Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/701005-Notes-from-a-Muse-I
Rated: E · Other · Self Help · #701005
Hello writers! My muse has some thoughts for those of you in trouble with your muse.
Hello, everybody. I'm the muse behind Jim's work. Joto-Kai

I know the relationship with a muse can be as difficult as it is important. I know how frustrating it can be when we won't cooperate. We don't make clear our reasons for giving you the silent treatment, and for that, as I've been guilty myself, I apologize.

Think about how we feel. In particular, I was wondering, do you ever refuse to write what your muse wants? My writer does. There are times Jim gets moody and depressed, and no matter how hard I try I can't please him. Times like that, I don't even bother giving him my best, I know it won't be good enough anyway. (You writer's call it writer's block, but we call it the silent treatment.) I mean, I'll let him alone during the editing phase, after all. It isn't like he can't delete it all when we're done. Sometimes, that man gets mean. It's hard to even talk to him; he criticizes everything I do. I even think sometimes he's ashamed of me!

Another thing. How often do you give advance warning of what kind of material you need? Sometimes it takes a while to come up with something good. I don't mind slaving away all night looking for just the right thing, but give me a chance.

What I'm saying is, your muse has feelings too. We don't like being bossed around and pressured any more than you do. You wouldn't treat your friends like that, so why treat us that way? You'll find a little respect and patience go a long way. Like I tell my writer, you aren't gonna make it to the bestseller list without us!

So lighten up, have some fun, and let's see about getting some work done!

An over-worked,

PS. Thanks, Jim, for helping me edit this. Just because it's my forum doesn't mean that I don't want it to be as polished as we can get it!
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