Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/770666-The-Storyland-Adventures
Rated: E · Folder · Children's · #770666
A series of poems related to The Adventures in StoryLand.
I just wanted to take the time out to share a few little facts. Storyland and The Mighty Tree of Stories did actually exist when I was a wee young lad. Back when my hometown had a lots of wooded unpopulated area, there was this huge creek that me and my friends played at. We'd make rafts and pretend to be Tom Sawer and Huck Finn, sailing down the mighty Mississippi. Using actual cane poles and fishing for palm sized perch and catfish. And yes, we actually ate them too! Anyhow, by the creek was this monstrous tree that was hollow in the middle.

If any of you ever seen a Kebler Elf commercial, then this was how the tree was. 4 kids could fit inside this cavelike opening in the tree and we'd play there many days during the summer, making up many stories. Nearby as well was this huge drainage pipe. We'd go to the lip of the pipe and yell, listening to our echoes, but none of us ever went inside. Who knew what monsters might have lurked within. Perhaps the Naughty Trolls. Anyhow, after a while I grew up and had no more time for playing and forgot all about the creek and tree until a few years ago.

We were taking a friend home to his apartment. Amazing, it was close by this long forgotten creek, though back when I was a kid, there were no apartments, just trees as far as the eyes could see....my Storyland. So I walked across the parking lot and through the field and there before my eyes was the creek, my sea of stories. And The Mighty Tree of Stories was there as well, though it looked soooo much smaller, but I still did feel the magic around the place. So you see, it's the place of my youth that inspire a lot of the things I write and share here.

This folder contains a series of children poems about the adventures that go on in StoryLand and all the creatures that live there.
Portfolio -> The Storyland Adventures.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/770666-The-Storyland-Adventures