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by FF
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2314606
This The story of how Paul became the new girl in college's foot slave

To start I would like to say that I've being in love with Izzy since the day I've met her. It was in college, I was walking down the corridor to Maths (the hated corridor) when I hear a voice calling my name. I turned around and I saw my sister Gabriela waving at me from the cafeteria. Shrugging I went to meet her "'sup?" I asked
"Nothing, I just wanted to introduce you to my new friend Izabella. She just came from Michigan, she is settling in and would like to make some friends" she smiled.
"You can call me Izzy" the new girl said "Nice to meet you..."
"Paul" I finished her sentence than I had a glance at her and it was like love a first sight. She was quite short but everything in her body was perfectly proportioned. She have a very nice smile which light up her whole face, perfect blue eyes and long blond hair shoulder length. And that perfume, that perfume I would never forget. She was wearing a green squared shirt, blue jeans and a pair of blue puma at her feet. But going back at that moment, I'll probably had space out just admiring her and my sister snap me back to reality
"Hello!!! Weren't you going to Maths?" she said
"Y-yes" I said as coming back from a trance
"We should hung up sometimes" Izzy said with a smirk "you guys seem fun" and the two ladies went leaving me still mesmerized in the corridor.

The second time I met Izzy was few days later at my apartement. I use to have a job part time saturdays and sundays to pay for my rent so I could be "indipendent" like my parents said... another way to say "get the fuck out of this house , you are big enough to pay your own bills" I suppose. Anyway to make a long story short, that day i was off as the restaurant where I used to work was quiet that day so they just cut my shift.
Having nothing to do I decided to invite my sister for dinner that night with the plan to then going out for few drinks with some friends. So I prepered dinner for the evening and I chenaged in more elegant cloths for the night. As my sister was always late I procede to poor myself a glass of wine and sat on the sofa to watch some TV.
I heard a knock at the door and I went to open the door with the glass in my hand. As I opened the door I saw an angel in front of me. Izzy was standing over there with a long red dress and black sandals at her feet. "Go.. go.." I tried to say but my sweaty hands couldn't hold the glass anymore and I spelt the wine on top of her beautiful dress.
"Paul what the hell are you doing?" I heard Gabriela said next to Izzy.
"So sorry" I just manage to say while I went to look for a serviet in the cupboard. Why the hell Gabriella didn't say she was coming with Izzy. After that I just wanted to disappear and become part of the wall. But I may say the evening didn't went bad. The three of us had dinner togheter and pass the time talking about people of our school, teachers and exams. I couldn't take my eyes off Izzy almost all the time and she knew that.

Some time has passed. the intensive exams period didn't allow me to go out or do anything interesting for few months, so we will skip at almost the end of school. One day I was wandering around the usual corridor going to Math and I heard a lovely voice calling my name. I knew was Izzy voice. I turned around and I see her with a guy big as Gorilla.
"Hi Paul, how you doing? I just wanted to introduce you to Jack. Me and him started to date last week. We should hung out all togheter after the exams!" she said
"Nice to meet you" said the Gorilla.
Now I don't want to seem dramatic or selfish at this point but believe me i felt so sad seeing her with that guy. She sure deserved more than a Gorilla. I felt so sad that probably it appeared in my face
"Are you alright?" Izzy asked as she saw through it
"Yes! Of course" I said "I might as well get going or I will be late to maths" I turned around walking down the corridor. "Yes we should go aout sometimes after this exams" I said without turning back
"Of course , don't study too much" she shouted to my back.
What was wrong with me? Was I gelous? She wasn't even my girlfriend and probably I wasn't even her type (and probably was true as i wasn't a bloody Gorilla) but still... such a pity.

Let's go fast forward a few months. After the first part of the exams were finished and we could enjoy a little bit of peace. During the last part of the year (Like if it was on purpose) I use to see Izzy and the Gorilla everywere. In school corridors, at the supermarket, kissing in the park... bloody everywere. Even my sister asked me "Do you have a crash on Izzy?"
"And what if I am?" a answer trying to sound like it was a joke
"She is not for you! Why don't you try to find a real girlfriend?" she said coldly.
Anyway to come back to the story that night I was out with some friend in a disco club to celebrate we passed the exams. We went outside for a cigarette and I saw her. Izabelle was sitting down on the foothpath at the other side of the road, barefeet, and she was crying.
I could ignore her, I could go back upstears with my friend and my life could have taken a totally different turn. But destiny was that I decided to go and see what was wrong with her. And that night, Oh that night, was the night that changed my life forever.

