Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/551970-Blues--Twos-Trilogy
by hippo
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Environment · #551970
Honouring the Emergency Services

Blue lights flashing, siren a-wailing
Ambulance rushes to save a life failing.
In traffic jams most motorists behave
Moving cars aside like a parting wave.

An emergency call to 999
From accidents or illness at home,
Will be attended, at all times,
No matter where you live or roam.

Ambulance crews, highly trained paramedics
Ministering with such care.
They treat everyone with great compassion
A quality these days, so rare.

The little old lady who fell out of bed,
The drunk who passed out and hit his head,
The chef whose finger almost became dinner,
And peaceful respect for the dead.

In times such as these
Panic often ensues,
But, thank God we have angels
In the Blues and Twos


Huge red fire truck, hurtling down the road
Brilliant blue lights burning into the night
Two tones blaring
"Make way for us, we've a fire to fight"

Flames scarring, building smoking,
Firemen dressed in full BA.,
Hoses slithering in the wetness
Snaking o'er the ground they play.

Orders shouted through the roar
Of water gushing fire exploding,
Ladder pump extends its long arm
To the windows high above.

From the sea of worried faces
Standing on that shell shocked street,
Comes a gasp, pointing fingers
Stomach churning, eyes do greet.

High atop the swaying gantry
Round his shoulders draped and still
Strong arms holding, laden down,
Has the blaze made its first kill.

Slowly, slowly, oh, so slowly,
Carrying his precious load
Down the rungs, so carefully treading,
Each step greeted with an " Ooo0h "

At the foot of that escape route
Eager hands reach out and take,
The person that was just pluck-ed
Out of the firey jaws of hell.

Within a few heart-pounding moments
Breath into the girl was poured,
She gasped and coughed, a yell went forth
" She is alive, Thank the Lord "

Too many die from smoke inhalation,
Many lives are put on hold,
But smoke alarms inside our homes
Would save many a life we are told.

In times such as these
Panic often ensues
Thank God for the angels
Of the Blues and Twos


Our Boys in blue, where would we be
If they were not around.
They keep the peace, show us the way
When we're not sure of our ground.

They catch the bad guys, help the good,
Find lost pets and stolen cars,
Direct the traffic, walk the beat
Help children cross the road.

In times when trouble erupts in our streets,
When our safety is compromised,
The front line of defence is the Force dressed in blue
Men and women, side by side.

They are highly trained in driving skills,
First aid and matters of law
They get abused by drunks and louts
Each day they see life in the raw.

In times such as these
Panic often ensues
Thank God for the angels
Of the Blues and Twos

© Copyright 2002 hippo (sooziep at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/551970-Blues--Twos-Trilogy