Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/934465-The-Mythical-Auction-Loki-RAGNAROK
Rated: E · Message Forum · Fanfiction · #934465
The first and only auction in W.com that actually entertains *and* educates! #^0^#
For the one and only W.com auction that both entetains *and* educates! n_n

Auction Begins: 1st February 2005, 00:00 A.M., W.com time.

Auction Ends: 2nd March 2005, 11:59 P.M., W.com time.

Welcome to the first and only auction in Writing.com that actually entertains and educates people!


There are several purposes that trigger the making of this auction:

*Heart* I observe that there’s a lack of interest of Writing.com authors/readers in anime/manga (Japanese animation/comic). By making this auction, I really hope the interest in said things will increase.

*Heart* I’m thinking of making a different kind of auction, an auction that not only serve the mere purpose of selling items, but also provide something else. This auction would hopefully serve as a normal auction, a source of information in Norse mythology, and a book (comic?) review.

*Heart* The last purpose is apparently a conventional one. I try to collect GPs to prolong my upgrade and to help the group who gave me my first upgrade: RAOK. That’s why I make this a 25/75 auction. 25% will go to my upgrade, and 75% will go support RAOK.


*Snow1* Put the number of your desired items and bidding amount as your post title.

*Snow1* You can bid as many times as you like to any items, but you must bid 100 GPs higher than the last bidder. Moreover, you may not retract your bid once you've placed it.

*Snow1* This is a progressive auction, simply because I need time to write all those backgrounds. The auction would be updated every 10 days.

*Snow1* The images will be customized and given to the highest bidder after the auction ends and I’ve received the payment.


*Note1* Concerning the price, I sell all images no lower than 1.000 GPs. This is because I think that the images are of good quality and hard to edit. I spent 3 days working on these images without sleeping at night, and I did all of them seriously and thoughtfully. I really hope you understand.

*Note1* The images are the arts of Kinoshita Sakura, a mangaka (Japanese comic maker). Therefore, the story told here would be based on both the real myth and her anime & manga storyline (which is quite different from the real one). I hope this clears things up. I will provide some links to the appropriate myth, below.

*Note1* I'd really like some reviews on this auction. Even if there're lack of bidders, I'd really appreciate it (much) if anyone would review so that I'd know what you think about this slightly different activity. Thanks!

Okay... Everything's settled? Then on to the auction! n_~*


It contains several mystery things related to the anime/manga! Get it now! No starting bid! #^0^#


Since this is a different auction, I’m thinking of making different kinds of reviews as bonus items. Therefore, I got this idea. I’m sure you’ve received a review before, be it in-depth or not, encouraging or not. But have you ever receive a review in a form of a dialogue between 3 different characters? I’m quite sure you haven’t. Well, you can have one now! It’s mainly a review where 3 different characters analyzed your piece! Please see below for items’ descriptions:

SBI #1 An in-depth review by Loki, Mayura, and Thor
*Right* Loki is analytical and thorough, Mayura is honest but encouraging, and Thor is rather blunt but encouraging as well. Can you imagine if the 3 collide?

SBI #2 An in-depth review by Heimdall, Freyr, and Freyja
*Right* The combination of the stoic Heimdall, naïve Freyr, and confident Freyja will sure make a hilarious review! But of course the quality isn’t going to decrease because of that!

NOTE: Please give me some time to write the reviews since this would take a longer time. Oh, and by the way, there’s no starting bid! n_~*

Long, long time ago in Northern Europe, in the land of The Norse, existed a magical realm called “Asgard”. This realm was the home of The Aesirs, gods and goddesses of The Norse. In Asgard, The Aesirs built vast and magnificent halls as their dwellings. “Sessrumnir”, “Bilkskirnir”, and “Valhalla”, were just to name a few.

The Aesirs lived in Asgard peacefully. Both Aesirs and Asynjurs (goddesses) never seemed to have any problems. Well, surely Gods don’t have problems like we mortals do, right? Wrong. And a particular Aesir-in-honor was going to prove that…

Meet Loki, the Trickster God. He was a god who specialized in creating chaos and change in life. This handsome deity was quite good at rune magic and shape-shifting ability, and he also possessed a magical scythe-like staff called “Laevatein”. Why did I call him an Aesir-in-honor? Well, it was simple. It was because he was not of a god-born. He was an “Etin” (or more popularly called “Jotun”), a race of the frost giants. In Norse myth, existed 9 different realms, and (like Asgard) one of them was “Jotunheim”, the frost giant realm. This was where Loki was from. One day, The All father Odin (the highest deity) came across Loki and — attracted by his good looks and his god-like appearance — decided to make him his blood brother. That was how he got accepted in the rank of The Aesirs.

