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Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #616818
One of my many fantasies.

The club is dark, crowded and noisy. The music is loud, the kind that sends energizing vibrations through your body and fills the air with electricity. I am sitting at the bar, enjoying a Gin Gimlet. You walk in and stroll past me, smiling. I cannot help noticing you, or you I, and I smile back. You seat yourself a few seats away, and order yourself a drink.

As I sway to the music, you take in my voluptuous curves from head to toe. Watching as another man approaches and asks me to dance, you feel a bit jealous, but cannot explain why. As he wraps his arms around me, and our bodies press closer, you begin to feel a stirring deep inside.

The song comes to an end, and he escorts me back to my seat, leaving me there. The music resumes a bit faster paced this time. Unwinding from your stool, you approach and softly inquire, “May I have this dance?” Looking into your eyes, I smile and accept. Placing your hand across the small of my back as we walk, your fingers turn into me, sending a shock wave through me. Once on the dance floor, the music does not allow for closeness, and we gyrate around each other, each beginning to sense the electric current coursing between us. Swirling and shaking around you, I feel intoxicated even though I have only consumed one drink.

The music once again slows, and we move together, arms reaching for one another. Feeling your shoulders beneath my palms, I become aware of the power held in check and move away a bit. Sensing my fear, you murmur little nothings into my ear, helping me to relax, as you bring my hips closer to yours, your hands firmly leaving me no choice. Glancing up into your eyes, I see gentleness there, and acquiesce.

Gently moving me around the floor, we sway in unison, as if we have been doing this forever. I slowly become aware of your rising interest, and again try to pull back, but your strong arms hold me tightly in place. Feeling a gentle pressure on the small of my back, I have to arch my head back to look into your face. I encounter a look in your eye that both frightens me and sends shivers down my spine and into my pelvic region. The dark passion that I see there becomes reflected in mine.

Returning me to my seat, you retrieve your drink and seat next to me. We make small talk, glancing at each other every so often. The friend I arrived with becomes aware of the charge in the air and searches for a graceful way to exit. She suddenly remembers something urgent she must attend to, and inquires if you would be so kind as to drive me home, winking at me slyly when you are not watching. Accepting the responsibility, you inquire if I would like another dance.

Holding each other, our bodies press together in a way that we do not have to think anymore. Turning my head upward, you bend to kiss me, a soft, warm kiss, giving me a hint of what could come next. Running my fingers into your hair, I press your mouth hard to mine and passionately kiss you, taking both of our breaths away. Heart beating faster, and breathing a bit ragged, I whisper “Maybe we should take this somewhere a bit more private?”

Steering me toward the door, we chat, and decide to head for your place. The temperature outside is perfect and a cool breeze blows gently.

Arriving at your house, you escort me inside in silence. Your living room is quite large. You tell me to make myself comfortable, as you fix us some drinks. Spreading out, we recline on the soft sofa, both hesitant, but wanting to reach for the other. As your hand brushes against my cheek, I close my eyes and lean my head into you. You bend forward and place a soft kiss on my neck and shoulders. Reaching up, your hand slides across a breast, feeling my hardening nipple there. Slipping a hand beneath my top, across my belly, and around to my back, you reach to unclasp my bra, skillfully performing this task with one hand. Released from their confines, the nipples are immediately hard, and you dip to kiss them through my top, creating a warm feeling through all of my body.

You move to my mouth. Our tongues swirl in a dance. Our hands caress each other. Your hand slips down, smoothing its way over my skirt, and beneath. Realizing that I am wearing only a slip, and nothing else, you become even more aroused. Sliding your hand around beneath me, you give my cheeks a squeeze, causing me to moan against your lips and shiver. I part my legs slightly, allowing you access to my very wet inner thighs. Dipping your finger in the wetness you encounter, you bring it to your lips. Tasting the nectar, you murmur, “How excited your are, my sweet.”

Removing my skirt and top, you leave my slip on, enjoying the look and feel. Running a hand up my leg, the sensations cause me to squirm. Holding me in place, your firm voice directs me to remain still. Lying prone beneath you, I am helpless to do otherwise. Dipping your head to my breast, you suck on the nipple, and then gently bite it, softly tugging, until I release a moan from deep in my throat.

