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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #964501
I wrote this story eight years ago... received no reviews. Erotic horror.
The following story is an adult fantasy meant to be read only by persons at least 18 or 21, whichever is legal age in your state or country. The story characters, events, and places are fictional. Any relationship of the story material to anyone or anything in the real world is purely coincidental.

Sarah's Secret

Mark’s fantasies started sometime in childhood. He had a vivid imagination, an imagination that only strengthened as he grew older. Now in his early twenties, his childhood fantasies of being treated as something totally inferior to women had grown to fruition. There were always two activities present in the theater of his mind: Beautiful, sexy girls were always sitting on him as if her were a chair and eating him alive, bite by bite, right from his flesh. He never told anyone of his bizarre fantasies until he was in college.

Mark had dated Sarah a few times. They had gone to the movies, a football game, and a play. Sarah was an attractive brown haired girl, about average height and weight, but with an above average, sexy body. Sexually, they had engaged in the standard making out but had yet to go the distance. Mark lived in a small, rented house, and as it happened, he and Sarah went to his house after attending a play. Mark flopped down on his back on the couch and Sarah, tugging at his arm, asked him to move so she could sit down.

“No,” said Mark, chucking. “I’m tired.”

“…Better move,” warned Sarah, “or I’ll sit on you.”

Grinning, Mark replied: “Go ahead.”

Sarah was wearing tight blue jeans that faithfully followed every inch of her thighs and buttocks. Mark was surprised when she took him up on his offer. She turned and sat down heavily upon his chest, giggling. “I told you I’d sit on you,” she said. Her sexy buttocks pressed down firmly on his chest and stomach. Then the words came out of Mark’s mouth before he’d realized it. “Sit on my face, Sarah.” He asked.

“I’d better not sit on your face,” She told him. “I’d hurt you.” She got up from him and tugged at his arm until he sat up, allowing her room to sit down beside him. They decided to order a Pizza, and it was then that Mark offered Sarah a hint of the rest of his fantasy life. He watched Sarah sink her large, white teeth into a slice of pizza, chew it up, and swallow it into her. He watched each time she bit into the pizza, leaving a crescent shaped hole where pizza used to be. He soon became lost in a fantasy world. He was the slice of Pizza Sarah was eating. She was chomping down on his flesh and eating him. Sarah noticed him intently staring at each bite she took. “What are you thinking, Mark?” she asked, curiously. “Oh….I…” he hesitated. “I was just wondering what it would be like to be the food you’re eating.”

“You wouldn’t like it,” said Sarah. “I’d bite into you, chew you up, and then you’d be in my stomach.”

“I know,” said Mark. “I was just wondering.”

“Do you really want to know what it would feel like if I ate you?” asked Sarah.

“I guess so,” he replied, meekly.

Sarah took his hand in hers and raised it to her mouth. “I’ll bite you,” she warned.

“Go ahead,” said Mark.

“I mean…” added Sarah. “I’ll really bite you.”

“I don’t care,”replied Mark, excited by the prospect of feeling her sharp teeth penetrate his flesh.

“Okay,” she said. “Just remember… You asked for this.” She opened her mouth wide, as if teasing him, and then clamped her teeth down hard on his hand. Her teeth felt wet and sharp as they sank into his flesh. It hurt, of course, but Mark refused to show any indication of it. Sarah took it as a challenge. She applied more pressure and bit deeper into his hand. Finally, Mark let out a groan. “Umm…Delicious hand,” said Sarah.

“But you didn’t eat me,” said Mark, chuckling.

Sarah gazed mischievously at him for a few moments. “Don’t tempt me,” she warned.

A year had passed. Mark and Sarah had since stopped dating. But Mark couldn’t get Sarah’s words out of his mind: “Don’t tempt me.” She had said. What could she have possibly meant by that? Sarah wasn’t a cannibal—at least he highly doubted it.

One evening, Mark was surprised by a phone call from Sarah. Sarah told him that she and three of her friends, Rachel, Lisa, and Amy, were planning on spending a week at a cabin in the mountains. The cabin was owned by a woman they had met on the internet, a woman named Melinda. She told him that she and her friends were excited about their vacation in the mountains, but that they were kind of timid because they had never met Melinda in person. Sarah said they would feel more at ease if there was a man around—just in case.