"Are you ok?" the stupidest question you could ask to somebody crying started our conversation.
She glanced at me and said "no"
"What happened?" I asked seriusly interested
"Me and Jack broke up..." she said lowering her face
"Oh dear ..." I said hping to sound sad about the new
There was a minute of silence than I said
"If there is anything I can ..." I started
"Do you love me Paul?" she interrupted me
"Wh..what?" I answered surprised
"Come on don't lie to me... I can see it in your eyes" she said staring at me
"What can you see in my eyes?" I said not knowing what else to say
"You have eyes only for me... Paul" she said still staring
"I... I do..." I replied.
"You do" she said and then "Can you suck my toes?"
"Wh-what...? Your toes?" I answered never expecting that.
"What's wrong?" she said "They are not good enough for you?"
"Are you taking the piss?" I said thinking that she was joking
"Never being so serius in my life" she said looking very serius "Would you suck my toes?"
Not knowing what to do I bend down, took one of her foot in my hand, and then placing the big toe from her right foot inside my mouth. I was expecting her to laugh now, say that was only a joke and the gorilla coming out from the corner to laugh at me. But nothing happened. "Suck, please" she said still serius.
I start sucking on her big toe. It was nasty. In my mouth a mix of sweat and dirt hit my taste buds. First instinct was to gag and vomit, but as I glance at her face, she was relaxing and slightly closing her beautiful eyes I just continued to suck er big toe and all the other toes of her foot. All around us the people coming out from the disco could see us, but nobody ever said something. It was like the most normal thing in the world was happening over there. After I sucked all ten of her toes her voice spoke once again
"Now is about time you start thinking about licking my sole" she said calmly
"But Izzy ..." I started
"I know, is very dirty from the dance floor and the street" she said "But I need it"
Was like I couldn't say no to her. Like hypnotized by her and she nkew that. I gave a small lick to her sole and the ranchid flavour of nastiness coming from her sweat and the dirt picked up inside the club and in the street disgusted me.
"That's not the way" she said "A big and intense lick from hill to toes" she said
And that's what I did. was Izzy, I couldn't say no to her. I started to digest all the shit from her feet, while everybody out of the disco watched. People from school as well. That would become history. I would be on the lips of everyone in school as the guy who licked Izzy feet ot of the club. But that didn't matter. The only thing that mattered to me at that time was get those feet cleaned and make Izzy happy.
I spent a good half an hour licking the bottom of her feet, in between her toes and sucking on them, but they were still very dirty. All of a sudden she took of her feet from my face and she stand up (or at least she tried as she was very drunk).
"Bring me back home" she said. It was the most beautiful thing I ever heard in my life. I was going to go back to her home. What a night that was going to be!

Once back in her apartment she invited me in. She sat on the sofa drinking a glass of water. Then she looked at me and said
"Thank you Paul, for getting me back home safe"
"Ok, don't worry... now I must go back to the club and..." I said
"You don't have to... you can stay" she said with a smile
"Well... I mean ..." I started not relly know what to say
"I ' m looking for a relationship" she said serius
"What?" I answered not sure if I heard her correctly
"But not a relationship as you may be thinking Paul" she said
"You mean ... as friends?" I said a bit sad
"No" she said
"And what kind of relationship you looking for?" I asked confused
"I want a guy who is ready to come whenever I call and lick my feet" she said
"I don't understand" I said
"A foot slave you dumb" she said "When my feet are tired I call and you come to lick them, I had a bad day like today and I need to relax and calm myself down, I call you and you come and lick my feet. They are nasty and super dirty, you are there licking them like tonight. That's what kind of relationship I'm looking for at the moment" she said
"And what that will have to do with me?" I asked
"Would you like to be my foot slave Paul?" she asked me "You will se me everyday, we will spend a lot of time togheter and you will be my help in hard days?"
What kind of propose was that? Was she a weirdo?
But my mouth was like moving on her own will and I said "Yes Izzy"
"Are you sure? That would mean anytime! Even at school, if i need you, you come and lick my feet, even during lessons... even while you at work... you will have to go away and come to me and lick my feet! Would you do that?" she said
"Yes Izzy" I answered
"I give you a last chance to rethink about it! Once you sign your contract you will be my slave forever" she said smiling.
And that smile, my friends, was enough to give my life to her
"Yes Izzy" I said
She stand up and went to her bedroom give a sign to follow her. She lay down on the bed, half naked and with the feet still very dirty.
"Ok my slave, as first task lick my feet untill I sleep and then stay at my feet untill tomorrow morning" she said "When we wake up tomorrow we will be togheter, and you can lick my feet again before breakfast, is that good for you?"
"Yes Izzy" I said and bending down at the foot of her bed I continued the job I started outside the disco.

And this is the story of how i became Izzy's foot slave.

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