Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/934633-Traveler---Tears-of-the-Dragon
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #934633
I am The Traveler... and these are my tales.
I recently had the good fortune to meet what would become a very good friend. Although there is no word for his name in this language, the closest pronunciation would be Bazille.

When I first met Bazille, he was but a child. A child, that is, in Dragon years. His actual age was 327 Earth years, which I am told is four lifetimes to Earthers. He lives in a galaxy far from that of the one in which Earth resides; as a result, no Earther will ever get to visit his planet. Such a shame. It is, arguably, the finest planet in the Universe.

The planet---Morgog, as its inhabitants call it---is similar to Earth, or at least similar to Earth before man evolved into the planet-destroying creature he is today. From space, its blue-green color shines brightly. It is half-land, half-water, with land masses balanced along the surface of the planet. Its weather is moderate; neither snow or drought exists there.

The foliage is incredible. Trees typically grow hundreds of feet high. Bright red leaves cover branches that extend far from the trunk. Combined with the light from the yellow sun, the trees cast beautiful orange shadows over the landscape. The plants come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. Although they are numerous, they never interfere with nature's way; indeed, their beauty only adds to the landscape. The land is covered with soft, blue grass that waves gently with the constant breeze that covers the planet. Rolling hills are the norm, but a few majestic mountains can be found on some continents.

It was at the base of one of these mountains where I met Bazille. I was a stranger to his world, made painfully obvious by the fact that only Dragons live there. I was weary and hungry from traveling, and without hesitation Bazille offered me food and lodging for the night. An instant bond was formed with this creature I now call friend.

I slept through the first night, and awoke ravenous. Bazille offered me food I had never seen nor tasted, and what a treat it was. I can't tell you the ingredients (I'm not even sure I want to know myself), but it was, without a doubt, the finest meal I have ever had. But perhaps most amazing was that Bazille didn't even know my name yet.

"My friend," I said to him. "You took me in when I was tired and hungry. You gave me food and shelter, and you do not even know my name. I am called The Traveler, and I am forever in your debt."

"Forever is a long time, friend," Bazille said to me. "I do have a problem that perhaps you could help with, but after that, I'd prefer to remain friends, if you so desire."

"I would be honored to call you friend. But first, tell me of your problem."

Bazille explained to me that the love of his life, the beautiful lady Dragon Zazia, was being courted by another Dragon. His rival, Drax, was mightier and more cunning, but Bazille knew those qualities didn't matter to Zazia. Zazia rebuffed Drax's advances, and in retaliation, Drax challenged Bazille to battle.

According to Dragon custom, a direct challenge of any kind must be met on the field of battle. Bazille knew Zazia would love him regardless of the outcome. He wasn't afraid of losing, but death was a real possibility in these battles, and Drax was not known to spare the life of his opponent. Bazille couldn't talk to other Dragons about his problem; they simply wouldn't understand. No Dragon had ever backed away from a battle.

Being an outsider, Bazille thought I might be able to offer some advice. "Not only can I offer you advice, but I can help you defeat Drax," I said. "I can see into the future, but I have sworn never to use this power for personal gain. I can, however, give you some advice that will help you change your future."

Bazille seemed skeptical, but he listened intently. "I will watch the fight before it happens," I said. "Then I will tell you what you need to do to defeat Drax. You'll know his every move before he does." Bazille smiled; he knew this plan could work.

And so we set the plan in motion. On the day of the battle, Bazille countered Drax's every move, and thoroughly beat him. Humiliated, Drax left, never to return to that area. Bazille and Zazia were wed that afternoon on the battlefield, and all those in witness of the spontaneous ceremony agreed that it was beautiful.

When it was time for me to move on, Bazille and I hugged. As a parting gift, Bazille shed a single tear. (An aside here. First, Dragon tears, if you don't know, are flawless diamonds. And second, Dragons do not typically cry. To force a tear from a Dragon takes a supreme effort of will.) I realize a diamond's worth on planets such as Earth. To me, it had no monetary value, but still, it was the most priceless gift I ever received.

I am The Traveler, and this is but one of my tales.
© Copyright 2005 nightdweller (nightdweller at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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