“What do you know about this—uh—Melinda?” he asked, hesitantly.

“She’s really beautiful,” said Sarah. “We’ve seen her on web cam. She’s been in several movies. She’s blonde and about late twenties.”

“So you’re asking me to spend a week at a remote mountain cabin with four, no, five beautiful women?” Mark said and chuckled. “Am I dreaming?”

“It’s true, Mark,” Sarah assured him. “We don’t want any other men around—only you.”

“I don’t know…” Mark reconsidered. “This whole thing sounds kind of weird. Why me?”

“Why not you, Mark,” was her reply. Then she added: “If you do this, I promise you as much fun and pleasure that you can stand—if you know what I mean,” She chuckled, mischievously.

Mark decided he couldn’t pass up an invitation like that. He managed to schedule a week off from his summer job away from college. Sarah had instructed him not to tell any one where he was going, or to make up a fictional place to throw people off track. She said she wanted their outing to be kept a secret because Melinda was still involved in her movie career and didn’t want any press around. So the day he left for the mountains, he parked his car at a designated spot and loaded his duffle bag into Rachel’s SUV.

Sarah looked stunning. She was wearing tight jean shorts and a tank top that pushed at her soft breasts and showed off her tanned stomach. Her long brown hair was tied back behind her ears and she had on a pair of large hoop earrings. When her soft lips parted into a smile, her teeth looked dazzling white and sharp. He recalled the night she had bitten him. He recalled the pain as her teeth sank into his hand and his imagination went wild. He imagined Sarah and her friends, all of whom he knew and had also fantasized eating him, were taking him to a remote cabin to eat him alive.

Sarah drove and Mark sat next to her, while Lisa, Rachel, and Amy chatted practically non stop in the back seat. He and Sarah talked about school and career plans, but this mysterious Melinda was always in the back of his mind. “Are you sure Melinda has enough food for all of us for a week?” he asked Sarah.

“I’m sure she does,” said Sarah. It’s a big cabin. I’ve seen pictures of it.” She turned to him and grinned. “Why do you ask? Are you afraid we’re going to eat you?”

A cascade of giggles came from the back seat. “Umm,” said Rachel and giggled.

“That wouldn’t be very nice,” said Lisa, a pretty, dark haired girl with innocent brown eyes. Then she added: “Would you like us to eat you, Mark?”

“Of course not,” said Mark, chuckling.

The rest of the trip up a winding mountain road was filled with whispers and giggles from the three girls in the back seat. He couldn’t quite make out anything that was being said, but he could have sworn that one time he heard, Amy, a petite blonde friend of Sarah’s whispering to the others: “I’m going to bite his mouth first.” Mark convinced himself it was only fantasy overlapping with reality.

The cabin turned out to be a large house he would scarcely categorize as a “cabin.” He was excited at the promise of meeting Melinda, a real celebrity actress. The girls talked excitedly as Sarah pulled the SUV up a long driveway and parked near the front door. The door opened and a woman came out to greet them. It was Melinda, and she was so breathtakingly beautiful Mark’s jaw dropped as she neared them. Melinda was dressed in a yellow wrap skirt and tank top. She moved gracefully, one hand gently swishing her skirt and exposing more of a lovely tanned thigh as she walked. When she got closer, her flawless face, bright green eyes, and long length blonde hair added to her perfect feminine beauty.

“So, we finally meet in person,” she said to Sarah, extending a hand. Her bow shaped, pink painted lips spread across dazzling white teeth as she smiled. “Eat me!” thought Mark. “Eat me alive!” As each of the girls introduced themselves to Melinda, Mark noticed a kind of phoniness in the way she smiled. She projected an air of narcissism masquerading as friendliness.

“And you must be Mark,” she said, extending her soft hand to his. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“You have?” asked Mark, rather confused.

“Oh, yes,” continued Melinda. “I’m so glad you came along.”

The travelers pulled their bags from the truck and followed Melinda into the house. Mark stared at the way her firm buttocks swayed with each step. “Sit on me!” thought Mark to himself. “Sit on my face!”

Sarah noticed Mark staring at Melinda and nudged his arm. “She’s really pretty, isn’t she,” said Sarah. “I just know we’re all going to be so close for a whole week.”

