Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/942516-Crusaders
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #942516
Two people doing their part to bring about a social movement. *Graphic Content*

A stimulation. Not only of the body, through sex and other oral conjugations, but of the mind, through questions and ideas that the mind can neither perceive nor elaborate into theories that help with the understanding of the world and lives, or lack there of, around us. A stimulation, that was what Alyce Kregger was. And when she fucked, she was both a stimulation of the body and the mind. It was part of her appeal. Not to mention her positively unbeatable knowledge of how the male body worked and could be manipulated.

Part of the appeal could be contributed to magic. Though not the type of magic with disappearing bunnies and flash bang shockers. Alyce’s magic was more exotic. The way men were drawn to her, reeled in by a sway of the hips, a wink of the eye, a raising of the eyebrow. She’d flick her tongue across her teeth, to let them know exactly what they were getting into beforehand. Few had ever turned away, and they were the God-faring men, who still worshiped crosses and sat in pews on Sundays to listen to old men preach about the idealistic world. But men who had abandoned God and the notions that followed him were often drawn to Alyce. She had a way of appealing to their atheistic thoughts, no matter how essential they were to morals and beliefs.

All of this was what Chael realized about Alyce only seconds after he met her at an exclusive club for addicts of the vampire lore. He’d never really been an addict, but after seeing Alyce, he knew he could be one. It wasn’t as though vampires weren’t shunned upon by society, they had been for many years. Society was, after all, run by the church. The vampire movement was shaping to be the second biggest movement in history, rivaled only by the gay/lesbian movement. Both were still touchy subjects with worshipers of the Christian God. But both had also been accepted as existing, which was a step in the right direction.

Chael had spotted Alyce from across the room, where she had been snorting silver dust: the vampire’s drug. It was the closest thing to cocaine a vampire had. Though the effects were a bit more consequential, Alyce seemed to be holding her own. Chael supposed she had had her fair share of the substance.

They’d made eye contact and he instantly knew they were going to fuck. It was the way Alyce had eyed him, the way she eyed all of her men. She wiped the remaining dust from her nose and rose from her seat. She stalked towards him, skirt barely long enough and shirt hardly existent. She showed off her body, leaving just enough for the imagination to play its part in the arousal. Chael subconsciously wondered how long she had been doing this. She could have been playing like this for centuries.

When Alyce stood in front of him, she’d put her hands on her hips. “You carrying?” She asked, nodding towards the holster on his side. He pulled his jacket back a bit to show her his gun. She raised an eyebrow, feigning intrigue. “You’re a cop.” It was more of a statement then a question.

“Don’t worry,” Chael whispered, leaning back further on the couch. “I won’t arrest you.” And to further prove his point, he covered his gun and put his hand on his inner thigh. She watched him, amused. She smirked and turned slowly, keeping her eyes on him, beckoning him to follow. He rose slowly, taking her outstretched hand in his own. Her hands were cold, but he hadn’t expected different from a vampire. She’d licked her teeth, flashing her canines at him.

Alyce led him to a room in the back. Once he stepped inside, he knew he’d entered her domain. Pictures of the virgin Mary hung around the room, with the eyes cut out. She’d disassembled crucifixes and had collected the figures of Jesus to put her own spin on the son of God. Chael caught sight of one figurine which she had craftily given tits. He snorted at the sight, but was quickly brought back to the present when Alyce shoved a hand down his pants. She grabbed him roughly, but he just looked at her, unphased.

“Testing the size,” she said, her face close to his chest. She looked up at him, her lips curled into a smirk.

“Good enough?” Chael asked, his face still placid.

Alyce nodded and withdrew her hand. She ran them up his chest, feeling out his chiseled muscles. She took his jacket off and the holster with his gun. He thought absently about demanding to keep it on, Priscilla was his top sense of security, but she would be on the floor should he need her. He let her strip him naked and stood before her as she studied his body. When their eyes met again, he could see she was pleased.