1# Sig A (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right* Starts at 1.500 GPs.

Yes, that’s Loki. It’s not like any of his cooking ability is ever recorded or something, but maybe because he’s too bad at it? :P

Moving on… Loki the Trickster God caused so many mischief and troubles the gods and goddesses were fed up of him. Eventually, The All Father Odin banished him to “Midgard”, the human world. He couldn’t come to Asgard or contact the dwellers anymore, almost all of his divine powers were sealed, and he had to endure living like humans in a body of an 8-year-old. So, confused, miserable, and helpless, The Trickster Loki had to move on till his punishment finally ended and he could go back to Asgard…

2# Sig B (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right* Starts at 1.000 GPs.

Yes, it’s his mortal form. He looks sad in here, isn’t he? Quite cute, though… ;)

Feeling that he needed help, Loki decided to find someone to aid him in his quest in Midgard to clear human’s souls from evil intentions (ironic, eh?). He eventually chose one of his children to do the very job. Loki went to the ocean and called forth his youngest son, Midgardsorm (Jormungand). His youngest son happened to be the biggest snake in the world! The very snake that The All Father himself hurled to the vast ocean in Midgard due to its gigantic body. Since then, Midgardsorm had grown from a gigantic snake to The World Serpent, coiling itself around Midgard.

Loki said to the beast that he would cast a spell on it so that it would have a human body. It would then accompany his father on his mission. Midgardsorm, feeling lonely and eager to join its father, agreed. Since then, The World Serpent was known as a handsome young man named Yamino Ryuusuke and became his father’s helper (and daily caretaker :P) in the Trickster’s self-proclaimed detective agency, “Enjaku” (literally means “sparrow” and “swallow”).

3# Sig C (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right* Starts at 1.500 GPs.

No, Yamino isn’t going to eat his father and the others or something… It’s just his… uh… new dish? Unlike his father, he’s good at cooking! n_n;

Not long after Loki opened his small business, he had his first customer, a High School girl named Daidouji Mayura. She was an energetic 16-year-old with a knack for mysteries. This obsession (yes, obsession, I tell you) of hers tended to plunge her into problems, be it small or big. After getting involved in a case with the god-in-disguise, she decided to help him in the detective agency so that she could find “more mysterious mysteries”… The ironic thing was that she didn’t know the fact that she worked to the most mysterious being… -_-;

4# Sig D (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right* Starts at 1.500 GPs.

So sorry we can’t catch her red-handed when she’s in her obsessive state… But I think she looks pretty in here. ;)

Several days afterwards, there was a new student in Mayura’s class called Narugami. He was a just and hard-working boy who always brought a bouken (wooden sword) with him wherever he went. Eventually, we found out that Narugami was actually Thor, the Thunder God! Thor was the eldest son of Odin and was recorded the most popular god known to humans. The wooden sword he had was actually Mjollnir-in-disguise. "Mjollnir" was Thor’s golden hammer that never failed to strike its targets and thus was responsible to the many deaths of its owner’s enemies.

The purpose of Thor’s arrival was originally to assassinate Loki by the order of Odin for an unknown reason. But he decided to postpone the act since he said that the exiled god was still his best friend and that he couldn’t find any reason to kill him (aww… *Blush*).

5# Sig E (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right* Starts at 1.000 GPs.

One should wonder about the differences between the real, muscled, red-bearded, girdle-wearing Thor to the series’ naïve, thin, rather good-looking one… -_-;

Well, since the assassination attempt was postponed, surely Loki’s life would be more peaceful, right? Think again. Seemed like Odin hadn’t given up, for he sent another assassin to end his blood brother’s life. And this time, there would be no postponing the action…

This god was also one of Odin’s sons, the god of light who guarded Bifrost, the bridge that connected Midgard to Asgard. He had great sense of seeing and hearing for he could see better than an eagle and hear the sound of the grasses and wools of the sheep growing, even from a long distance. This god’s name? Heimdall.

