Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/616518-OUT-OF-ARROWS
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Other · #616518
Written for a W.D. Wilcox Cupid Story Contest


Cupid sat there looking at his empty arrow case, almost in a state of panic. Valentine's Day was fast approaching, and the arrows he had ordered from The Great One had not arrived yet!

He knew from past experience that there were many people down there who needed his little boost of inspiration (as he lovingly called his arrows) to get together and experience all the blessings of LOVE!

Sighing, Cupid leaned back in his recliner and thought about all the years he had brought love to the people. He smiled to himself when he thought of the old man and old lady who thought they were done with such foolishness! He had aimed well, shot the old duffer in the behind, and before he knew it, the old duffer was almost panting with desire for the old lady who sat in her rocker on the front porch of the house next to his.

Aiming another well-placed arrow, Cupid hit the mark again, and the old lady looked startled for a moment, and then began to smile. Her eyes lit up, her age lines began to disappear, and she felt younger than she had in years!

In a flash, it seemed, the old duffer was up the steps and presenting the old lady with a bouquet of flowers he'd just picked - from her garden!

It wasn't too long before the elderly couple toddled down the aisle, and spent many happy years together! That was the good part!

An "old maid" schoolteacher stood outside the little schoolhouse and rang the bell. She saw an old blue chevrolet driving up. It looked like little Jimmy's dad was driving him to school that day. Arrow time! Now Jimmy would have both a dad and a mom!

In Rome, standing alone by the fountain, was a young nurse on vacation, making a wish with her silver coin. Another arrow and her wish came true, as a young sailor came up to stand beside her. Love in bloom, Cupid saw that right away!

In Ireland, a young lass found something to kiss besides the Blarney Stone, as strong hands held her as she knelt backwards over the stone to kiss it and give herself "the gift of gab". He kissed her when the arrow struck his heart, and she had no reason to gab at all!

In Alaska, Eskimos were busy rubbing noses after the arrows had landed there. In California, the surfer came to the beach and forgot to get in the water when he saw the beautiful lifeguard.

There were other times when his arrows went astray because the younger generation moved about so fast! He had aimed and fired off an arrow, thinking that he'd get that little brown-eyed boy to stop acing foolish and fall in love with the little green-eyed girl who wsa dancing with him.

One fast move on the dance floor, and his arrow hit the boy dancing next to them, straight in the heart! Before he knew what was happening, Cupid saw that boy spin away from his partner and started dancing with the green-eyed girl! He was definitely head over heels IN LOVE!

Since Cupid was required to go all over the world, he had quite a few adventures to remember! There was a cowboy, somewhere in New Mexico, who would never be the same. The arrow flew true to its target, and he was feeling the effects of love for the cowgirl on the dude ranch!

Once he had shot an arrow at a poet, who started writing poems with words like moon, June, spoon, tune - until he became an author on Writing.com and found the love of his life. They are still writing poems of love to each other.

Cupid thought he heard a delivery truck drive up, and jumped up from his chair and looked out the window. Sure enough, the Speedy Heart Delivery Service truck was outside, and Cupid ran out the door to meet the driver.

"Oh, my goodness, you came just in the nick of time" Cupid told the driver, who was a sad faced little man with a balding head.

"The Great One said that you needed this delivery right away" the driver said, as he went to the rear of the truck and started unloading boxes. He never smiled. Cupid wondered about that.

"I'll help you unload!" Cupid said. "Don't want you to be late getting home to your Mrs."

"Got no Mrs" the driver said grumpily. Cupid nodded knowingly, and knew what he could do with the first arrow he unpacked.

Once unloaded, the driver got back in his truck, ignoring the smile and "thanks" that Cupid offered.

Cupid took the boxes of arrors inside the house and checked the calendar! "Just in time" he smiled, as he saw that tomorrow was Valentine's Day! He loaded his arrow case with care, and gave his little wings a flutter for practice.
Up and around he flew, almost touching the ceiling and then made a two-point landing on his feet. He was ready! All he had to do was doff his little Cupid outfit, the special one he saved for Valentine's Day. "Ah, Love is grand!" he thought.

He decided to make some supper and have a piece of that delicious strawberry shortcake with whipped cream for desert. He was in a really good mood, and grateful that The Great One had put a RUSH on his order!

After supper, he played some mood music (all about love) and got ready for bed. It was early, but he had to be out and about before the sun came up. He had many miles to fly! "I know where I am going first of all" he said to himself as his eyelids began to droop. Soon he was fast asleep, dreaming of hearts, flowers and love.