Melinda showed the travelers to their rooms and pointed out several bathrooms in which to freshen up from the long drive. As Mark changed into some fresh clothing his mind was filled with questions. It felt like he was dreaming. He would be spending a week with four lovely girls and Melinda. But why? Why him? If the girls wanted a kind of body guard along, why hadn’t they chosen one of Sarah’s hulky boy friends? Mark was fairly well built but he would have never thought he’d qualify as a protector from unknown circumstances.

Everyone gathered in the living room, seating themselves on leather furniture. “You’ll love it here,” said Melinda. “It’s so peaceful. You can do anything you want and know one will ever know.”

“Anything?” said Sarah, coyly.

“Anything,” Melinda replied to Sarah, but she seemed to be looking directly at Mark.

“I feel kind of outnumbered here,” said Mark, laughing nervously.

“Oh, you are outnumbered, Mark,” Melinda told him. Her large green eyes seemed to be looking at a point behind Mark. He twisted his neck to see what she was looking at and his face met with a white handkerchief. He felt a sudden weakness overwhelm him and he felt himself slump down on the couch. When he awoke, he felt something straining at his neck. He reached for it and felt a thin metal collar.

“Wake up, sleepy guy,” he heard Sarah say. He gazed up and Sarah slapped him hard on the face. “Time to wake up,” chirped Sarah, playfully.

“What happened? What did you do to me?” groaned Mark.

“It was a little chloroform,” said Melinda, smiling at Amy. Amy was holding a handkerchief.

“You drugged me!” Mark retorted. He felt at the metal collar around his neck. “And this…What the hell is this?”

“That’s something to keep you---shall we say—more docile while we carry out our plans for you.” Melinda told him. She smiled that phony smile at him.”

“What plans?” he asked, his voice quivering.

Melinda sat down on his legs. Her perfect buttocks felt hot and heavy as she perched atop him. Then she leaned down close to his face, her soft breasts pressing firmly on his chest. Her extraordinarily beautiful face was mere inches from his. Her pink lips widened into a smile, again, but her green eyes betrayed something sinister on her mind. “I’m going to eat you, Mark,” she said, casually, as if talking to an inanimate piece of meat. She caressed his cheek with slim fingers. But then she opened her mouth wide, pink lips tightened across sharp upper and lower teeth. She tilted her head sideways to his and engulfed his mouth and the flesh on both sides of his mouth with those lethal teeth. She bit down hard, trapping his lips between her teeth. Mark groaned and tried to push her away. But he was still weak from the drug. Melinda released her mouth from his only long enough to grab his face and force it back to her waiting mouth. A pink tongue emerged and she licked at his cheek. Then she bit it.

Melinda got up off of him, leaving Mark with a stinging, wet face from her vicious bites. “In case you have any doubts,” Melinda told him. “I am going to eat you… I’m going to eat you alive,” she glanced at Sarah and her friends. “And so are your friends.”

“Oh, I get it,” said Mark. “You’re an actress. Sarah put you up to this. It’s one hell of an act, I’ll have to admit.” He stared at Sarah, waiting for her to burst out laughing. But her face was deadly serious. “It’s not an act,” Sarah told him. “We’re going to eat you. You see, Mark, you made a mistake when you told me you were wondering what that pizza felt like if it could feel me eating it. Remember?”

“Sure I remember,” admitted Mark. “But I was only joking.”

“I was playing around, too, when I bit you,” said Sarah. “Then I met Melinda in a chat room. We chatted regularly for weeks. I happen to tell Melinda about the night I bit you and that’s when she admitted to me she was a real cannibal. She told me she lured a man to the cabin and ate him.”

“I ate him alive,” added Melinda. “Well, at least he was still alive until I’d taken numerous bites out of his flesh.” It was the most exciting, delicious thing I’ve ever done.”

“Then Melinda told me how she would love to eat you, Mark. I was shocked, at first. But I admitted to her that after I’d bitten you that night, I began fantasizing eating you myself. I stopped going out with you because I didn’t trust myself. I feared I might actually try to eat you.”

Melinda extended her wrist and a silver bracelet of sorts adorning it. She opened a tiny flap on the bracelet and stuck her finger on it. Immediately, an electric shock wracked Mark’s body. He screamed in agony. “Stop!” he cried. “Please make it stop!” Melinda released her finger from the bracelet and the pain subsided.