Unlike Thor, Heimdall was the mortal enemy of Loki’s. This was because, back in Asgard, Loki fought with Heimdall and took his right eye away. Since then, Heimdall swore to himself to get even with the Trickster. So when Odin ordered him to kill Loki, Heimdall was more than willing. But there seemed to be a misunderstanding, since the one who ordered Loki to take The Guardian’s right eye was none other than… Odin! Not believing what he heard, Heimdall left the almost-killed Loki till he could find a way to erase Loki’s existence… Gee, denial is a bad thing, eh?

6# Sig F (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right*Starts at 1.500 GPs.

We could as well dubbed him the angsty god. Then again, how would you feel if your own father ordered someone who’s not even your own kind (so to speak) to take your right eye away? Oh, and if you’re wondering, Heimdall also took a child as his mortal form, disguising himself as Higashiyama Kazumi, a son of a Biology professor.

Not long after the encounter with the vengeful guardian, an interesting case showed up. A phantom thief that went by the name of “Kaitou Freyr” (“Phantom Thief Freyr”) sent a notice that he would steal the famous “Brisinggs” necklace. The necklace was originally owned by one of the Norse goddess, so it surely caught Loki’s attention. He, along with Mayura and Yamino, went to a museum where the necklace was kept. It turned out that the owner of the museum was the father of Mayura’s classmate, Kakinouchi Koutarou (who was there due to the notice The Phantom Thief sent). The teen then showed the necklace to the gang. When Loki saw it, he knew instantly that the necklace was real. Soon, teaming up with the police department, Loki made a plan to catch the said thief.

7# Sig G (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right*Starts at 1.000 GPs.

Introducing the rich boy, Kakinouchi Koutarou. The Jap on his left read: “kakkoii!”, which means “cool!”; and the one his right read: “Kou-chan”, his nickname.

The appointed time finally came, and suddenly the heavily guarded room had a sudden blackout! Not only that, the room was soon filled with sleeping gas that practically made the police officers fell asleep. Then, a silhouette of a young man was seen. It was none other than The Phantom Thief Freyr.

Thinking that his plan worked, he casually walked to where the golden necklace was kept and took it — only to be trapped in a bar set by Loki himself. Startled, Kaitou Freyr whirled around and faced our favorite deity.

What do you know? Freyr was also one of the Aesirs. He was a fertility god in Norse mythology. He originally came from “Vanaheim”, the home of The Vanirs — a race of god-like creatures that specialized in rune magic. He — along with his twin sister, Freyja — was counted among the member of the Aesirs as a condition of a cease-fire of the war between The Aesirs and The Vanirs. He had a flying golden boar called “Gullinbrusti” and a battle ship that could be folded into a tiny size (yes, it’s true) called “Bladskirnir”.

Anyone who’s following the storyline until now might guess that he came for the same reason as Narugami and Heimdall, but he actually came to look for a certain goddess who was the owner of the golden necklace, his twin sister Freyja. And the reason why he chose to become a phantom thief? … It was actually because he thought that, since Loki was a detective, he (as his opponent) should be a villain instead… I don’t question him… -_-;

Anyway, the fight ended in a pretty silly manner. Before stealing the necklace, Freyr met Mayura and somehow got mesmerized by her beauty and kindness. So when The Fertility God saw Mayura while he fought Loki, he got distracted and lost… What can I say? He might be a handsome and talented god, but he was quite stupid…

8# Sig H (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right*Starts at 1.500 GPs.

The ever-so-charming Freyr, the deity who always get the role of a comic relief. It’s a shame he’s not as smart as he looks. :P

Now, with the dispute between the gods (temporarily) ended, everything went back to normal in Enjaku Detective Agency. But do you really think The Chaotic God would be allowed to have peace for a long time? Obviously no. And this time, Loki’s assassin wanna-be was a goddess…

Freyja, The Fertility Goddess. Like Freyr, her twin brother, she came from Vanaheim and was made an Aesir as a part of a treaty with the Aesirs. She had a hall built in Asgard called “Sessrumnir” (where half of the dead soldiers’ souls went to) and a golden necklace “Brisinggs” (which she obtained by… sleeping with 4 dwarves?! o_0;). She was also the one who taught rune magic to all Asgardians.

9# Sig I (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right*Starts at 1.500 GPs.

