Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/649441-Blood-Lust
by raiden
Rated: XGC · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Supernatural · #649441
A vampire and his lover wreak Chaos and Havok on the world
Vlademyre Sulavaz was a blood-thirsty vampire hell bent on destroying the world.

Trying to reshape it as he saw fit,destroying humans for the mere fun if it.

Until the day he met Lady Bast,from the first time he saw her he knew he had to have her.

His lust for power was only matched by his lust for the beautiful Bastet,together they joined forces as lovers and as equals.

They struck fear into all those foolish enough to cross their paths and so the story begins.....
Vlad paced back and forth in his crypt as his minions arrived,they bowed down before him as they spoke"Milord we have great news".

  Vlad stared at them as he motioned for them to continue"Lord Fultenburg wishes for you to make an appearance at his Royal Banquet".

Vlad shook his head as he smiled"I could care less what that miserable fool wants!"

  He started to walk away when one of his minions interupted"Please Milord let us continue".

Vlad stared at him with a half-smile as he sat back down on his throne"He wishes you to be his guest and partake in the festivities".

  Vlad laughed a little as he replied"I do not wish to go to any parties especially in honor of that foolish mortal!"

"But Milord there's talk that the most beautiful woman in all the lands will be there".

  Vlad stared at him as he smiled"Well maybe I could make an appearance after all".

His minion smiled as he bowed his head"Thank you Milord..Lord Fultenburg will be most glad to hear that".

  Vlad nodded as he replied"Leave me..there's much I need to do before the festivities".

They nodded in unison as they disappeared into the darkness,leaving Vlad all alone with a huge smile on his face.

  He arrived at the banquet a little after 8 carrying a bottle of wine in one hand and a card in the other.

He handed it to the doorman as he smiled"Tell Lord Faltenburg that Vlademyre Sulavaz has arrived".

  The doorman nodded as he replied"Yes Mr.Sulavaz we've been expecting you"Vlad smiled as he answered"Of course you have..so let the festivities begin!"

The doorman lead him into the large dining room as Vlad looked all around,beautiful woman were indeed in abundance.

  He reached over to grab a glass of wine from the waiter,when he noticed an absolutely breath-taking woman sitting all alone near the window.

He stared at her with a smile as he grabbed the waiter's arm"Who's the babe near the window?"

  "That's Lady Bast she's a beauty isn't she?"Vlad nodded as he replied"You can say that again".
Vlad made his way back to his crypt as his minions greeted him"How was the party Milord?"
 Vlad pulled off his jacket as he smiled"The party was amazing thanks to the beautiful Bastet".

"She definetely made my evening quite enjoyable"he smiled a little as he stared at his throne.

His minion,Feqor aproached him as he bowed his head"I take it that you're quite fond of this lady then?"

  Vlad nodded as he sat down and stared out the window"She's amazing,she's everything I've ever dreamnt of".

"She's quite powerful I could sense it as we danced,I could also feel the desire running through both our veins".

Feqor interupted him as he spoke"That's great news Milord but we have much more pressing matters at hand".
"The Blood Cult has put a bounty on your head and we've still got"Vlad interupted him with a look of pure hate as he grabbed him by the throat.

"Silence! you will never talk to me with such insolence again do I make myself clear?"

Feqor tried to nodd his head as Vlad continued to choke him"To hell with the Blood cult I'll deal with them when I'm ready understand?"
Feqor nodded as he apologized"My apologies Milord I meant no disrespect".

Vlad released his grip from around his throat as he replied"The only thing on my mind now is winning Bastet's affection and the hell with anything else!"

Fequor lowered his head and bowed as Vlad stared at him"That will be all for now..leave me so that I may think about my beloved".
Vlad stared out the window as he thought about Bastet,she had already stolen his heart and his lust for her grew with each passing moment.
He then remembered about the Blood Cult they would use anything they could to get to him even Bastet.

He shook his head as he threw his sword at the door narrowly missing his minion Fequor.

  "Milord what troubles you?"Vlad stared at him as he retrieved his sword and answered.

"The Blood Cult will be dealt with tonight..for I will not let them use my beloved Bastet to get to me!"
Fequor nodded as he replied"Our men have found their location their in a place called North Grove".

Vlad stared at him as he nodded"Very well it's time to deal with these impudent mortals!"

Vlad's eyes turned white as he disappeared in a bright blue light teleporting to where the Blood Cult resided.

Upon his arrival he noticed the slain butler laying in a pool of his own blood on the marble steps.

Vlad admired the handy-work as he sensed Bastet's presence nearby"Bastet must be here already" he thought to himself as he rushed inside the house and climbed the staircase.
He flipped up to the balcony as he saw his beloved Bastet wiping the blood away from her dagger.

He stared at her as his heart began to race,2 of the men were on the floor in a pool of their own blood leaving only the ring leader left to fend for himself.

Vlad smiled as he slipped his arms around her waist and whisphered in her ear"It's such a pleasure to see you again Milady".
Vlad held her in his arms as he gently kissed her cheek on nibbled on her neck.

Bastet moaned softly as she felt his hands roam all over her naked breasts,then gasped as she felt him take them into his mouth.

He pinched one of her hardening nipples as he sucked the other and then vice versa.

She was indeed a prisoner in his heart and in his bed and there was no place she would rather be.

Vlad continued to stare at her as she smiled"What is it M'Lord?"Vlad smiled as he brushed the hair from her eyes.

"You're the one I've waited my whole life for..from the very first time I saw you I knew I had to have you".

Bastet smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair"I felt the same way about you too M'Lord".

Vlad kissed her passionately on the lips as he ran his hands all over her legs.

"You're so beautiful Bastet and I promise that you'll have anything your heart desires".

He kissed her legs softly as he lowered his mouth beween them and drank her juices.

She moaned as Vlad grabbed her and positioned her on top of his hardening erection.

Her thrusts were met by his in perfect unision as their moans of pleasure once again filled the room.
Fequor tried to run but Vlad stopped him with a look of pure anger written all over his face.

  "What have you done Fequor?"he tried to answer but Bastet interupted him"He's been watching us M'Lord".

Vlad stared at him as he grabbed him by the throat and replied"How dare you watch me and my beloved..you'll pay for this insolence with your life!"

  Fequor tried to break free from Vlad's grasp but to no avail"Please Milord I didn't mean to I was only-".

"Silence it's time to show you what happens to anyone that messes with my beloved!"

"Please Milord show mercy..I promise I'll never do it again..please don't kill me!"

Vlad stared at Bastet as he smiled"Very well I'll show mercy"Vlad started to release his grip from around his throat when he stopped.

"Then again maybe not!"and with that he snapped his neck in 3 places and ripped out his heart.

Bastet smiled as she kissed his neck softly"I love to watch you in action M'Lord".

  Vlad dipped his fingers in the blood surrounding Fequor's body as he slipped them into Bastet's mouth.

She licked his fingers clean as Vlad smiled and stared at her naked body"Damn you're even more stunning in the moonlight".

He knelt down in front of her to worship her beauty as Bastet grabbed his hand and pulled him close to her naked breasts.
She offered her nipples to him under the moonlight as Vlad greedily sucked them.

She threw back her head as Vlad bit them roughly"Oh M'Lord please take me..I need to feel you inside of me!"
Vlad turned her around to face the wall as he placed her arms above her head and entered her from behind.

Bastet moaned loudly as he thrusted in and out of her,stopping now and then to playfully slap her ass.

Bastet cried out in pleasure as her lover exploded inside her"Take me to bed lover..I want you so bad!"

Vlad kissed her nipples as picked her up in his arms and carried her back to their bed.

Vlad layed her beautiful naked body on top of the sheets as he lowered his head between her legs.

He gladly drank her juices as he kissed her legs all over"You're absolutely gorgeous my dear".
Bastet placed her hands on his face as she smiled"There's no place I'd rather be than in your bed M'Lord".

Vlad smiled as he placed her legs on his shoulders and gently moved in and out of her.

Bastet wrapped her legs around him as she forced more of him inside her"Take me M'Lord I'm all yours!"

Vlad bit her breasts roughly as he rammed in and out of her with hard thrusts causing their bed to shake violently.
A Non-Existent User
I remember reading the letter of the news of my cousin, Lady Blast's death, and I was told later that I fainted dead away. Of course I left London immeadiatly and headed to Prussia, my borhter and I were her only living relatives, and she had been a great friend to me throughout the years. They would not let me see her body, explaining that some strange ritualistic cult had found her inside a tavern while she was travelling to meet me, and had shredded her body to bits. Though I prayed mightly to God, the priests words brought no comfort.

My brother, Micheal and I settled into my cousin's estate, Laysor Manor, to help settle her accounts and finances. I cannot say I like this place, Prussia is cold and harsh in the winter, and Laysor Manor has become a foreboding, dark place. I am consoled only with my daily rides into the surrounding forest, where I can hear the forest breathing, moving, the only thing alive in a dead place...
Vlad watched his lover sleep as he jumped out of the bed and put on his clothes,he teleported out of the room to the den as one of his minions greeted him.

"Master please forgive me for being in here without your permission"be bowed his head as Vlad smiled a little.

"Raise your head Gerilax I'm in a good mood today so be grateful for that"he nodded as he raised his head.

