Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/372181-The-calling
Rated: 13+ · Serial · Arts · #372181
A continuation of my life's journey.
Looking down over the precipe she trembles slightly then stands. She hears the abyess speaking to her. The call is loud and almost comforting.

She steps to the edge and looks down, wondering if she should heed this call to her. It seemed to envelope her as she stepped closer to the brink of her own destruction. Yes..Yes this was what she had been waiting for. Peace....sweet oblivion, the dark murky depths of the abyess so comforting. The darkness would hide and mask her pain so well.

She didn't look back, she couldn't afford to. She steps to the very edge and closes her eyes letting the sounds of the abyess wash over her lulling her into a sleepless state of hypnotism.....

She would obey she would follow. She leaped as if she had never leaped before, her hair flowing around her as she fell..end over end..nothing to stop her descent.

Free falling going from the light towards the dark, arms and legs spread eagled letting herself drop.

Question was when would she hit bottom.......

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