. He got up early and took a shower. It was a Saturday so he let the girls sleep in. After his shower he went and sat at the table with the shrink ray. Just the thought of what would happen aroused him. He went back to his room and saw his youngest starting to stir. He didn't want to complicate it so he decided just to shrink her now. He carefully shrank her down and pulled out his cock to see if she would fit. Still asleep she slipped right down into his shaft. Completely unaware of it all. He could feel her slide down all the way and the feeling was amazing. He felt her plop into his balls and laid down collecting himself. He was so hard now he had to just keep it out while he went and checked the other rooms. Sarah and Erin were asleep still in their room so he decided to grab them while it was easy. Erin he shrunk first and slipped her down just like he did to Izzy. He could hear Sarah waking up so he quickly did the same to her. He thought he could hear a squeal as she fell down the slit but he couldn't tell and didn't care. He was so aroused at this point but had one more to get. He stroked his shaft a little then went to get the last one, his oldest daughter June who had her own room. He was worried she might be awake which would make this awkward and he heard her down the hall enter the bathroom and turn on the shower. Well this was a good opportunity but could go poorly if he accidentally lets her flow down the drain.

He waited a bit but he was so hard it felt like his balls would explode. He heard the shower turn off and waited a few seconds then swung the door open with a crash and shrunk down June before she could even think. She looked at a flash of light then was stunned and star struck for a sec. She could hear the world around her shake and heard, "Sorry but I have to do it." she couldn't discern who it was but felt as if she was being picked up and then submerged in a gross liquid. She heard a sound under her as she was sucked downwards quickly and forced to drink the gross liquid. She was slammed down into a weird place and was disorientated more. She just laid there with her eyes closed and thought she might of died. She could faintly hear "SIS!!! SIS!!!!!! WAKE UP JUNNYYY!!!!" she heard a cry and woke up immediately from the daze. She looked around awestruck and hugged whichever sister was on top of her. It was Sarah who was bawling. As June looked around her she saw her other two sisters, Izzy and Erin running around the weird chamber and swimming in the pool of liquid. This pool was growing in size rapidly as June sat all the way up holding Sarah and getting a lay of the land. She was so confused as she looked around until she heard from all around her, "Sorry girls, with your mom gone I didn't want to spend Valentines day watching all of you. So she gave me permission to put you in my cock for the weekend." The world around them shook and liquid poured in everywhere as Sarah buried her face into Junes very small boobs. "You guys will probably get out here soon but you'll have to go right back in. Sorry!" She placed it all together know and nearly vomited knowing she was inside her own dads balls right now. She drank her dads cum. She just laid back and held onto Sarah as the cum levels rose more and more. At their size and due to the viscosity of the cum they floated luckily. The 4 girls floated up and eventually splurged out with a quick suction of liquid as the 4 of them were shot out in a stream of cum. The cum collected in a tissue that Sean used to catch the kids. Sean laid back and just basked in it all. The 4 girls had no time to react before Sean opened the cum filled tissue and grabbed them and put them back in for more time in the balls.

This cycle continued for the rest of the night at least 2 more times. He fell asleep with his daughters trapped in his cum filled balls all night. During which he got a wet dream which caused Izzy and Sarah to get pulled out and stuck to the tip of his dick. The two of them were stuck there the entire night and slept off an on. In the morning Izzy looked around and could hear her dad wake up and go to the kitchen for breakfast. Cock just out in the open. She felt a layer of film trap her tight to the tip of his dick as she tried to yell for him to no avail. She felt the swaying and look down in fear at the height she was at. Not just that but they had a pet cat that would probably chomp her up if she fell to the floor. Luckily she was plastered to the tip. She could sounds coming from the hole near her that led to the place she was in before. But no liquid came out. "Well kiddos I have to go get your mom here in an hour or so. Guess I'll leave you in and see what she wants me to do. God this was amazing." Sean said. Meanwhile, Erin and June were trapped in the balls. When the other two got shot out they were shot up to the ceiling and stuck to the wall. Now that he was moving the two of them fell down into the cum pool.

AN hour goes by and Sean goes to the airport to get his wife. She was sexy as always and he was already rock hard. Izzy and Sarah were not forced up against the fabric of the underwear and couldn't move at all. "How was the weekend with the kids?" His wife said with a smirk as she looked down at his cock. He definitely had a noticeable bulge. "Uh they are still inside. I just wanted to know if you wanted to do anything fun?" Sean said as his wife crossed her legs now visibly red. "Well this seems kinda fucked up but I really want to have sex with them still inside babe!!!!" She said. After arriving home the horny couple being terrible parents just couldn't fight the desires and got in bed. They decided anal would be best since they would know exactly where the girls would end up. Well, before starting anal they decided to give Sean a little blow job to get it nice and ready. Izzy and Sarah watched in horror as their own mothers mouth approached them and they began to get sucked on. The film around the loosened due to the saliva and the two of them fell off the tip and into their unaware mothers mouth. Instinctually she swallowed unknowingly sending her two youngest daughters on a trip through her digestive system. Meanwhile Sean began fucking her ass and blew his load inside. Erin and June were shot out into a new place and watched as the cock they were just inside went away and they were trapped in darkness. The smell was abhorrent and June realized this meant they just went inside their own mothers ass. But Izzy and Sarah were nowhere to be found. The couple went on with relaxing as their daughters took a new trip inside their own mothers digestive system...
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