Switching to the other, your hand wanders down between my thighs once again. Rubbing my swollen clit with your thumb as you penetrate with a finger, you continue you’re teasing on my nipple. I become pure sensation as I am assaulted by your many attentions
Arching my back, and bucking up against your hand, I become lost to the world. Gripping the sofa with one hand, I press your head to mine with the other. Small spasms roll through my body, and a thin film of perspiration covers my skin. I vaguely muse, “I hope we’re alone”, as my moans of ecstasy become quite audible.

As I begin to relax, I enjoy the sweet kisses you are applying, trailing down the side of my neck between the valley of my breasts and across my stomach. I wiggle beneath your lips. Encouraged, you descend lower, and flick your tongue over the very wet lips and between them. Once again I voice my pleasure. You part my legs and slide a finger inside, gently sucking my swollen bud. You can feel the reaction in my muscles as your finger slips in and out of my warmth. As I move involuntarily beneath you, you increase the pace of your motions. “Please don’t stop” I whisper breathlessly as the waves of another orgasm sweep over me.

Lying in each other’s arms until I calm once again, I realize that you remain dressed. Assisting you to your feet, I reach for your buttons, and begin to undress you. I run the palms of my hands over each newly exposed piece of flesh and follow with my lips. My tongue traces a path as I go. Sliding your shirt over your shoulders, I nip at one, almost hard enough to leave a mark, but not quite. “How do you feel about me leaving marks, Lover?” I ask, laughing softly. Sliding around behind you, I wrap my arms around your waist, my body pressed close into yours, and pinch your nipples as I lick a line up and down your spine.

One hand, with a mind of its own feels its way down across your stomach and lower. Reaching for the bulge there, I gently but firmly run my nails across it, taking pleasure in the gasp that escapes your lips. Releasing the fastenings, I kneel before you and ease them down over your hips, your legs, to the floor. As you step out of them, I glance over your body, admiring the view, and notice your arousal. I reach for it, placing a firm hand around the base.

Looking up into your eyes, I place a gentle kiss on the tip, tracing a circle with my tongue. You watch as I take you between my lips, ever so slowly, sliding down until you are deep in my throat. Pausing there, I feel a small involuntary spasm, and know that your are enjoying this as much as I am. Licking my way up and back down again, sucking, and biting as I do. Small sounds escape me, as I become lost in the sensations.

As I release you from my lips, you lower me to the carpeted floor, kneeling down beside me. A cool breeze through the patio door glides over your skin, invigorating you. Raining kisses over me, you heighten my senses. I pull you to me for a long embrace. The feeling of your skin against mine ignites us further, sending us into a spiral of passions. You move over me, settling the tip of your swollen member between my lower lips and bend your head to kiss a breast. I watch, as you move between my legs, and press your mouth to my pussy.
With my legs splayed apart, your eat me, and I gasp “Oh god, it feels so good.” “Oh, yessssssss, suck me harder!!” I begged, while spreading myself even wider, “Use your tongue, on my, right there, do it harder, oh yesssssss!!!!” You eat my pussy like there is no tomorrow, burrowing your nose deep into the valley of my incredibly puffy pussy. Your tongue bores in hard on my erect clit, and as my orgasm rushes me, I grab you by the back of the neck and pull you even harder into my convulsing pussy, while the low growl in my throat erupted into a roar as a climax tears through my pussy, leaving me shaken and spent with my legs spread wide apart.

My breathing is intermittent and shallow as I recover from my orgasm, but with your swollen cock now in dire need of some attention, you move up on me, kissing me full on the mouth. I watch as you slide your length in my sopping wet organ, slowly filling me. Feeling the grasp of my inner muscles, you remain still for a moment, savoring the sensation of being enveloped in pulsating velvet.

With your hand, you take one of my breasts to your mouth, and while looking me directly in the eye, open your mouth and take a dark pink nipple into your mouth and suck it eagerly!!! “O-oh my” I gasped, “y-you are so attentive to my needs, mmmmmmm, that’s good, take care of my nipples, make me feel like a pussy, oh yessssssss!!!” The sensations of your mouth on my nipple and the lurching of your hardened cock cause my body to shudder as an orgasm of monumental proportions slam into my pussy, like an avalanche tearing down the side of a mountain, destroying everything in it’s path!!!