Vlad sat down at the table as he stared at Gerilax"Bring me some food now!"Gerilax nodded as he repleid"Yes sir right away!"

Gerilax disappeared from the den as Vlad thought about how incredible Bastet was,she was definetely the woman he had been waiting for his whole life.

He continued to think about her as Gerilax re-entered the room"I've brought you all the food I could find Master".

Vlad stared at it as he grabbed him by the throat"Well then go get more now!"he released his grip from around Gerilax's throat as he nodded.

"Yes M'lord I'll do that immediately!"Gerilax disappeared from the room as Vlad picked up the tray of food and teleported back into his bedroom.

He sat it down on the table beside the bed as he kissed Bastet's breasts gently,she smiled as she opened her eyes and stared at him.
A Non-Existent User
"What are you doing? Let go of me this instant!"

"Lady Bast, please! My Master will be looking for you, and if he knew that I did nothing to stop you...." A swarthy, short man had grabbed my arm as I was walking through the forest, and insisted upon dragging me along behind him. Strange, I had not seen him at the funeral; he was still obviously under the impression that my cousin was alive! It was true that she was a few years older than I, but we bear an almost striking resemblance. The only difference is where her hair was dark, black as midnight, mine is fair, blonde curls. Of course, all my hair is hidden under my riding hat...

"M'lord, M'lord, I've found her!," the man called as he continued to drag me into a great estate that I had not seen before. The stone walls were practically ancient, but as strong as any fortress, and every window was draped so heavily not even the light of day was allowed in. Only the fires in the fireplaces, and the few sparce candles brought light, causing shadows to dance along the walls.

"You've found what?" A sharp voice came from behind us, startling me so that I dropped the bouquet of wild flowers I'd been picking. As we turned, the swarthy man cried, "Lady Bast!"

A tall, dark man stood in front of us, his black hair falling about his shoulders, framing his fair face, surounding his sharp features. A handsome creature, he took my breath away when I first looked into his eyes. There is something strange and very powerful in them. Indeed, recognition spurs him to reach out and touch my cheek. His hand is cold, and I gasp. "This cannot be, this marvelous wonder in my hands..." he says slowly.

"M'lord, my love, my Vlad, what is taking you so long?" The light voice trails down a dark hall, and finally the woman comes out of the shadows...

"Bastet!" I manage to cry out. Perhaps my eyes decieve me, but here is my cousin! Albeit pale and looking a bit weak, but she is indeed my cousin! Alive!

"Catherine?" I begin to sway, the room suddenly too hot. "Vlad, catch her," Bastet calls, "she's going to faint..."
Vlad caught Catherine easily before she could hit the floor as Bastet looked at her cousin"Take her to the guest room".

Vlad nodded as he picked her up in his arms and carried her upstairs to the guest room,he layed her down on the bed as he stared at her.

Like Bastet she was very beautiful,he continued to stare at her as Bastet entered the room adn wrapped her arms around him.

"My cousin is very beautiful isn't she?"Vlad nodded as he smiled"Yes my dear she is but so are you".

He kissed her on the lips as Catherine started to open her eyes,Bastet sat down on the bed next to her as Vlad walked out of the room and summoned one of his men.

Gerilax appeared before him as Vlad replied"Make sure our guest is comfortable whatever she wants she gets understand?"

Gerilax nodded as Vlad turned back and entered the room again,he watched Catherine wake up as he stared at her she was indeed quite lovely.
A Non-Existent User
Catherine came to, finding herself face to face with her supposedly dead cousin, and the handsome creature Bastet was calling Vlad. Bastet tried her best to calm the girl down, but Catherine could not comprehend what was happening. Bastet took off Catherine's hat, shaking her blonde curls loose, and unbuttoning the top of her dress to allow her more air. Gerilax brought a cup of wine and handed it to Vlad. "For the young lady, M'lord."

Bastet left Catherine's side to allow Vlad to sit next to the girl. He helped Catherine drink from the cup while she listened to Bastet explain why she let everyone believe she was dead. "So you see, my sweet cousin, that the nobles must believe me dead, or they would do the deed themselves?"

Catherine nodded as Vlad helped her lie back down. "You should rest now, Catherine. I'm sure you've had quite a shock." Bastet tucked the cover in around her, and in seconds, Catherine was asleep.

Bastet and Vlad watched the sleeping figure for some time. "She cannot leave now," Vlad told his lover, "she knows too much."

Bastet nodded. "Yes, of course." Then she smiled. "We will have my cousin all to ourselves, now." Her grin became sinister, and her eyes dark. "What are we going to do?"
A Non-Existent User
Lady Dalaina entered the secret castle of Vlad discuised. She was sick and tired of all the men that she encountered wishing to rape her. She was a tall Amazon. She had waist length red curls and brown eyes, plus breasts that hardly fitted any corset.
Vlad stared at Catherine as he smiled a little"She's quite a beauty"Bastet nodded as Gerilax entered the room.

"M'lord you have a guest"Vlad nodded as he smiled"Very well if you'll excuse me my dear"Bastet nodded as he kissed her on the lips.

"Lead the way Gerilax"they left the room and entered Vlad's throne room as Vlad stared at the Amazon with a smile.

"So what brings you to my castle?"Lady Dalaina watched him staring at her as she replied"I'm sick of all the men I've met I wish to join your group and wipe out mankind's existance".

Vlad stared at her as he sat down on his throne and smiled"I like you so what's your name?"he motioned for Gerilax to bring her a chair as she kicked him in the gut and knocked him over the head with it.

Vlad clapped his hands as he smiled"The names Lady Dalaina"Vlad nodded as he replied"Welcome to my group Lady Dalaina".

She nodded as she pushed back her red hair"Take any room in the castle that's not already occupied".

Gerilax started to get up but was met with a kick to the head,Lady Dalaina stepped over his unconscious body as Vlad smiled.

A Non-Existent User
"You'll like it here, my cousin," Bastet told Catherine as Vlad returned from the throne room. "Just you wait. Vlad, Catherine has agreed to stay with us," Bastet told him.

"A lovely arrangement," he noted, and to her surprise, Catherine blushed.

"Oh Catherine! We will have a beautiful time! And I shall make you my pet!" It had come to Vlad's attention over the past week that Bastet needed some female compaionship. He was going to send Gerilax to find someone suitable, although Catherine herself had arrived. 'Good,' he thought, 'my Bastet is happy.'

"Now kiss me, cousin, and seal it.. that you will stay here with me and let me pamper you in every way possible!" Catherine blushed again, not only embarrased to kiss her cousin, but do it in front of this strange man, Vlad! But Bastet pressed her lips against Catherine's before she could protest... Vlad watched on, amused in more ways than one.

"Now, Vlad, you must kiss my cousin as well," Bastet smiled. "Show her your goodwill."

"No, cousin, it is not necesarry," Catherine interjected, already flushed. "I am quite sure of Vlad's goodwill," she added softly.

"NONSENSE!" Bastet startled them both with her hasty reply. "Vlad, kiss my cousin," she ordered.

Vlad needn't be told twice; the thought of these two women excited him immensely. Catherine was a timid little thing.. with innocence to boot. She would be joy to kiss. Vlad sat beside her in the bed and put his hand on the back of her neck, pulling her lips toward his...

Bastet grinned as she watched her lover assault her cousin's mouth. An idea began to form in her mind.. as much as she craved Vlad, it would be tantalizing to have her cousin share their bed... As Catherine pulled away from Vlad, gasping at the fact that he had put his tongue in her mouth, Bastet resolved to warm her cousin up to her idea...

Bastet would get what she wanted eventually... Catherine and Vlad.

A Non-Existent User
Lady Dalaina roamed the castle, looking for a room that wasn't already taken. She entered a room next to the library.

She saw Vlad and a lady making out, while another watched. Lady Dalaina tried to exit without being noticed, but didn't succeed.

"Who are you?" asked the lady who was watching as Vlad and the other broke apart.

"I am ever so sorry," said Lady Dalaina, "Vlad told me that I could have any room not already taken, and I made the mistake of thinking that nobody was in here. My name is Lady Dalaina."

The one who had kissed Vlad was blushing as she replied, "Greetings, Lady Dalaina. You may call me Catherine. This is my cousin, Lady Bastet."

After the pleasentries were exchanged, Vlad made an excuse and left the ladies alone.

"Well," said Lady Bastet, "Catherine is taking the room across the hall. I discovered yesterday, a beautiful room on an the next floor that I think that you might enjoy. Shall I show you, Lady Dalaina?"

"I would be much obliged," said Lady Dalaina, enjoying the company of Bastet.
Vlad looked back at the women with a smile as Gerilax appeared before him"Well I see that you've finally woken up?"

Vlad smiled a little as Gerilax placed his hand oh his forehead and nodded"Yes M'lord that amazon really packs a punch".

Vlad nodded as he smiled"Yes she makes a great addition to our army"Gerilax nodded as he replied"Shall I prepare them some food?"

Vlad shook his head as he replied"There's 3 beautiful women upstairs the last thing we want is for them to be poisoned by your food".

Gerilax lowered his head as Vlad continued"Go to the resturant down the road and get us some food".