No, they’re not really married. But I think Freyja wouldn’t mind… ;) Anyway, this picture is one of my favorites! #n_n#

It all started with a request from a girl named Ooshima Reiya — who turned out to be Freyja in her mortal form. Freyja possessed the body of an 8-year-old girl called Ooshima Reiya who died in a car accident. So basically, Reiya was dead and Freyja took her place. When The Fertility Goddess was in that form, she couldn’t remember who she really was, so even when Loki recognized her, she couldn’t remember a thing about him.

Reiya and Loki were involved in a case concerning zombies and ghosts — who was actually Heimdall’s doing. After the case was solved, Reiya was kidnapped by Heimdall and was forced to wear The Brisinggs Necklace. When she did, she was “awakened” (she returned to her original form and remembered everything). Heimdall manipulated her to kill Loki, but eventually his plan failed and he fled once more from The God of Chaos.

Freyja was recorded as a mother-figure, kind-hearted, and charming goddess. In this series, however, she appeared to be a hyperactive, manipulative, and stubborn goddess. She was very attracted to Loki and would do anything to get him. Mind you, she was extremely jealous to any females that went near *her* Loki! *Bigsmile*

“But if so, then why would she kill Loki?” you asked. Well, it seems that her jealousy turned her to be rather possessive. Since Loki didn’t love her back, Freyja decided that he had better died so no other female would claim him… o_0; (I think she failed to see that Loki already had children… -_-;) In the end, though, Freyja didn't have the heart to do it and admitted that actually Odin also banished her to Midgard because she pleaded to The All Father to bring Loki back to Asgard.

10# Sig J (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right*Starts at 1.000 GPs.

This Reiya fell in love with the mortal form of Loki and was really polite to him. But then again, she was always polite to anybody. She lived with her butler, Mino, who took care of her after her parents died.

After the incident with The Fertility Goddess Freyja, Loki had a case of sudden blackouts throughout the city. The blackouts happened at random times and didn’t seem to be normal blackouts. Trusting his detective instincts, Loki – along with Yamino – investigated the weird case. When they were in the middle of their investigation, there was another blackout. It seemed that his instincts were reliable, for the cause of the blackouts all those time were Skoll and Hati, the gigantic wolves that chased the sun and the moon from the Norse myth! It seemed that those wolves were invisible to humans’ eyes, so no one was panicking. Loki and Yamino then followed and confronted the wolves in a more remote place.

Since Loki was still in his human form, he couldn’t do much in the fight. And when The Trickster was cornered by one of the wolves, Yamino changed back into his real form and fought the wolf back. But 2 versus 1 wasn’t advantageous for Yamino, and he fought a losing battle… When one of the wolves pinned Yamino down, the other lunged at Loki’s direction! Loki had nowhere to go! But suddenly, there was a flash of black passing, and the wolf that lunged at Loki yelped and fell down. The black flash was apparently the gigantic black wolf Fenrir, the first son of Loki and brother of Midgardsorm.

Unlike Midgardsorm, Fenrir was kept in Asgard. But due to its destructive nature, the Aesirs grew anxious and decided to chain it in order to restrain it from destroying Asgard. But since Fenrir was too strong, no chain could ever bind him. First, they chained it with an iron chain called “Leyding”, but the wolf broke it immediately and effortlessly. Then, the gods chained it with a chain twice as strong as Leyding, called “Dromi”, but Fenrir broke it too.

In the end, Odin sent The Messenger Skirnir to the realm of dwarfs and asked a dwarf blacksmith to make the strongest chain. The dwarf then produced “Gleipnir”. The chain was compose of impossible and weird things, which are: the noise of a cat's footfall, a woman's beard, mountain roots, the sinews of a bear, a fish's breath, and the spittle of a bird. Contrary to what one may think, the chain was smooth and soft, like a silken ribbon.

So when The Aesirs presented the “chain” to Fenrir, the wolf grew suspicious and thought that the chain was magical (nice instinct). So, Fenrir asked for someone from The Aesirs to put his/her hand in Fenrir’s mouth as a pledge of good faith. Tyr then volunteered himself. When Fenrir tried to break free, he found out that he couldn’t break the chain, so he bit off Tyr’s hand. Tyr lost one of his hands, but at least Asgard was save until Ragnarok (Norse apocalypse) came, where it was said that Fenrir would break free (in the anime, he was freed by a mysterious figure) and wreck havoc.

