Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/874755-On-Dancing-and-Living-Revised
Rated: E · Appendix · Personal · #874755
On overcoming fear and gaining confidence.
Dancing instated all the audacity which rests in my heart. It helped me overpower the adolescent need to “fit in” and the daunting fear of scrutiny. “Why are you truly on stage? Why do you commit yourselves to eight or nine hours of dance per week? What makes it all worthwhile?” After reflecting on those questions posed by my choreographer, I concluded that I stepped out onto that stage not just to dance for an audience, but to captivate that audience. For me, stage is freedom. As someone who has spent the majority of life timidly watching on the sidelines and in the shadow of a twin sister, I initially feared the stage and the pressure of so many eyes. However, I gradually learned to employ dancing as my release. On stage, my world faded into the music. I was whoever I wished when the music played and I was home. Now I do not dance as if someone is watching. I dance as if I want them to keep watching. As reward for hours of arduous physical exertion, performing granted me a chance to amaze others and the nerve to take that opportunity in dance and all others offered in my life as well. Something I realized after competing was that my happiest moments dancing were not those I received the approval or high rating of a judge, but those I spend in my room dancing in front of a mirror or out partying with my friends. I now try to live life as I dance, not in fear of the criticism of others. After all critics will always have there opinions and sometimes in the end that is all they have. I will have the joy of knowing that I danced the hell out of life and loved every minute of it. We will always have our critics and admirers and I fully intend to ignore the former and embrace the latter. So for others who are plagued by critics I suggest to "Live not with the fear that someone is watching, but Live with the hope they will keep watching."
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