Gerilax nodded as Vlad smiled"Get all the best foods I want to have a huge feast tonight!"Gerilax nodded as he bowed his head"Yes M'lord I will not fail you".
Vlad paced back and forth inside the kitchen as Gerilax appeared before him with food in hand.

"It's about time you returned!"Gerilx shook his head as he sighed"My apologies M'lord"Vlad stared at him as he shook his head.

He started to hit him as Catherine appeared before them"Am I interupting something?"Vlad pulled back his hand as he shook his head.

"Not at all my dear I was just instructing Gerilax on what to do next"Catherine nodded as Vlad grabbed her hand.

"Come with me my dear while my servant prepares a huge feast for us"Catherine nodded as they walked out of the kitchen and entered the library.

"This library is amazing"she stared at the books with a smile as Vlad nodded"Yes it's almost as amazing as those legs".

He pointed at her legs with a smile as she blushed a little"May I have a look around? I'm interested in reading some of these books".

"Of course Milady Catherine my library is yours to enjoy"he grabbed her hand and kissed it gently as Catherine smiled a little.
A Non-Existent User
Vlad's attention had flustered Catherine, but she smiled and turned to the rows upon rows of books and began searching through them. Ancient religions, history, art, philosophy... Catherine engrossed herself in the smell of old leather binding and musty paper pages. She was flipping through some pages about Plato, completely unaware that Vlad continued to watch her, and was moving in...

When he kissed her on the back of her neck, she jumped and spun round to face him. She started to stutter in a gesture that might be considered resistance, but Vlad grabbed the back of her head and pressed his lips against hers, and forced his tongue into her mouth. Slowly her fortitude melted away, and when he kissed down her neck she began to groan. Vlad began to unbutton the top of her blouse....

"No, please, My lord.." he continued to ignore her, until she put her hands over his. "What about my cousin, Bastet?" He growled then, a low sound in the back of his throat, and Catherine went wide-eyed.

"I will do whatever I please, and take whomever I please, my little Catherine. And it just so happens that I want you now." Vlad paused to smile. "I promise you'll enjoy it...." he leaned down to kiss her neck again, feeling her heart quicken and her blood coursing through her veins. Vlad knew he shouldn't give himself away, but he wanted to bite her so badly, his incisors elongating, he grazed his teeth against Catherine's neck as she struggled but moaned in a bewildering mix of pleasure and fear. He was just about to sink into her creamy skin..

"My Lord, dinner is served," Gerilax said as he opened the door to the library, not noticing what his master was about to do. Vlad growled again, but pulled away from Catherine. She was flushed and panting heavily, visibly shaken, as she hastily buttoned up her blouse again.

"Tell the others; Lady Catherine and I will be along shortly," Vlad said, trying to control his temper. Gerilax, sensing his bad timing, beat a hasty retreat. Vlad turned once again to Cahterine, who had gone pale when he gripped her arm. "Relax, my dear, I won't harm you. I promise. But I will make you mine." He smiled darkly. "Right after dinner, I think."
Vlad stared at Catherine with a smile as he opened the door and escorted her back to the dining room.

Bastet sat down next to Vlad on the opposite side of him as she smiled at them"So have you two gotten acquinted with one another yet?"

Vlad smiled a little as he placed his hands on Catherine's legs and gently started massaging them.

"Yeah Lady Catherine is quite the reader she enjoys our library"Bastet smiled as she nodded"Yes the library is grand isn't it?"

Catherine nodded as she tried to control her body,feeling Vlad's hands roaming up and down her legs was driving her wild with desire.

She shuffled back and forth in her chair as Bastet stared at her"Is everything ok dear cousin?"

Catherine nodded as Vlad's hands dipped down between her legs causing Catherine to make a quick jerking motion knocking over her wine.

Catherine shook her head as she sighed"I'm so sorry"Vlad smiled a little as he replied"That's perfectly ok Gerilax will clean it up".

Catherine nodded as Gerilax pulled off the old table cloth and replaced it with a new one,the feast come now begin.
A Non-Existent User
Catherine was trying desperatly to control her breathing. Vlad kept swirling his hands up her thighs, pushing her heavy skirts upward, trying to touch her pale thigh. Her resolve to fight him lessened with every stroke. Finally, Catherine closed her eyes, shaking the feeling from her mind. She brushed his hand away. "No," she managed to whisper, though she meant to say it louder.

Lady Bast smiled. "It seems she's refusing you, M'lord," she snidely remarked. "You must be losing your touch."

Vlad snapped at Lady Bast, and swept his arm over the table, scattering serving dishes across the floor. He grabbed Catherine, who only squeaked, by the shoulders and hauled her on top of the table, pinning her down with his knees as he climbed on top. "No one can refuse me, Bast," he snarled, ripping Catherine's blouse open. "I will take this unclaimed neck now." Catherine screamed then, struggling against Vlad, fully aware of the danger now. He was leaning down when another voice entered the room.

"Stop," Bella commanded, wooden stake already poised. Vlad unpinned Catherine, who fled, tearfully, to a corner of the hall. "You will not take another innocent life."

Vlad moved closer towards her as she kicked him in the stomach and tried to slam the stake into his chest.

Vlad skillfully dodged her attacks as he delivered a thunderous uppercut to her chest that sent her flying across the room.

Bella hit the wall with a thud as Vlad teleported over to her and stepped on her hand forcing her to drop the stake.

"Now my dear Bella I'm afraid you will find out that killing me is much easier said than done"and with that Vlad knocked her in the head with his elbow knowing her unconscious.

He stared at her for a few seconds as he called for Lady Bast and Catherine,they rushed inside and stared at the fallen woman.

Vlad grabbed Catherine by the arm as he smiled"My dearest Catherine tonight you will become one of us".

Catherine stared into his eyes as Vlad ordered his servants to take Bella down to the dark dungeon.

He stared at Bastet as he replied"Tonight my dear Lay Bast will be the night we make your cousin one of us".

Catherine shivered a little thinking about what Vlad had doen earlier to her blouse and the teasing her had down earlier at the table.

As much as she tried she couldn't deny that she was attracted to him,Vlad smiled as he grabbed her hand"Come Catherine the time to become immortal is at hand".
A Non-Existent User
Catherine had managed to find out that if she didn't look directly at Vlad, she could control the desire mounting in her, and push the fear aside. "What about the woman, Isabella? How can you take her down to the dugeon? She hasn't managed to harm you..." events began to swim in her head, and without knowing it, Catherine was near hysterics. "And what do you mean, immortal? You are.. this is some trickery of the devil and I will not have it! You must let Isabella and I go or God will heap eternal damnation on your soul you wicked..."

Catherine only manage to take a quick gulping breath of air when Vlad seized her by the waist and hoisted her up to look in his face. Something about the way he smiled at her caused her to shiver involuntarily. "I'm already damned, Catherine, so your petty threats hold no sway over me." Catherine went wide-eyed, then started to kick and struggle. Vlad just laughed. "There's no escaping me, little one. Your fate is already set."

Catherine pummelled his shoulders and Lady Bast watched on, amused. "If you have any love in your heart, you will at least let Isabella go. I would..." she thought carefully before continuing, "endure her punishment for her if you let her go."

Vlad dropped Catherine and snarled, sending her sailing back into the tight grip of her cousin, Lady Bast. "I have nothing in my heart, NOTHING!" he roared. "I only take what is mine, and that is EVERYTHING! Make her watch, Bast, I want Catherine to see how I will take her in just a few moments..." At that, he strolled across the room, and knocked his servant away from the still unconcious Isabella, and hoisted her up, brushing her hair aside and sinking his fangs into her neck.

The girl moaned once and went stiff, but Catherine didn't understand what was happening until she saw a trickle of blood run down past Vlad's lips. With sudden strength, Catherine screamed and shoved Lady Bast away, knocking her against the wall. Catherine rushed to Isabella's side as Vlad let the girl go. Her neck was bloodied by the puncture wounds, and she was barely still alive. Catherine lifted the girl's head, tenderly, into her lap, using her hankercheif to try and stop the bleeding.

Lady Bast, thoroughly angered by her cousins outburst, hurled herself towards Catherine, fire in her eyes. She was stopped by Vlad who grabbed her by the neck in a choke-hold. When she had calmed down, he released her and started towards Catherine. "It's your turn now, Catherine," he said, almost tenderly, "I promise you I will cause you more pleasure than pain. Come to me," he took her shoulders and pulled her away from Isabella, who had, in the past few moments, begun to wake.

As he started for her neck, Catherine tried to remember any bit of a prayer, but there was nothing. Vlad was kissing her neck, fondling her through her dress, bent on biting her, but wishing to make her burn with lust first. Then he saw it. It was tiny, he hadn't seen it before, but there it was. A solid gold cross on a petite chain around her neck. The sight of it was enough to cause him to gag and push her away. He couldn't bite her until she took it off herself, but in the meantime....

"Bast, take the girl to a room for the meantime, and keep her alive. As for you, Catherine..." In a swirl of black fog, Catherine felt them moving, but she couldn't tell how. She and Vlad were suddenly back in "her" room in the castle. "You'll stay right here until you decide to give me either your body or your neck. Willingly, of course."

"Never!" she gasped back, appalled by him.