“Do you believe in God?” She asked, slowly starting to lift her shirt over her head. Once off, she was bare breasted in front of him. He took in her sight before answering.

“Used to,” he gave truthfully.

Alyce slid her fingers to the sides of her skirt, trailing the material over her thighs and then calves as she took it off. Her panties were black, to match her shoes. “Why did you stop?” She asked, sliding a hand into her panties to touch herself.


An eyebrow quirked on her face and she ran a hand across her breasts. “Adam and Eve?”

“No,” Chael felt himself starting to be aroused by the naked sight of Alyce. She was shapely and beautiful. “The theory of creation itself, as a notion, not a story.”

“Things must always be created,” Alyce nodded, her eyes trailing over Chael’s body. “Nothing just exists. At one time, everything must have been created.”

Chael nodded, running a hand over himself. He took a step forward so his chest met with Alyce’s bare breasts. She looked up at him, her fingers laced on the sides of her panties. “If God created everything, who created God?”

Alyce smiled then, flashing her fangs at him. She stripped off her panties and he found himself suddenly drawn to her forcefully. She flung away her clothes and put her hands on his chest, trailing her fingers around his pecks. “Humans are blinded by their own way of living,” she whispered, leaning forward to kiss in between his pecks. The motion sent tremors through him. “Perhaps the answer is not creation, but transmission.”

“Like a disease,” Chael ran his hands over her slender back. His hands found their way to her buttocks. He pulled her into him and they pressed their bodies together. Alyce kissed around his nipples.

“Like a vampire,” Alyce whispered between kisses. She pulled herself backwards so she was sitting down on the bed. Chael caught himself, bending over to kiss her neck and face. She ran her hands along his side and down to his dick, fingering what pulsated there. He felt chills run through him at her touch. “Perhaps the world is a disease passed on from something else?”

“Why do we have to be the base of existence?” Chael pondered, pushing Alyce down onto the bed. “He propped himself over her, looking down at her passive, interested face. “Why can we not be the rejected product of something else?”

Alyce grinned at him, running her hands over his face. “Because the human mind can’t believe that they are not at the center of the meaning of life.”

“But a vampire can?” Chael leaned down to kiss her mouth, then pressed his stomach against hers, feeling his way between her hips. He hovered there for a minute, teasing her desire. She ran her hands over his back and buttocks, pulling him towards her.

“We can pretend to,” she whispered, her mouth close to his cheek. He felt her nip at his ear and realized she had drawn blood. But the pain was nonexistent. She sucked on his ear and he kissed her collarbone. “Make humans believe we know some great cosmic power that tells us different things than what they believe.” She ran his hand down her body, making its way to where he still hovered just outside of her. He felt her soft flesh, the closest thing to human life she still had left. “But really, our knowledge is no different than yours. We’ve merely collected more tidbits over the years.”

He shifted himself so his mouth hovered over her breast. He flicked his tongue across a nipple and when he felt her shake underneath him, he did it again, this time bringing his mouth down to encompass it and suck on it. “Years are the only things that separate us as races,” he whispered to her.

“Years and depth perception,” she said, suddenly using force to bring his hips closer to hers. Inadvertently, he felt himself enter her. There was a warm sensation and instincts took over as he withdrew himself and entered her again. He felt her shake beneath him and he kissed her stomach. Her head rolled back and her mouth let out a silent “O” as she spread her legs wider to allow his hips more room to maneuver.

“I suppose you’re talking about more than just sight,” he said, feeling the rhythmatic feel of his body coincide with hers. And together, they moved as one. He picked up the pace.

She ran her nails across his back, leaving scratches covering his shoulders. “We feel things more than you,” she breathed. “Pleasure, pain, ecstasy, stimulation.”

“How can you feel more when you live less?” His hips were moving swiftly now and he felt pleasure racing through him. Her toes curled and he pushed himself harder and deeper inside of her, feeling what she felt like from the inside out. She took him in wholly, her hands urging him further than what the limitations proved.