I love the feel of your body meeting with mine, as you thrust yourself deep into me. Reaching behind me, you grab my ass and pull me into you as you thrust even deeper. You continue thrusting into me, holding me against you, while holding on to my cheeks. You pull me tighter into you, spreading my cheeks fully. You whisper, “I love your ass!” as you bury your cock deeper. You begin to think about my ass, and order me, “Sit on my face!!” With that said, you withdraw from my over heated pussy, and lie back onto the carpet.

You command me, “Turn around over me. I want you!” I swung around and planted my knees on each side of your head, lowering my cheeks slowly towards your waiting mouth. Placing your hands upon my cheeks, you spread them wide tight, and ease me to meet your mouth. My body tenses with anticipation, as you lick broadly over my anus. Wrapping your arms around my ass, your embrace holds me in place as you ravage my ass with your tongue.

I lay my body on your chest. My body spasmed slightly as electric thrills raced down my spine. I lift your cock with practiced fingers and suck upon you furiously. An oral gift without mercy, my tongue rubs insistently against that spot just below the tip as my mouth delivers firm pressure along the entire length of your lovely shaft. I pull you into my mouth as deep as I can, moaning with the thrill of it sliding past my lips. My body spasms as you tongue in and out of my ass. I suck on your cock harder, deeper. With a firm hold of my cheeks, you move my pussy onto your mouth. Your tongue finds my swollen clit, and begins stroking it. You move my ass onto your mouth once again, and you begin to tongue fuck me.

My hips begin to move up and down on your tongue. My anus closes tightly around your tongue. Oh, how I want you inside of me!! I suck your cock deep into my throat. I savor every bit of your cock’s precum. Pumping me faster with your tongue, I begin pumping your cock faster in my mouth. My head bobbing, I can feel your balls tighten under my caressing palm. I ram my tongue along your cock now, as I suck harder. You whimper as my moaning mouth work your cock. I am rewarded as you fill my mouth with cum. I swallow, wanting everything from you, and then clean you catlike as you recover. It wasn’t long before I felt the tell-tale twitch which said you would be able to cum again. This time it would be inside me.

I pull away from you, getting up on my hands and knees. “Fuck my ass!!” You crawl up behind me. I lean back into a comfortable position where my thighs lift my ass level with your cock. Squeezing my cheeks in your hands, you move the head of your cock against my anus. You rub over my anus, as you pour some lube onto us. Wrapping your hand around your cock, you hold it in place, and order me to back myself onto you.

I obey, and begin to push back against your cock head slowly. You watch as your head moves into me. It’s hard for you to watch and not act. Hard to hold yourself there and not thrust into me. Not wanting to hurt me, you wait until I have backed fully onto your cock. You lean back so you can see your cock as it moves in and out of my ass. My ass gripping your cock, my cheeks shake slightly with the movement of your pumping me.

You pull back slowly and slide in again. It’s a tight fit, but I’m obviously enjoying it. A few thrusts later, I groan “Harder!” Increasing the force a bit with each thrust, a louder moan of pleasure escaped me. As you slam into me as hard as you can, I start squirming and grinding back against you. Your balls are slapping against my pussy. You can’t believe how hard I like it! You squeeze my ass in your hands again. You resume the rhythm, driving us both crazy.

We move faster and faster, closer and closer to orgasm. I am right on the edge. Your hands force me to match your tempo. Feeling your cock harden and swell tight within me, I cry out to you as I orgasm. You cock now erupts, filling me with cum, as your watch my cheeks bounce against you. You thrust four or five more times into me before slowing down and finally coming to a rest.
I collapse forward under you, and enjoy being sandwich between the warm bed and you. I feel your lips kissing my throat soft, moving to my ear, nibbling at my earlobe. As we begin to fade away, you whisper that you will wake me soon, so that we may play again.
© Copyright 2003 Sinamen (flyingcloud at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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