"You will change your mind after a few days of being locked away, my dear," Vlad smiled, then pulled the heavy door shut behind him before locking it.

Vlad walked back to the kitchen as Bastet stared at him"She'll soon understand that you get what you want".

Vlad stared at his lover as he smiled a little"Yes I do I get what I want when I want"Bastet smiled as she rubbed his growing erection.

Vlad grabbed her in his arms and kissed her passionately as Gerilax walked in and bowed his head in repect.

"My apologies milord I had no idea you were in here?"Vlad stared at him as he replied"Don't worry I'll spare your life for now".

Gerilax nodded as he replied"Thank you Master"Vlad kissed Bastet again as he told her to go upstairs and wait for him.

She did as he requested as Vlad grabbed Gerilax's arm"Make sure you take care of Catherine..make sure she's fed".

Gerilax nodded as he replied"What about the other woman?"Vlad remembered his encounter with Bella earlier as he shook his head.

"Yes make sure she's fed too I will enjoy turning her"he made his way upstairs as he found Lady Dalaina sitting over next to the window.

Vlad made his way over to her as he smiled"Enjoying your stay here so far?"she nodded as she replied"Yes I am so when are you going to give me the grand tour?"

Vlad stared at her large breasts as he smiled a little"Maybe you would like to join me and Bastet in the Master bedroom".

Lady Dalaina stared at the bulge in his pants as she nodded"Yes I would like that very much"Vlad opened the door as he escorted her inside.

Bastet lay naked on the bed ready for her lover's advances as Vlad stopped and stared at Lady Dalaina.

"Go ahead show me how attentive you can be to my lover"Lady Dalaina smiled a little as she lowered her head between Bastet's legs.

Vlad watched this as he started to remove his clothes,he moved in to pounce on them as Gerilax interupted him.

"Milord come quickly Lady Catherine doesn't look so well!"Vlad grabbed his shirt as he stared at Bastet and Lady Dalaina enjoying one another.

He smiled as he teleported downstairs and looked at Gerilax"What's wrong with her?"he shook his head as he replied"I don't know she said she wanted to see you though".
A Non-Existent User
Lady Catherine was in shock. Never in her eighteen years had she experienced anything akin to what she had seen and felt this night, and after Vlad left her in her room, she had fainted straightaway. The servant Gerilax had picked her up from the stone floor and placed her on the canopy bed, offering her a cup of red wine. She pushed it away and asked for Vlad, but she was still not sure what would happen as she clutched the cross at her chest and waited for the servant's return.

Catherine shrieked in terror when Vlad teleported to her bedside, then tore at the sheets violently until Vlad pinned her down. She could only cry, beg to be let go, and plead that Vlad bring her her brother. Vlad watched as she teetered on the edge of hysterics; finally he called for Gerilax to bring him his kit.

Gerilax returned with Vlad's collection of medicinal tinctures; a series of glass bottles and vials in a wooden box, and he selected a clear bottle with green liquid. Forcing her mouth open, Vlad poured the contents of the bottle down Catherine's throat. He held her in his arms until she began to go limp, and in a matter of moments, she was breathing easily. The little thing had had more of a shock than Vlad had first realized, and he could tell that he was going to have to be more careful with her than first expected. He kissed her, almost tenderly, on the top of her head before laying her back on the bed. "Dream easy, little one," Vlad whispered next to her ear, and she shuddered but did not stir.

Gerilax had seen his Master at the pinnacle of his anger and evilness, but after he tended to the girl, he seemed more worried than anything else. "Gerilax," Vlad began thoughtfully, "see if you can find Lady Catherine's brother. They were staying at Laysor Manor. See to it he finds his way here.." here, the old Vlad returned in full force. HE grabbed Gerilax's throat and gave it a squeeze. "If you don't bring him back, I'll let Bast torture you until I see fit to break your back with my hands." He dropped Gerilax who nodded and hurried away.

Vlad considered going back to Bast's room, but changed his mind at the last second, and sat beside the sleeping Catherine instead.

Lady Gabriela Tirloiu paced inside Michael’s library.

“I insisted that you come because my sister, Catherine, has disappeared. There has been no sign of her. I can only hope that the worst hasn’t befallen her.” Michael lamented.

Michael had sent for Gabriela as soon as his sister’s disappearance. Gabriela was a good friend of the family and quite fond of Michael.

“Calm down Michael. There are a number of places she could be.” Gabriela said while walking over to Michael’s side.

“Nonsense!” He screamed. “She would never leave without telling me!”

Gabriela laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. He gazed into her sapphire eyes with forbidden passion. He had known Lady Gabriela all of his life, and he had known since child hood that one day he would make her his wife. Suddenly a knock on the library door broke him out of his trance.

“Come in.” He commanded gruffly.

“My Lord, there is a man here to see you.” A servant said with his head bowed respectively.

“See him in.” Michael said with a wave of his hand.

Suddenly a man dressed in a worn black velvet suit stepped in.

“Who are you?” Michael demanded.

“I am Gerilax, I serve Lord Vlademyre Sulavez, and Lady Catherine is in his Manor. She was found in the woods half dead.”

Michael stood up quickly and rushed over to the sullen man. “Is she alright?” He questioned while grabbing the collar of the man’s coat. “Well is she? Tell me!”

Gerilax pulled away from the man and straightened his coat. Michael began to apologize but Gerilax quickly interrupted him.

“Lord Vlademyre has sent me to fetch you. He wishes for you to come immediately.”

“Of course.” Michael said.

Gabriela rushed to his side. “I’m coming with you, Michael.”

Gerilax looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. He searched her with his eyes. Her soft brown hair cascaded from its bonds on top of her head in luscious curls and her bright blue eyes stared at him defiantly. He smiled to himself as he stared at her inviting, delicious lips. The master would be very please with this little treasure.

The three galloped off into the forest. Gabriela gripped her horses reigns tighter as dusk began to fall. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a castle began to loom ahead. The sight of its darkness took Gabriela’s breath away. She had never seen such a foreboding sight.

They dismounted their horses and were led into the castle.
Vlad sat with Catherine watching her sleep as Gerilax knocked on the door"Milord the visitors have arrived".

Vlad nodded as he replied"Tell them I'll be there in a minute" Gerilax went back to tell them as Vlad kissed Catherine on the forehead and walked out to greet his guests.

He made his way into the parlor as he stared at the woman with a smile"Well it seems like this castle is beginning to fill with beautiful women".

Gabriela smiled a little as she replied"You have a magnificent castle Lord Sulavez" Vlad smiled as he nodded"Please call me Vlad".

She nodded as Michael interupted"Take me to my sister now!" Vlad shook his head as he replied"I'm sorry but she's sleeping".

Michael shook his head as he replied"I've searched for my sister for days and now you say I can't see her because she's sleeping!"

Vlad stared at him as he replied"I didn't say you couldn't see her at all I said she was sleeping and she needs rest so you'll have to wait a little while longer".

Gabriela grabbed Michael's hand as she replied"I think we should let her sleep a bit then we can all see her".

Michael nodded as he turned back to Vlad and replied"I'm sorry I've just been so worried about her".

Vlad nodded as he replied"Well that's perfectly understandable" Michael nodded as he replied"We'll just come back tomorrow then".

Vlad shook his head as he stared at Gabriela"Why don't you two stay here for the night...there's plenty of room".

"I want him" Bastet demanded, her eyes filled with lust. "You have all the playthings. It's not fair."

Vlad smiled at her appetite. Though the others were appealing, she was his one true love; like him in every way. "Then you shall have him, my adored one. With my devilish blessings." He leaned over her and bit deeply into her neck. As he sucked the life's-blood from her, she returned the favor, biting deeply into his jugular. They groaned in unison as he sank into her, thrusting slowly.

As they drank, his motions increased, bringing both of them to an overwhelming orgasm.

Bastet looked up at him, her eyes mischievous. "I want him tonight. He is a threat to us already and it must be done within the hour."

Vlad smiled at her, seeing through her machinations. "You are so full of shit, my dearest love." He crooned, stroking her lustrous hair with an idle hand. "You just want to fuck him and you don't want to wait. I know you, remember? You're as hungry as I am. That's why we make the perfect pair."

Bastet chuckled. "Yes, my darling lord, you do know me well. Now take me to him and let me have my little toy all to myself…at least for a time."

Vlad bowed his head, rising to escort her to the door. "He's down the hallway, three doors to the left. Have fun, my darling."

Bastet smiled,as she pulled her bodice lower to expose her bountiful breasts. Her lush reddish hair flowed freely and her face glowed with anticipation.

Vlad paused and turned to her, his eyes earnest. "Just remember who you love, my darling."

Bastet leaned upwards, kissing him lovingly. "Don't worry, my love. The young boy will be my pet but you are my true husband."

Vlad smiled, holding her close for a moment. Then, stopping in front of the door where Michael lay sleeping, he bowed, turned, and walked away.

Bastet voice whispered to him as he made his way down the stairs. "Vlad…make Catherine yours tonight, or all is lost."

He smiled to himself. That particular idea had already occurred to him and tonight he was not taking no for an answer.
Vlad raised his arms as he teleported inside of Catherine's room, he sat back down next to her as she started to wake up.