Back to Loki. With the help of Fenrir, the trio soon won the fights by defeating Skoll and Hati. But Loki sensed that there are more dangers ahead… Duh. :P

11# Sig K (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right*Starts at 1.500 GPs.

Cute, eh? It’s Fenrir in its puppy form. I think he looked more like a little dog than a wolf, eh? n_n;

Sooo, another case closed and yet another temporary peace for our not-so-hero Loki. But really, can you imagine how pissed off Odin was after all those failures? Going all-out, he sent not 1, but 3 goddesses to assassinate The Trickster. They were The Norns (The Goddesses of Fate), The Future Goddess Urd, Present Goddess Verdandi, and Past Goddess Skuld. They were the 3 goddesses that controlled the fate of every creature in the 9 worlds (yes, including the gods and goddesses). They lived in The Spring of Urd where they sat watching the worlds without interfering with their affairs (but apparently they got a part time job as Loki’s new killers-wanna-be. :P) One by one, they tried to trick and kill Loki, but each time they failed too. You probably wonder right now that this Loki is way too tricky! n_n; Things got pretty tense when The Norns announced that Ragnarok was about to come. What was more shocking was that the prophecy said that the cause of it was Loki! Loki and his children surely disagree with that, but The Norns insisted that the prophecy was never wrong…

12# Sig L (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right*Starts at 1.000 GPs.

The shorthaired one is Urd, the black haired one is Verdandi, and the blonde haired one is Skuld. They are all sisters. And please don’t think that Loki (especially in that form) is going to marry them… It’s just so wrong… -_-; Btw, the Jap actually means “Paradise Garden”, but I follow the official translation, “Heaven’s Door”. :P

Soon, we found out that it wasn’t Odin that told The Norns to kill Loki, but another deity. This particular deity tricked The Norns and Loki so that they were trapped in a melting mansion (trust me, not as ridiculous as it sounded). When it seemed as if they were going to die there, Loki encouraged The Norns to not give up. And suddenly, a miracle happened and they were out of the building (lame? -_-;). We soon found out that it was actually a doing of a goddess named Hel.

Hel was the daughter of Loki. Unlike her two brothers, she was shaped like a human. ‘There must be a catch,’ you thought. Yep, Hel was shaped like a human, all right, but she was half-dead, half-alive. A side of her body was rosy and healthy, but the other side was blue and decaying. A half of her face was beautiful (like her father :P), but the other half was twisted and rather deformed (they don’t really show her this hideous in the anime series, of course).

Like her brother, Midgardsorm, she was also cast away from Asgard to Niflheim, The Land of The Dead. There, she built a hall called “Eljudnir”. She also had a manservant and maidservant named “Ganglati” and “Ganglot”, whose names mean “tardy” (they were so slow that no one could tell if they were coming or going, or if they were moving at all. :P). On her table, sat Hel's plate that was called “Hunger” and her knife that was called “Famine”. Her bed was named “Sick Bed” and her bed hangings were called “Glimmering Misfortune” (morbid, eh?). The people who died dishonored death (a.k.a. from old age or sickness) went to her hall. The prophecy said that, at Ragnarok, Hel would charge Asgard along with her brothers and father and caused the end of Asgard…

In the series, Hel was tricked by Odin into believing that Loki hated her. She, who was so lonely and sad in Niflheim, was surely disheartened by that information. Her dismay soon turned into hatred, and from then, she planned to kill her father who had hated and abandoned her in Niflheim alone. She kidnapped (no kidding) and imprisoned her brothers and Mayura, as she wanted her father to feel the same sadness and loneliness she felt all those times.

When they finally met again, Loki tried to reason to her by saying that he didn’t abandoned her it was just that she couldn’t live in Midgard due to her being half-dead. He also said that he never hated her and would take her with him if he could. But even after hearing this, Hel refused to believe (being a parent sucks, eh? -_-;). Hel said that if Loki wanted his loved ones to be released, he had to go with her to Niflheim and accompany her forever (I’m sure you know this meant that he had to die)… Contrary to what Hel though, Loki agreed. Hel finally realized that her father truly loved her and decided to release everybody. Hel, herself, went back to Niflheim in such a touching way (you gotta’ watch this yourself, no spoiler! n_n;)…

13# Sig M (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right*Starts at 1.000 GPs.