At three a.m., Cupid jumped out of bed and got dressed. He strapped the arrow case onto his back, and although loaded with arrows, it was not heavy at all! The Great One had designed such a perfect arrow! He set out, happy as could be.

As he had planned, the first stop was at the home of the truck driver who had delivered the arrows.
He saw the man just outside his door, looking at his well-tended flower garden. "All is not lost" said Cupid. "He is not against love, he just hasn't found the right one yet!"

Cupid placed his first arrow and aimed. As it hit, the man straightened up and looked around.
Then he went back to tending the garden. "hmm", said Cupid "It usually works faster than THAT!"

Then he saw the driver reach down and cut a perfect red rose. He watched as the man clipped the thorns away, and wrap it in tissue. Cupid smiled to himself. Now for the next step!

Next door, a widow lived with her two children.
She still missed her husband, and loving again had been out of the question. No one could take his place, or so she thought. Then another arrow hit its mark, and her heart was opened again. She watched the driver come up to her door, rose in hand. A quick look in the mirror, to check her hair, she went to the door and swung it open. Their eyes met, and the rest is history. Cupid thought that he might, just for the fun of it, come back in a few years and count the children.

Off he flew to find other souls who needed charging. A well placed arrow would do the trick for everyone. "Love makes the world go 'round" Cupid sang as he flew along.

By mid-afternoon, almost all of his arrows were gone, but he had covered half of the earth by then. Around and around he flew, until he realized that he was getting hungry. He wished that he had some of the strawberry shortcake and whipped cream to tide him over for the rest of the afternoon. Just then he saw a little diner down below. "I will stop in there", he thought. So off he went to the diner, where he ordered a sandwich and some shortcake, along with a big glass of milk. The waitress plunked a bill down in front of him. Realizing that he had no money, he felt embaressed. Then he looked closely at the waitress, and smiled once more. "I'm sorry", he said, "but I have no money. Could I interest you in an arrow as payment?"

The waitress looked at him and turned on her heel, on her way to the manager's office. Cupid shot another arrow, and as she walked into the manager's office, she let out a little queal. "Is everything all right, Mary?" he heard the manager ask. Mary blushed, and stammered "Yes, I really don't know why I came in here!" Their eyes locked and he smiled at her. Another arrow and the meal was well paid for! They didn't see him leave, and as if by magic, his plate and silverware were gone. In fact, the waitress never remembered that he was ever there! Except that on the counter was the most beautiful little red arrow she had ever seen. She would make it into a pin and wear it from now on, to remember the day she fell in love.

Cupid flew on, reciting a poem he'd heard about "I shot an arrow into the air, it landed, I know not where" but, he chuckled, "I know exactly where MINE land!"

He shot a few more arrows and decided to call it a day. He was getting a wee bit tired, and wanted to rest for awhile. Soon his house was in sight, and he gratefully swooped down to it. Once in the house, he sat down in his recliner and...OUCH! He had forgotton to take off his arrow case, and his last arrow had gotten him right where he sat! It was indeed a giddy feeling that came over him, and he knew that somewhere, a little lady Cupid was waiting for HIM! "Heart of my heart" he began to sing. From outside, he heard the next few words sung by the most beautiful voice he had ever heard! He looked out the window, and there she was, motioning for him to come out! This little lady Cupid had lovely blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes he had ever seen. Outside he flew, with the rest of his arrows intact.

Cupid was in love! How he had ever managed alone was more than he knew, and he kissed the girl smack dab on the lips! "I love you!" he spoke the words softly, with meaning.

"I love you" she said, "I'll help you with the rest of the arrow delivery. There are still a few more people that we haven't hit yet." Wings expanded, they flew off together just as the sun was starting to set in the west. When they were over the ocean, she said "There is the LoveBoat and there are a few on it who need a refresher course in love!" She and Cupid used the rest of their arrows for the people on board. Soon the boat chugged off, leaving them in a swirl of hearts entwined coming from the folks on board.

The two little Cupids flew together back home, their little wings capturing the beauty of the sunset.
They held hands and smiled dreamily.

The Great One looked down from above, and smiled to himself. "At last", He said, "I have outdone Cupid himself! It took me seven days to create the world, but it took only a minute to deliver the only arrow I ever shot in my life!"

Ah, it was a glorious day! The sky was a beautiful blue, and the sun shone warmly on all the new lovers in the world.

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