Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/674416-My-Christmas-Prayer
Rated: E · Poetry · Tragedy · #674416
Even in death he lives in me and his friends.
My Christmas Prayer

I pray now not for
happiness, but for the ability
to share what I have experienced
in my life, with someone who needs
my strength.

I pray for guidance and challenges, to make it through
the "tough times" with a strong heart and with wisdom,
so that someone else can lean on me.

I pray for knowledge to keep myself healthy, for every minute
of my life is important, and it should not be abused or wasted, but rather it should
be experienced with enthusiasm and determination to reach even higher goals,
without being complacent at any stage of my life.

I pray for encouragement to give to others, for everyone gets lost
sometimes on their journey, and the road truly seems wrong, but as my man John always said,
"There is no right or wrong decision; you adjust the choice you made to make it work for you,
and you WILL reach your destination."

I pray to remain positive in a negative world, and not allow the complainers and life drainers
to pull me away from God's warm, beautiful sunshine. I pray for the rains of life to replenish my soul,
not drown it.

I pray for you, my friend, to have a positive outlook on life, and realize how blessed you are to have
the love of your life beside you, your children's hands to hold, to see joy in their faces as they learn what you've
learned, to have a job, to experience life and hear the birds sing, to be able to hear and feel the rain, to see the
beautiful sky and spectacular multi-colored clouds,
and to realize
and appreciate
that YOU have
another year
to enjoy life
to its fullest.

Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a Positively Happy New Year!
With continuing love,
Vicki Wisecup - December, 2000
Written in loving memory of
John Larry Kealey, April 9, 1952-August 31, 2000
© Copyright 2003 Vicki Lynne (taznatic at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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