She opened her eyes as Vlad smiled a little "Time to rise and shine my dear" he placed his hand underneath her head as he helped her raise her head.

He stared into her eyes as he kissed her softly, Catherine started to protest but finally gave in to Vlad's advances.

He kissed her passionately as he placed his hands on her hardening nipples, outlining them through her dress.

Catherine shivered at his touch as he continued to touch her, first her nipples then her legs as he spread her legs apart and ripped off her panties.

He started to touch her most sensitive spot as a knock at the door stopped him from doing so "Master Vlad I need to speak with you".

Vlad shook his head as he shouted "Leave us Gerilax!" he turned back around to Catherine as he felt a strange presence nearby.

He stopped touching her as he shook his head "Forgive me my dear but I must go now...sleep now for I shall return" and with those words circling around in her head Catherine fell fast asleep.
A Non-Existent User
"Good God, Catherine, what have you done to your hair?! And for heaven's sake put something on your..." Micheal was silenced when Bastet grinned, her elongated insisors pulling her lips back, making even the warmest smile like the snarl of an angry cat.

"My dear Micheal," Bastet purred, slithering her way towards the bed. Micheal unconciously shrank from her form, a gesture not lost on the damned soul before him, "Do you not recognize your own cousin?"

Catherine woke with a start, her heart racing, and her body covered in a fine mist of cold sweat. Heaven help her, this was not happening! She dared reach under her skirts, hands shaking when she touched her torn undergarments, but knowing, somehow, God-willing, she remained intact. She sat back with a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived. It felt as if a hand gripped at her heart suddenly when she thought of Micheal. He must be worried sick if he was not already...

"Oh!" Catherine stood at once, fear and resolve strengthening her spine. The door was locked, but she must get out, must get away, must find her brother and leave this cursed place, and flee back to the safety of England. She stomped her silk-slippered foot against the stone floor, and chastised herself for ever being allowed to be brought to such a place as this.

Finally, a happy omen; the moon with it's pale rays shimmered across the floor; creeping it's way up her voluminous skirts through a high-placed window. An escape! Secretly, as stealithly as possible, Catherine stacked two chairs on top of eachother, and pushed them to the northern wall where the window stood. Carefully climbing her way up the chairs, she managed to reach the window ledge, using her arms to pull herself up with a renewed strength. She was just trying to force the rusted latch open when

"Well, aren't you the pretty picture?"

Catherine covered her mouth quickly with her hand to supress a scream, fear crawling back into the pit of her stomach; it would have doubled her over if her corset hadn't been laced so tightly. And then she felt a cold air race through the room, and she shivered involuntarily like a bird that knows it's been trapped by it's cage. This was not the voice of Vlad, or Bastet, or any of the other wicked creatures that she had met in this place. But the voice frightened her all the same. Not daring even to turn her head to whomever was behind her, Catherine managed to gasp out, "Who are you?"

Gabriela paced in her room. She knew that she should probably lay down and get some rest, but she felt so uneasy. There was something not right about the place but she couldn’t quite place her finger on it. She wanted nothing more than to run to Michael’s room and let him hold her in his strong embrace all night long to keep her safe, but such a thing was not proper.

The door creaked open and she turned around quickly. Vlad stood in the door way, a suave look on his face.

“Hello my dear.” He purred seductively while closing the door behind him. Gabriela took a step back without even knowing it.

He walked up to her and ran a hand through her long hair.

“Mmm,” He mummered while bringing his body close to hers. “A virgin.” He said with a wicked smile. “You’re a true Lady,” he said with a chuckle. Gabriela knew she should run but for some reason she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

He ran his hand gently down her arm. It sent electric shocks of pleasure throughout her body. She had never felt this way before. With a swift movement he picked her up and brought her over to the bed. There was nothing better than sleeping with a virgin who loved another.
Michael sat up in bed abruptly, his hair falling into his eyes.

"My lady, what's wrong?" His voice was concerned but she could detect the nervousness beneath his words as she scooted closer to him.

Michael shivered, aroused despite himself. She was so damned beautiful with her hair spilling over her right shoulder and the cleft of her breasts gleaming in the dim light of the opened doorway. He'd always been dazzled by his beautiful cousin, but she was forbidden to him...she was family.

As though she could read his thoughts, Bastet smiled slightly. "In this house, darling, there are no boundaries. And no one will ever know what happened in this room tonight if you don't want them to."

"Whhaa..." her lips covered his and Michael was lost. All of the pent up longing he had had for her for so many years came boiling up inside of him, and eagerly, he kissed her back, pushing his tongue against the seam of her lips until they opened.

The kiss went on and on and Michael was in heaven as he felt her fingers touch him. She stroked him slowly through the covers and then she covered the growing mound greedily.

With her free hand, she pulled back the crumpled blankets and grasped him. Michael started with shock and then trembled as she kissed her way down his chest and took his teeming erection inside of her mouth.

He groaned, throwing his head back as she licked him, swirling her tongue round and around..

"OUCH!" He cried out as a sharp prick of pain joined the rushing pleasures of her mouth. The pain throbbed, growing in cadence with the rising of his orgasm until he screamed out and slumped back against the covers.

Oh, my god...what had he done? 'Oh, god...I think I'm in love with her...' he groaned weakly to himself, feeling very drained and tired. Bastet turned from him so that he couldn't see what she was doing. His blood had been so sweet. What was it about sucking the life's blood from a cock that made it so sweet?" She gashed her wrist and spilled her blood into the empty tea cup on the side table. Once he drank it, and he would, he would be one of them.

"Here, darling" she crooned, turning back to him with a loving look on her face. "Something to drink will restore you."

"But I'm not thirst....."

She smiled, standing up to remove her gown, displaying a gorgeous body. Her public mound glistened; the skin as bare as a babe's.

She came closer, and sat back on the bed with her legs splayed, her fingers stroking the flesh between her legs. "If you drink the tea, I'll let you drink from me, next."

Michael bolted up in bed. "Give me the damned thing!" he demanded, staring down at her exposed pink flesh with hungry eyes. Her finger slid up and down the cleft teasingly. Michael grabbed the cup and drank it down, wincing slightly at the hot, salty taste but then he couldn't think anymore as she grasped his face and pulled it down to the one thing that he wanted to kiss more than anything else in the world.

As he pressed his mouth lovingly to her, he suddenly realized that he felt stronger than he ever had in his entire life; like he could do anything and everything. 'This powerful feeling I have must be love' he reasoned to himself as he tasted her with the tip of his tongue.

Oh, yes, he was going to take her many times tonight and then she would belong to HIM instead of her precious Vlad.

But first he had many kisses to give. And he intended to take his time.

A Non-Existent User
Meanwhile, back in Catherine's room.

"I am a friend of Isabella, please turn around slowly for I have a crossbow trained on your heart."

Slowly she turned, sadness showing on her face. When she caught sight of the voice's owner a sudden gasp escaped her lips. He was beautiful. Tall and lean he stood there before her. His hair glowing golden in the moonlight matched the golden cross that hung from his neck. He stood there with his face set, eyes lined down the sight of the crossbolt, the tip gleaming wickedly.

"Please don't shoot, I'm not one of them." she said

"That remains to be seen. Keep your hands in sight and let me see your neck."

Unbuttoning the top of her blouse slowly she exposed her neck, the cross slipping into sight. Seeing this he lowered the crossbow.

"I am sorry for my hesitation but I'm sure that you can understand it in this place. How is it that you have not been bitten yet and where is Isabella"

"I'm not sure why Vlad hasn't gotten me yet, he has been very close many times," she replied, shivering as she thought of how close. "Isabella was taken to the dungeon, but it is too late for her. She has already been bitten"

After she said this his shoulders seemed to slump and he appeared to age many years very quickly. She felt pity well up in her heart as she saw the sadness enter his eyes and pass over his face.

"Then I it is up to me to finish this alone." he said as he squared his shoulders and set his resolve. "First I will get you out of here to safety and then I will clean the filth out of this place. Follow me."

He turned swiftly and reaching up touched something she could not see. The wall slid silently open revealing a dark passageway. Looking back over his shoulder his eyes stared directly into hers.

"Are you coming or would you rather stay here and lose your soul becoming Vlad's sex slave forever?"
With that he turned and disappeared into the darkness. Taking a deep breath and setting her resolve she followed him into the unknown.
Vlad ran his fingers through Gabriela's hair as he kissed her cheeks and then her lips softly, she felt very aroused as Vlad continued to kiss her.

He kissed down her legs as he kissed her toes and began sucking them, Gabriela layed her head back enjoying the sensation as she heard her panties being ripped off.

She didn't raise a finger to protest as she felt Vlad's tongue all over her most private region, no man had ever seen her womanhood much less touched it.

Vlad kissed her womanhood over and over again as he reached up with his hands and ripped the flimsy dress off her body.

Gabriela started to protest as Vlad put a finger to her lips "Don't worry fair lady I will have a new dress sent to you in the morning".

Vlad raised his head as he stared at her nice breasts, he lifted his mouth to her nipple as he took one into his mouth.

He sucked gently then more roughly as Gabriela couldn't help but let out a moan, Vlad smiled at this as he sucked each nipple paying lots of attention to each.

