Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/953042-A-Writers-Poem
Rated: E · Poetry · Activity · #953042
A poem about what goes through a writers mind as they begin to weave a story from nothing.
Poem writing is not really my thing but I wrote one today and thought it was alright. My girlfriend agrees that it was a good poem so I decided I would throw it on here and see what you all think. I might add more to this poem but I’m not sure. Tell me what you think.

“A Writers Poem”
By Bryan Holland

To make a story out of nothing, to snatch it from the air..
The blank page lie before me, Intimidation and despair.
Soon the muse calls to me and beckons to declare..
The possibilities.. The image.. Something new and rare.

I can rise through the clouds with no need of a wing
I could track through the forest with a medieval king.
I can dance with a dragon on the shores of the night.
With my characters protected by a talismans light.

A plot rich and full.. an evil doers plight..
To make something wild, fun, and interesting to write.
To send them through the muses maze and lead them to the fight.
And make your reader understand what's wrong and what is right.
© Copyright 2005 B.A. Holland (writerbryan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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