Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2316112-Are-We-Ever-Getting-Out-Of-Here
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2316112
Your exploring an abandoned house
Phoenix and her sister Avery and thier friends decided to go explore an abandoned house since it was almost Halloween and what better way to bring in that holiday then to go to an abandoned house even if the risk to get arrested was major they decided they wanted to do it anyways. As Phoenix was packing up her camera and things her sister Avery ran into the room. Phoenix hurry up everyone is waiting downstairs" She said jumping up and down with Avery being the oldest she still had more energy then Phoenix did must be because of all the coffee she drinks throughout the day who knows. Phoenix laughed a bit. "Ok,ok i'm ready to go" she said. Avery laughed grabbing Phoenix's arm and ran with her downstairs and out the door meeting their friends at the car. After double checking to see if she had everything her and Avery got into the car with everyone as they headed to the location. The drive consisted of everyone making jokes and playing games like Ispy and such yes they were aware that ISPY was a childs game but they decided to play it anyways because it was fun to them and no one could tell them different. A few more minutes passed before they arrived at the house, it was most definitely scary but that was what they were there for. Phoenix and everyone else all got out of the car everyone looking in different directions. "This place is creepy" Phoenix and Avery's friend Jackson said. "Yeah that's the whole point" another one of their friends Alison replied smoking a cigarette. "Alright guys lets head in, Jace do you have your lockpicking set?" Alex your local kawaii girl who wore cat ears instead of actual headbands asked. Jace laughed. "Of course I do I always have it with me" Jace replied. If you couldn't tell Jace is the troublemaker of the friend group. Everyone rolled their eyes as they headed to the house ducking under a gate that had a hole in it, obviously they had to go through one by one since the opening was not that big. Once everyone was through the gate they made their way up to the front door of the house. "Keep watch Phoenix" Jace said. Phoenix nodded and turned around looking around making sure no one was around that could possibly bust them for trespassing. Once Phoenix heard the door open she turned around "Sweet we're in lets go" Avery said excitedly as they walked in the door closing behind them. "Is there any light?" Alison asked looking around. "In a house this old I doubt it" Jackson said as he looked around as well. "We can always try" Alex said as she found a nearby lightswitch and flipped it up the light flickering before it turned on revealing a living room that had furniture covered by sheets that were covered with dust, it definitely looked like no one had lived there in a very long time. "Wow look at this place" Alison said as she walked around looking at the old furniture and pictures. "Whoever lived here had a huge family I wonder what happened to them" Alison said as she continued to look around. "This place is still beautiful despite being old" Phoenix said seeing her sister nod in agreement. "Yes it really is, why can't our house be like this?" Avery asked. Phoenix shrugged. "I don't know" she said as she walked over to a bookshelf which seemed off. "Hey guys come here" Phoenix said. Her friends walked over to her. "What's up did you find something cool?" Alex asked. Phoenix shook her head "Not really but this bookshelf looks off" she said and kneeled down seeing a crack. "I think there is somethinf behind this" she said. Avery came up beside her. "Yeah there is but how do we open it this bookshelf looks about a thousand pounds not even all of us could move it" Avery said. "There has to be some way to move it maybe a hidden switch" Jace said. Phoenix nodded. "Your probably right" She said. "Everyone look around different places I want to see what's behind this shelf" Avery said as they each took a section of the bookshelf. Phoenix looked around feeling each book carefully pulling it forward to see if it activated anything and she did that to each book until she found a sketchy looking black book that had no words on it "That's strange" she said pulling the book forward when she did she felt something shrap coming from it. "Ouch" she said looking at her finger that was now bleeding and the book had fallen on the floor. "Are you ok?" Alison asked. Phoenix nodded. "Yeah just cut my finger on this book" she said. "Damn" Avery said. Before anyone could say anything else they heard a small crack and the bookshelf opened making all of them step back. When the bookshelf completely opened and it revealed a black door. "Cool" Jackson said. "Should we go in?" Alison asked. "Yes obviously we did come here to look around" Alex said shaking her head. "Ok who wants to go first?" Jackson asked. "I vote Phoenix" Avery said. Phoenix looked at her. "Really?" she asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. "You are the leader of the group soo" Jace said. "Since when?" she asked. "Since now so let's go" Avery said pushing Phoenix forward. "Ok,ok relax i'll do it" Phoenix said. She took a deep breath and stepped to the door grabbing the door knob, she half expected it to be locked but it opened without a problem,behind it laid concrete steps that spiraled downward. "Creepy" Alison said. "Cool!" Avery,Jace,Alex and Jackson all said at the same time. Phoenix sighed as she went down the stairs followed by her friends. "This is so sketchy" Alison said. Phoenix nodded. "I agree" she replied. "Where do you think it goes?" Avery asked. Phoenix shrugged. "I don't know" she said. "We'll just have to find out" Jace said. Phoenix and the others walked for what felt like hours before they came to another door at the bottom of the stairs. "How many freaking doors are there in here" Alex asked. Phoenix shrugged as she opened the door warmth surronded her as they walked into a room with bookshelves everywhere the only books on the shelves though were black books. "This is strange" Avery said. Everyone separated to look around. "Be careful guys" Phoenix replied. After she heard everyone say ok she began to walk around out of the corner of her eye she saw a women staring at her the womans face was blank almost. "I'm so sorry we didn't think anyone lived here" Phoenix said. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house!" The women screamed. "Im sorry honestly we didn't think anyone lived her we'll go now" she said backing away to meet her friends. "Guys we got to go now we're trespassing I just saw and old lady and she screamed at me she did not look normal we need to go now!" Phoenix yelled her friends nodded as they ran to the door that slammed shut. "You aren't going anywhere" The woman Phoenix said appearing out of nowhere. "I said we were sorry we didn't know anyone lived here you can't keep us here" Phoenix said. "You want out so bad your going to have to find your way out." The woman said. "What are you talking about?" Avery asked clearly not as excited as she was when they got here. "I hope you guys like riddles because that's the only way your getting out of here,also don't think your all getting the same riddle so you can help each other you're all getting your own to solve" The women said. "Fine" Jace said. The woman laughed. "Tough I see,you think that was all oh no no no if you get them wrong the walls will slowly close and you definitely wont' be going anywhere, but I'll give you a hint the answers are in these books, as you see they are blank but the right answer for your riddle will appear on the book if you can find that said book I'll send your riddles down from upstairs good luck" she said vanishing. Phoenix looked at her friends who all had panicked looks on their faces. "Its ok guys we can do this I have faith in us." Phoenix said taking a deep breath each of them had gotten their riddles. They each looked around for answers while the walls slowly closed on them. When they all got their answers the walls went back to normal and they fell through a trap door that lead them outside. "We are never tresspassing again" Avery said.
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