Gabriela enjoyed the sensation of his tongue on her nipples as she arched her back to allow him easier access to them.

Vlad sucked them and then bit each one softly bringing a little blood, he licked the blood away as he got up and started stripping.

Gabriela stared at his now nude form before her as she felt very aroused, Vlad could see how wet she was as he lifted her legs onto his shoulders and buried himself deep inside her.

He thrusted in and out of her gently at first allowing her to get a feel for his rather large rod before starting to pound into her harder.

Gabriela moaned loudly as he ended her virginity and pounded with all his might inside her womanhood.

The bed rocked back and forth as they climaxed and Vlad drank up her juices, he stared at her as he prepared to bite her neck and make her one of them.

As he bent down to bite her neck Gerilax rushed in and told him that Catherine wasn't in her room.

Vlad's eyes turned red as he remembered the strange presence he had felt earlier, he put Gabriela under his mind control before teleporting to Catherine's room to investigate.
A Non-Existent User
It was so quiet in the secret passageway that Catherine could hear her heart pounding. It seemed to reverberate off the stone walls and back into her ears. She clung to her new companion, even if he hadn't yet introduced himself other than to say he was Isabella's friends. Catherine was too frightened for propriety, and this man seemed to know how to use a crossbow. It was enough for her.

"Please," she whispered, finally finding her voice, "My brother may be in the castle. We must find him, if he is."

"My dear," he said, taking her arm and gently pulling her along. "If he's here, he's already good as dead."


Micheal buried his face in Bastet's womanhood eagerly, using his tongue as the tool to probe her deepest reaches. Bastet held him to her, smashing herself against his face, unable to hold back her groans of delight. Micheal felt so free! So alive! So...

He bit her thigh suddenly, drawing blood. Bastet screamed in delight, and Micheal fell back, a bit aghast. What had he just done? He watched the blood trickle down her leg and he suddenly felt so thirsty for it...

"Drink, my love," she purred, "Don't fear your thirst."

Micheal did feel parched, and the one thing that could quench him was Bastet's blood. Blood! He reeled. He had to have it! He lunged forward covering his mouth over the wound, and drank


Vlad threw open the door to Catherine's room. He saw the chair pushed up to the far wall, and the open window. Anger welled inside him. Then he howled.



Catherine yelped, hiding her face in her companion's chest when she heard the terrible scream that suddenly filled the castle. She clutched to Isabella's friend desperately. He put his arm around her and stroked her hair to soothe her.

"Shhh, here," he said, handing her his belt knife. "Just stay close. I'll take care of you."

Vlad teleported inside Bastet's room as he saw Micheal greedily sucking the blood from her open wound.

He looked at her as he replied "Come Bastet there's an intruder inside these castle walls!"

Bastet started to get up because she could sense the anger in Vlad's voice, but Micheal stopped her from moving.

"She's mine now!" he hissed as Vlad uppercutted him across the room and pulled out his sword "Silence you fool!".

Micheal got up as he drank the blood that trickled down his cheek "I'm as strong as you Vlad and Bastet is mine now".

Vlad didn't have time to mess around as he teleported behind Micheal and grabbed him by the throat.

He hit him in the forehead with the handle of his sword as Micheal fell to the ground unconscious.

Vlad put his sword away as he grabbed Bastet's hand, he drug her out of the room as he threw her up against the wall and looked at her.

"So couldn't resist the urge to screw could you?" Bastet smiled a little as she replied "You know how horny I get my love".

Vlad nodded as he spread her legs apart and inserted his fingers, finger fucking her roughly "Yes I do and you best remember who's bed you belong in!"

Bastet smiled as she kissed his lips and then unfastened his pants, taking his large member into her mouth.

She sucked his large member like a pro as Vlad turned her round and fucked her in the ass as Micheal watched on.

Bastet moaned loudly as Vlad cummed inside her, Bastet turned around as Vlad offered his blood to her and she greedily sucked up all of his blood.

He then raised his hands as large bars came across the windows and doors "There now no one can come in or get out".

Bastet smiled as Vlad carried her over to the bed and lifted her legs in the air.

He fucked her hard and rough as he showed Micheal and anyone else who Bastet really belonged too.

Bastet rode his dick for what seemed like hours, screaming and moaning in delight as Vlad remembered about the intruder.

His ego to prove who Bastet belonged too almost made him forget, they climaxed together as Vlad kissed her on the lips and walked over to Micheal.

"Bastet is free to screw whomever she chooses but my bed is where she will always be got it!"

Micheal watched as Vlad disappeared in a cloud of black smoke to go looking for the intruders inside the castle.
Vlad made his way back inside the castle as Gerilax came into view "Master Vlad have you found the intruders yet?"

Vlad thought about Celeste as he replied "I'm sure the intruders will show themselves soon enough...have you found Catherine yet?"

Gerilax shook his head as he replied "Not yet Master".

Vlad shook his head as he replied "Alright send a few guards outside the castle walls....I'll check the other rooms as soon as I take care of something".

Vlad lifted his arms in the air as he teleported outside and found Celeste still laying in the rain basking in their passion.

"Come my dear my bed awaits you" Celeste looked at him as the rain poured down her lovely face and pooled around her large breasts.

Vlad lifted her in his arms as he teleported back to his bed chambers and layed her down on the bed.

He raised his hand using his powers as the door slammed shut and locked "There now no one will be able to interupt us".

Celeste smiled as she looked into her Master's eyes, Vlad stripped as Celeste saw his large cock spring free.

In a flash Vlad was on top of her and her legs were on his shoulders.

Vlad kissed her legs as he lowered his mouth to her pussy and began drinking her nectar.

Celeste moaned loudly as Vlad picked up his intensity eating her out and drinking her sweet nectar.

Celeste grabbed onto Vlad's head forcing his tongue further inside her as Vlad stopped drinking from her and shoved his big cock inside her pussy.

He rammed in her then held it as he watched her get used to his length.

He pulled out as he rammed back in her then out then in again.

Celeste held onto his chest as he shoved it back inside her and started fucking her wildly.

He held onto her legs spreading them apart as he fucked her hard and long, pounding her hot pussy with reckless abandon.

Celeste screamed in pleasure as he pounded her harder and then pulled out as he cummed inside her mouth.

He then held onto her head as she sucked his large rod and bobbed her head up and down, making sure to please her Master.

Vlad moaned his approval as Celeste continued to suck his large rod and then released more cum into her mouth.

Celeste swallowed his seed as Vlad layed down and pulled her on top of him "Ride me baby!" he exclaimed as Celeste lowered her pussy onto his large rod and began riding.

Vlad sucked her nipples into his mouth, enjoying the sensations of her large breasts as Celeste rode him harder.

Vlad bit her nipples drawing blood as they climaxed together, Vlad sucked her nipples for an hour drinking the blood as well as enjoying her amazing breasts.

Celeste moaned loudly as her Master sucked her nipples and then turned her over and spanked her ass.

Vlad kissed her ass as he spanked her again and again and then shoved his large cock in her ass and began pumping in and out of her.

Celeste moaned her approval as Vlad grabbed her breasts and fucked her ass harder and harder.

He pounded her ass with all his might as Celeste screamed loudly and he released his seed into her again.

Vlad turned her back over onto her back as he smiled "Very good my pet...I'm very pleased with your sexual appetite".

Celeste smiled as she replied "I love to please you Master....my body is yours".

Vlad smiled as he replied "You will stay in my bed my pet and I will be back to ride you".

Celeste nodded as Vlad dipped down between her legs and licked her pussy, drinking all of her juices as he walked over to the door.

"Get some sleep my dear....I will be back soon and I will be very horny too".

Celeste closed her eyes as she wanted to make sure to get some rest, she knew Vlad would be back for more hot sex and she wanted to be ready for his passion.

Vlad opened the door and walked outside as he locked the door and called for Gerilax.

Gerilax came in a hurry as he bowed his head "Is there anything wrong Master?"

Vlad shook his head as he replied "No just make sure no one bothers my sweet Celeste...her sexual appetite is a sight to behold".

Gerilax nodded as he replied "So what are you going to do now Master?" Vlad smiled as he replied "I'm going to check the other rooms...then go back and make my sweet Celeste scream in pleasure".

Vlad raised his arms as his face and body began to change into that of a wolf.

He howled loudly as he ran through the castle searching each room.

He went into the last room in the opposite side of the castle as he changed back to his original form and sniffed the air.

Vlad touched the wall as he could sense the presence of someone, he smiled a little as he called for Gerilax.

Gerilax ran as fast as he could as he got to the room and bowed his head "What can I do for you Master?" he asked while trying to catch his breath.

Vlad smiled as he replied "Check the secret passageway...take some of the guards with you and report back to me".

Gerilax nodded as he went to go get some of the guards, Vlad raised his arms as he teleported back to his bedchamber and stripped his clothes off again.

He climbed into bed with Celeste as he stroked her nipples and she woke up with a smile upon her lips.

"Ready to please me some more?" he asked as Celeste spread her legs wide and replied "I am yours Master".

A Non-Existent User
"Quickly, now!" That was the only prompting Catherine needed to break into a full run down the secret passageway. Her companion seemed to have his eyes open and all seeing in the darkness, while Catherine only managed to stumble along behind him. This fear wracked her body, and seemed to tear the very air from her lungs, yet still she ran.