The cute image of Hel. This is rare, I tell you. ;)

All in all, everything went back to normal. Odin seemed to have given up on his killing obsession, and Loki’s punishment in Midgard had ended. He could go back to Asgard along with the other Aesirs. But Loki decided not to go back for he still couldn’t bear leaving Mayura (does he has a crush? Nobody really knows…).

Not long after his decision of not leaving Midgard (which was followed by the other Aesirs for their own reasons… -_-;), a mysterious girl appeared. She appeared to have amnesia. Not only that, she was mute too. Feeling sympathetic, Loki decided to make her his daily helper and named her a temporary name, Spica. But, err… guess what? She was also sent by Odin… -_-; This story would sound a little bit Little Mermaid-ish, for she actually made a bargain with Odin just like in The Little Mermaid. In exchange of her coming to Midgard and meeting Loki, she had to lose her voice and slight amnesia. And whenever she saw a certain sign, she would try to kill The Trickster.

Who was this particular girl who badly wanted to see Loki? Well, believe it or not, the naïve-looking, seemingly 17-year-old girl, was Loki’s mistress. Yep, she was actually Angrboda, Loki’s giantess mistress. In the myth, Loki had a wife (The Asynjur Sigyn) and several mistresses, and Angrboda was one of them. She was the mother of Fenrir, Midgardsorm, and Hel. Nothing much was known about her, but she surely sired so many influential children! n_n;

Anyway, when Angrboda realized that she had been doing terrible things to her ‘husband’, she ran to the river and tried to kill herself by jumping into the water. Loki quickly ran and saved her. But Loki forgot one thing: he couldn’t swim! So instead of saving Angrboda, he was saved by her! n_n; She then regained her ability to talk, and the curse vanished. She would no longer try to kill Loki, and she resumed her place as Loki’s daily helper… :P

14# Sig N (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right*Starts at 1.500 GPs.

Pretty, eh? Kinda’ different from your imagination, right? :P The writings on the left was supposed to be in Japanese, but I kinda’ translated it and wrote the English meaning. In the manga, Angrboda came from Utgard (a city in Jotunheim, according to the myth), which was much associated by the moon by the mangaka…

What would happen to Loki and the rest? What other mysteries awaited him? Would he finally go back to Asgard? And what about Odin and his killing attempts? You have to read the manga and watch the anime to find out! n_~*

15# Sig O (from www.kuruta.net/asgard):
For my latest auction!

*Right*Starts at 1.500 GPs.

The caricature of the major casts! #n_n# The floating, white thingy at the top was a summoned spirit named “Ecchan” (derived from “Erai” which means “perfect” combined with the suffix “-chan”). It would constantly said “punyan!” to almost anything, but it can actually talks! n_n;

See you next time! n_~*


At last, I want to thank all readers and bidders who are willing to spend their time reading and/or bidding in this auction until now. I apologize in advance if there are any mistakes that need to be revised, and please don’t hesitate to e-mail me so that I could fix the mistakes found.

I realized that the story told might cause confusion, so I provide some links to the original myth so that you won’t be befuddled. After all, I have lots of resources when writing this. Here are the few links I found helpful (there are more useful links, but I couldn’t remember… sorry -_-;):

(Mostly about Loki, pro-Loki site)

(General information)

(Also general information)

(Another general information site from where I got some info about Fenrir & Hel)

(Thor’s site, complete with funny, modernized stories of the Norse gods)

In the end, I also want to provide some links to the great and interesting manga and anime based on Kinoshita Sakura’s creation. She’s a great one. Here’re the links:

(Japanese site, official manga publisher)

(For the English translated anime and manga)

(Japanese site, to order the anime and/or manga)

(English screen caps site, warning: contains MAJOR spoiler!)

(Matantei Loki RAGNAROK’S live journal site)

If you like what you read here, you might want to purchase the manga and/or anime. The anime and manga are rated 13+ and contain both mysterious and humorous contents (if not downright silly). If you’re a fan to this kind of story, you’ll definitely like it. Thanks for reading! #^0^#

For my latest auction!


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by Cat-Claws is 22 Years Old!  •  02-28-05 @ 1:48 am
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by Maharani, period.  •  02-10-05 @ 7:48 am
by Maharani, period.  •  02-10-05 @ 7:49 am
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/934465-The-Mythical-Auction-Loki-RAGNAROK