Alyce sat up a bit, bending her body awkwardly and forcing him to readjust. She wrapped her legs around his, holding him close to her and making him unable to leave her inside fully. “Because we are not stunted by morals or ethics. They mean nothing to us. Nor do we feel heartbeats.” She started to kiss his neck. “And our ecstasy comes in many forms…”

She bit down into his neck then, surprising him enough into stopping the pumping, but her hands on his buttocks kept him moving and soon he found that the sharp pain in his neck was gone, replaced with her soft kiss and tongue as she lapped up the blood that spilled there. He felt himself nearing the peak of his pleasure and he ran his hands through her hair. “Will I die?” He asked as a lightheaded high began to flit across his eyes.

“Yes,” she whispered, her mouth dripping with his blood. “But not tonight,” she forced him into her harder and harder, swifter and swifter. “I don’t kill cops.”

“Only fuck them,” he whispered and then groaned as he felt himself release inside of her. He groaned and moaned a quick, "Ah, ah." She laid back, pulling him with her. He felt himself limply leave her and he lay down next to her, letting Alyce fulfill herself with his blood. He moved an arm sluggishly across her stomach, enjoying the softness and coolness of her skin. She wrapped a leg around his and rubbed his back soothingly. And soon, she pulled away and he lay dizzy on the bed. He expected her to leave then, because that was what he'd been told she would do. But she didn’t.

Instead, Alyce lay down, pressed against him, looking into his drooping eyes. “Are you going to arrest me?” She asked, stroking his hair away from his eyes.

He smiled then. “Not today,” he whispered, feeling himself growing tired. “Eventually, but not today.”

“I don’t agree with mortal laws,” she said to him, watching him grow sleepy. She felt suddenly aware of his mortality. And he felt suddenly aware that he wished she were human. It was a childish thought, really, to wish such a thing. It was the vampire in her that had drawn him here in the first place. He knew he was being blinded by mortal ideals. Marriage, love, commitment, they were not things a vampire felt towards a human. Love sometimes happened between vampires, but never towards a human. He had thought about becoming a vampire once, but found that he thought of death as a gift. To die was an honor.

“Until vampires rule the world, mortal laws are all we have to govern,” he said, his voice slurring a bit. She gave him a comforting rub on the arm, letting him know that in fact, he would wake up from this slumber.

“How does it feel to be a crooked cop?” She asked, watching as his eyes closed.

“I’m not that crooked…”

She laughed at that. “You had sex with a vampire.”

“So?” It was an incoherent question as he drifted off to sleep.

Alyce smiled again. She had fucked many men before, but none quite like Chael. Most men came in and abandoned the conversation. Sex was the priority, talk was cheap. And to know that she hadn’t had to do anything more than just lie on her back, no oral or sodomy, just true, original sex, Alyce knew that it had been secondary. The true reason Chael had come in was for the conversation, the insight on a world he’d never know. She looked at his sleeping form. He’d identified so well. He’d seen the flaws in religion, humans, vampires, and being as a whole.

“Have you learned nothing?” she whispered to him, but he didn’t answer, lost in the oblivion of dreams. “It’s against the law to have sex with a corpse.”

A stimulation. A provocation. The act of setting things into motion. It was a social movement, the idea of human and vampire matings. Just as it had been with the gay and lesbian movement. Sodomy was a sin. Deceased corporeal intercourse was a human law. It is one thing to be known to exist. It is another to be accepted. The seductive nature of vampire lore brought together those who wished to accept vampires. Alyce was a leader of her people. A leader in a movement, like Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jr. Vampires were more than a corpse.

And the next day, Chael would know that Alyce Kregger, a vampiress leading her people towards freedom, had fucked him to make a statement, but had spoken to him because she had cared, more than the average crusader.
© Copyright 2005 Wenston (wenston at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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