But there was no escape, even in the passageway. Vlad's men were just outside the door that led to freedom, and as Catherine and Isabella's friend plotted a possible escape route, Gerilax and a band of armed guards made quick work of the hidden tunnels. They were mice caught in a trap.

"Catherine, you listen to me, and listen well," her companion began, his voice heavy with the seriousness of the situation. "Do not, for any reason, take the cross from your neck. Vlad cannot bite you while it remains intact. Also, avoid his eyes; he's a trained hypnotist. Above all, remember, this is just a game to him. There is not love, no honor, and no justice in his stone heart. Do you understand me?"

Catherine nodded dumbly, and Isabella's friend carefully hid his belt knife in the deep pocket of her skirts. "For protection," he whispered as Gerilax and Vlad's men overtook them.

"Wait!" She cried, as Gerilax moved to throw her over his shoulder, she grasped out for her companion's hand one last time before Vlad's men dragged them away seperately. He tossed his blonde hair from his eyes.


"I will see you again, William," Catherine said with resolve. "We'll leave this place together."
Teleporting back the Master Bedroom, Vlad levitates the naked, slumbering Bastet. Startled, she awakens. Incoherent and still groggy she struggles to regain composure.


Floating across the room, he wraps his arms tightly around her naked form. "Quiet now, Basty. Time for your training."

Now shocked into consciousness, "My training? Are you mad?" She growls.

Struggling violently, she tries to wrench herself free from his steely grasp, but he is much too strong and determined. She can feel his hot breath on her neck. Not one to back down easily she tries to push him away. He only tightens his grip, laughing sadistically.

“We are not equals, Bastet. I am your Master. You will obey me. The sooner you learn to obey immediately, the easier it will be for you.” He whispers into her ear, his fangs brushing her pulsing vein licking it with his warm, wet tongue.

Still struggling to break his grip, “You are no such thing. I am no one’s slave. Got it? Now put me down!” She shrieked flailing helplessly against his hard body.

“My feisty Bastet, you are in no position to argue. My powers exceed yours. I can immobilize you with a thought, a look, or a wave of my hand. I just thought I’d merely offer you the opportunity to submit willingly, but it’s of no consequence. I will have my way.”

Placing her feet on the floor, but still holding her tightly he whispers, “Are you going to obey me or do I have to restrain you?”

“Obey you? If you think for one minute…” Before she could finish her sentence she hears the quiet hum of a motor as he continues to hold her securely in place not allowing her to move. Hearing the distinct rattle of chains, Bastet looks up. There dangling precariously in front of her are chains, with leather wrist restraints hanging from them.

“One last chance, Basty. If you don’t do as I say I will string you up with these chains. Understood?”

Smirking, “I understand what you’re saying alright, but I will not submit,” she says with all the force she can muster.

“Have it your way.” In the blink of an eye he fastens the restraints to her wrists, causing the chains to go back into the ceiling just far enough to make them taut and her now vulnerable. “Turn around I want to see your ass.”

“I will not!” She spat defiantly.

Without warning he leaned over and grabbed her-thumb up her ass middle finger up her cunt, spinning her around so that her cheeks were exposed. “I told you that I would have my way. Still doubt me? Hmmm. I think I really like you restrained for my pleasure. I may just decide to not give you an opportunity to disobey, but then again…” His voice trailed off as if in deep thought.

Her features now softened she says in a demure voice, “I will do as you say, just release me please.”

“If you really meant it, I would let you down. You forget that I can read deception. For that you will be punished. I can’t wait to thrash you good for trying to trick me. I’m not going to do it right away though. I’m going to give you time to think about your punishment, to contemplate me reddening your ass as your scream for mercy. Then for good measure I will take you up the ass for my pleasure.”

“But…” She squeaks out now realizing that she is really in trouble and just should’ve submitted to make things easier for herself.

“From now on you will address me as Master. You will answer yes, Master or no, Master do you understand?”

Sensing his complete control she acquiesces, “Yes, Master. I understand.

“Lovely, Bastet. Remember your responses to me. It will be a lot easier for you if you do. Although I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of spanking that ass of yours. Now. I am going to loosen the chains and I want you to follow my commands, got it?”

Her voice now trembling she replies, “Yes, Master.”

“Good. Kneel down, head down, ass in the air and spread your legs wide apart.”

Knowing she had no control she does as commanded.

Her eyes shut, she hears his voice from behind her, “Use your hands to part your ass some more.”

Haltingly, she obeys. As she did what she was told she felt the rush of coldness as he pushed some cream all the way up.

“Open,” he commanded as he continued to stroke her ass in and out with his fingers stopping every so often to push that sensitive spot and watch her wriggle against him trying to hide her response. Sliding his fingers from her he told her to stand legs spread, hands behind her neck fingers laced, breasts thrust out.

On shaky legs, she slowly raised her aching body into position just as commanded.

“Stay in position, do not move.” Holding out his hands a collar with nipple and clit clamps attached with chains appeared. Taking the collar in his hands he said, “Pick up your hair.”

As she did he secured the collar around her neck. “Now put your hands back into place, fingers laced behind your neck. This is going to hurt a little. Remain still,” he said as he tweaked each nipple in turn making it hard. Opening the each nipple clamp he secured them in place.

“Please, Master it hurts…” She sobbed.

“Very well, I will loosen it just a bit. I don’t want you damaged, but you will learn to accept pain from my hand and enjoy it.” Reaching down he loosened each one to prevent the teeth from damaging the soft skin on her nipples. Doing so he left them just tight enough to bite that the slightest tug of the chain or move on her part.

“Thank you, Master.”

“Now my lovely, spread your legs farther I am going to clamp that hard little clit of yours.”

Taking small steps she widened her legs as commanded quivering at the prospect of the clamp being secured to her throbbing nub.

“That’s good,” he said as he lowered himself in front of her opening her lips and licking her, teasing her mercilessly.

As her juices trickled down her thighs she tried to remain in position submitting to his seductive torture. “Master, please…” Her breathing now ragged…

Stopping abruptly, he rubbed her aching clit, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. “Stand very still. This will bite.” Before he could even finish the last word she felt the teeth of the clamp grab her clit. It stung as the teeth bit into her sensitive area causing it to bulge inside the clip.

As he pulled the chain between her breasts, she moaned as the clamps bit enjoying the stinging sensation as her nipples swelled and her clit throbbed.

Reaching down between her legs, he jacked the clip pressing into her swollen clit. “Now you will come for me.” As he spoke the words she came violently, twisting and writhing against his passionate onslaught.

“Nice. Very nice. Now that wasn’t so bad was it?”

“No, Master.”

“Good,” he stated removing the clamps allowing her to fall against him as he laid her carefully on the bed. “Just remember, you have a spanking coming. You will be allowed to rest. In an hour I will come for you and your ass will be mine, literally. You may put on some clothes. Just make sure you wear a short skirt with panties underneath.” With that he vanished from the room.

Not having the strength or desire to beg for mercy she cleaned herself up, putting on a sexy top, short skirt, and panties. Being thoroughly exhausted she stretched out on the bed, but she was unable to sleep thinking about her impending punishment. The minutes ticked away seeming like hours. She tried desperately to think of a way to get out of it.

Just as she’d thought he’d forgotten he appeared before her.

Seating himself on the edge of the bed, “It’s time for your punishment. It’s a good idea if you just do as I tell you. Now, come lay across my lap hands behind your back. Do not try to cover yourself. You will feel the sting of my wrath if you try.”

Unable to speak, she walks haltingly to where he is seated trying to conceal her fear and excitement. Pausing for a moment she then assumes the position. She could feel him raise her skirt. She shivers.

Tracing his fingers lightly over her backside, “I am really going to enjoy this. Time for your panties to come down.” Slowly she feels him take them down slowly pausing to stick his finger up her ass giving her a good finger fuck as she writhes helplessly against his lap. Pulling them to just above her knees he stops. “Lovely. Your naked ass is mine. Time warm your ass.”

She feels him hold her firmly in place with one arm pressing down on her back.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack…The blows came in rapid succession. Her cheeks burned. Try as she might she can not get free.

“I love the way your ass reddens when I spank you hard. You have ten more coming. Here’s the deal. After each swat you will count and thank me for it. Understand?”

Now sobbing, “Yes, Master,” she cries as she lowers her head preparing herself for the next blow.

“Good. Let’s begin.” He raises his hand bringing it down on her already stinging flesh.

Struggling to do as told, “One. Thank you, Master.”

Again his hand comes down making her flesh burn.

“Two. Thank you, Master.”

“Very good. This shall be a pleasure.”

The relentless blows continued…She whimpers struggling to do as she is told.

“Now, my sweet the last one.” Wetting her flesh with some water he made sure she knew how much her ass would sting after the final blow. “The water will make this last one hurt more than the rest.”

“Master, please…No more.”

“Yes one more. Hush now and take your punishment.”

Bracing herself, quivering she feels the last blow and squeals in pain. “Ten. Thank you, Master.”

“You may get up now. Pull up your panties. It will hurt but it’s part of your punishment.”

Raising herself up, she stands on wobbling legs pulling up her panties as ordered. As she reaches her stinging cheeks she winces but continues…

A Non-Existent User
With eyes of fury, Contessa Darva watched the images of Vlad and Bastet entangled in a ritualistic intercourse. She angrily waved her naked arm across the large cauldron of enchanted fire, the seeing blaze that served her only connection to Vlad, her precious one.

“Enough, you useless abomination from hell!” Her eyes shot lasers of fire to the shapeless creature that enwrapped her nakedness. It slithered away dragging all its numerous tentacles. Each tentacle was covered with suction-like orifices, with teeth and tongue that lick and suck and bite endlessly. It looked like a headless octopus with unusually shaped tentacles. Instead of them tapering to whip-like ends, the tips were round and bulbous like penile heads in full erection. They were huge with juices oozing from all direction, always moist, always hard. But they were not enough for Contessa Darva. None of its numerous tentacles that coiled her naked body, that sucked and licked and bit her nipples, her bellybutton, her ears, her lips, her tongue, her clit, that entered and fucked her cunt and ass, all in synchronized adulation and intercourse. None of them could bring her up to full orgasm.

“Aaaah!” Contessa Darva screamed out her frustration. Her thunderous voice shook the walls of the Tempest Tower, her condemned domain. Human skeletons came crumbling down from their locked chains that lined the cobbled walls. They used to be men, beautiful men that the Contessa seduced, enslaved and tortured for her carnal pleasure. She made them fuck her endlessly, in groups of four or six, pleasuring her till they ran out of breath, lifeless and discarded. All of them failed to satisfy her. When she had sucked the life out of her 666th prisoner, she gave up on men altogether. “Men are useless, incompetent beasts,” the Contessa declared. “I am god-fucking horny, it’s time to take matters with my own hands!”

She sent her minions to gather animal parts that could be used for sexual tools: octopus’s tentacles, cow’s tongues, elephant’s trunks, horse’s penises, shark’s teeth, bear’s claws, sting ray’s tails, snake’s fangs and a lot more. From deep inside her soulless essence, she culled the most detestable spell of all. She threw all the bestial parts, still writhing with life and pulsating with blood, into the cauldron of enchanted fire. Summoning the powers of all demons from the underworld and the etherland, she created a headless, be-tentacled monster condemned to serve her lusty whims for the rest of its abominable existence. It was the ultimate sexual toy: alive, lubricated, ribbed in all the right places, vibrating with life and hot with desire to please. But it, too, was a complete failure. Contessa Darva never came.

Her unrequited lust was now even more maddening as she watched enviously the images of Vlad and Bastet twisting and gyrating in the blaze of the enchanted fire. She has been watching them, with eyes of fury and fire. With excruciating agony, she watched Vlad pleasuring a countless parade of women, making them come again and again, making them cry as they climaxed with complete ecstasy. “My precious, precious little boy, look how much you’ve grown.” She spoke with the sweet voice of maternal pride and the bitterness of a woman who has not had a good fucking for ages.

How long has it been? Twenty? Twenty-five years? It’s been a long, long, agonizing time. She caressed her enormous breasts, with nipples as red and ripe as large strawberries, reminiscing the sweet and tender moments with her infant child, suckling at her bosom. Her mammaries flowed like a river, swollen with the richest of milk and sweetness of honey. She cradled him in her arms, warm and white as the palest moon. She watched with delight as his little fingers furled and unfurled her curly, cascading hair. His innocent eyes were filled with fascination as he watched his mother’s hair turned from blood red to fiery crimson against the blazing illumination of the enchanted fire. Blood and fire, how delicious and how intoxicating. Even as a baby, Vlad savored the taste of blood from his mother’s milk, and basked in the heat of his mother’s breasts. Blood and fire, selflessly offered to him from her mother’s womb, just for him, only for him. He nursed noisily, his fingers playfully tugging at his Mom’s crimson curls, and listened dreamily to her haunting voice singing an eerie lullaby:

Drink to me, my blood lust child
Dream of fires of Hades wild
Fear not of death and resurrection
You are blessed with eternal damnation.

“Grrrrr! Awwwr!”

The lustful groans of the monstrous sex freak jolted her back from her reminiscence. Driven by its instinctual desire to please its mistress, the carnal behemoth was slithering back to Contessa’s bed, eager to enwrap her again with all its suckers and fuckers.

“NO! I am done with you. You useless pile of freaks!” With fire in her eyes, she waved her arms upwards, casting a strong blast of energy that catapulted the horrid creature to the ceiling encrusted with stony spikes. Then she thrust her arms of wrath, sending the creature now riddled with spikes, to the cauldron of enchanted fire. The fire hungrily engulfed the damned creature as it crackled and wailed with the chorus of earthly beasts. The Contessa watched with rage as her evil creation burned violently to ashes and embers of extinction.

As the fire calmed down, licking the sides of the cauldron with its satiated tongues of flame, it gracefully danced with cinders and smoke, shaping the images of Vlad and Bastet in a wild orgy with two (maybe four?) other women and men.

La Contessa Darva calmed down, too. For the first time in many, many years, her lips were drawn to a devilish smile. She wrapped her pale nakedness with her hooded, velvet robe, black as the night of her damned domain.

“I want my baby back. My sweet, precious Vlademyre, Mama’s coming...”

Her cloaked presence disappeared amongst the shadows of the cobbled walls. The Tempest Tower was silent except for the soft whispering of the enchanted fire and the eerie lullaby that echoed hauntingly throughout the fortress:
Drink to me, my blood lust child
Dream of fires of Hades wild
Fear not of death and resurrection
You are blessed with eternal damnation.

Vlad continued to pound Bastet's pussy as Gerilax interupted him "Master Vlad I apologize for the intrusion but might I have a moment with you?"

Vlad pounded Bastet's ass with 3 more hard strokes as she screamed in pure orgasmic bliss, Vlad turned her around and sucked her nipples as he instructed her to check on the other girls.

She smiled as she walked by him in all her naked glory and started going from room to room.

Vlad turned his attention to Gerilax as he replied "This better be good Gerilax what's so bloody important anyways?"

Gerilax smiled as he replied "We have captured the intruder and recaptured the maiden Catherine".

Vlad smiled as he replied "Good work I am pleased to hear this....search the castle for any other intruders and chain them to the wall in the dungeon".

Gerilax nodded as he bowed his head and then went to do what Vlad had instructed, Vlad smiled as he raised his arms and teleported back inside Penny's bedroom.

Baudoin layed close to her as Vlad pushed him off the bed and raised his hand as Penny awoke immediately.

He layed down on the bed as Penny climbed on top of his large cock and lowered herself onto it "It's time to finish what I started with you earlier my dear".

Penny rode his cock hard like it was a prize horse as Vlad spanked her ass hard and sucked her tits as he came hard in her.

Penny screamed loudly as she was flipped over onto her stomach and her ass was taken by Vlad's massive cock.

Vlad fucked her ass hard and long as she screamed and moaned in pure pleasure, never had she been fucked by a man with such a cock.

Vlad cummed in her again as he rolled her over onto the bed and got up enough to bury his head in her pussy and eat her out like a wild animal.

He bit her clit as she screamed and wrapped her legs around his head wanting to feel his tongue further inside her.

He drank her sweet juices up as he sucked her nipples first one then the other for what seemed like eternity.

He waved his hand as Penny looked at her husband laying in the floor she was no longer under Vlad's control.

She looked at Vlad and his massive cock as she replied "Fuck me! fuck me all night!"

Vlad smiled as he replied "Perhaps I should fuck you while your husband watches to show him how a real man satisfies you".

Penny was rubbing her pussy trying to stop the arousal as she replied "Please I don't want him to know....I just can't- I want your cock so bad please just fuck me!"

Vlad lifted her legs in the air as he smiled "Whom do you love my sexy Penny? is it your husband or I?"

Penny looked into his eyes as she could see he already knew the answer, but was waiting for her to say it out loud.

"I love you Vlad and want you to fuck me like no other man can!"

Vlad smiled as he slammed his big cock in her shaved pussy, harder and harder he fucked her as she screamed louder and louder until she came.

Vlad held onto her tits as he fucked her pussy with several hard thrusts in and out until he had cum inside her again.

He kissed her on the lips as he bit her neck and made her into one of his vampires, Penny smiled at him as she got down on her knees and immediately sucked his cock.

Her head bobbed up and down on his large shaft as she gagged several times before he cummed in her mouth.

He wiped the cum from her chin as he smiled "You are now mine and you will fuck whenever I say....so wait for me in my bed!"

Penny left the room and went to Vlad's bed to wait for her lover as Vlad grabbed Baudoin and snapped his neck throwing what was left of his lifeless body out the window and to the ground below.

The body nearly hit Contessa Darva on the head as she saw Vlad's sihlouette she smiled and began singing.

Vlad heard the lullaby as he jumped out the window and landed next to her "Well well to what do I owe this pleasure mother?"

Contessa looked at him as she replied "So you do remember me my precious Vlad?"

Vlad nodded as the wind picked up speed and her robe opened revealing her erect nipples.

© Copyright 2003 raiden, xx-xx, xx-xx, Britte, Phoenix Rising, xx-xx, Desiree Addams, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
GROUP has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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