“…Rather high tech, don’t you think,” she said to the girls. Each of the other girls wore an identical bracelet. “And it has a range of at least a mile,” she added. “So, Mark, you won’t be going anywhere…but in here…” she patted her tummy.

“You’re fucking crazy!” yelled Mark. “You’re telling me you’re going to eat me alive. He glanced at the other girls. “Sarah? Lisa? Amy? Rachel? You’re all in on this. You’re all going to…”

“Eat you,” the petite and innocent looking Amy answered his question. She licked at her upper lip. “I’m so excited. I really get to eat a man.”

“After I got to know Melinda,” said Sarah, “We all formed a secret chat room and discussed eating you with her. We all agreed that we loved to bite men whenever we got the chance. There’s nothing like the feeling of power when you have a man’s flesh gripped between your teeth. Then Melinda told us that feeling was even more exhilarating when you bite through flesh and start eating it right from his body.”

“This is all crap,” retorted Mark. “I don’t believe you. I don’t believe you could all do such a horrendous thing.”

“I guess you need proof,” Melinda told him. She slid a wall décor to one side, revealing a safe. She twisted the knob on the safe and pulled out a video tape.

“Cool!” said Amy, as Melinda inserted the tape in a VCR. Mark stared at her in disbelief. Amy, the least likely one he would think of wanting to indulge in an act of cannibalism seemed to be the most excited about it.

The T.V screen displayed a nude man lying supine upon a bench. “Is that him?” asked Rachel. “Is he the one you ate?”

“Of course it is,” Sarah said to her.

“Sarah,” Melinda asked. “Didn’t you tell me that Mark wanted you to sit on his face?” Sarah nodded. “It’s interesting you should say that,” Melinda continued, “because that’s exactly what I did to the man. I knew I wanted to eat him, so I trained my mind to think of him as a nothing…just something to sit on.” Melinda came into view on the screen. She was dressed nicely in a black skirt, nylons, and high heels. She had a magazine in her hand and walked over to the man. She stood next to him, her back turned to him and leafed through the magazine. Then she suddenly glanced down at him over her shoulder and sat squarely on his face. She crossed her lovely thighs and continued reading the magazine as if the man was only there to be sat on. “He made an interesting chair,” Melinda told the girls.

The scene on the T.V switched. Melinda was bent over the man. She was biting him all over. She bit his face, his arm, his hand, and chest. The man was screaming and pleading with her to stop, but she kept on biting him. “I sat on him and bit him for a week,” she told the girls. And then…” She paused.

“You ate him!” Amy exclaimed.

The T.V screen went blank for a few moments. Then the tape showed the man lying helplessly on a table. Melinda was wearing a pink bikini. She proceeded to spread some kind of substance all over the man. Then she grabbed the man’s face, opened her mouth wide, and bit into his lips. She twisted her head from side to side, the man’s lips between her teeth until she tore them away from him. Blood oozed from the wound. The man screamed in agony, but Melinda ignored him, chewing triumphantly on the bitten off flesh and swallowing it with a drink of wine. She continued to take more bites from the man’s flesh, all over his torso, and including his cock. She was, quite literally, eating him alive.

“How long did he live?” asked Sarah.

“Longer then I expected,” Melinda answered. “At least an hour before he passed on. Then it wasn’t near as much fun eating him.” The tape ended and Melinda returned it to the safe. Mark was terror stricken at what he’d just seen. These five beautiful young women were planning on eating him alive! He gazed at each of their sexy bodies. He’d never dreamt in a million years that his fantasies would become reality. In spite of his terror, a warm feeling spread through his groin. If they did it, if they actually ate him, it would be the ultimate erotic experience. His flesh would transform from his corporeal being to theirs. But with such an ultimate erotic experience would come the ultimate sacrifice: his life.

“What do we do with him now?” asked Sarah.

“Anything you want,” said Melinda, smiling. “We’re in control.”

Sarah towered over him. “I didn’t want to sit on your face that night, Mark, because I was afraid of hurting you. But now it doesn’t matter. She turned her back to him, her knees bent, and his vision was filled with her round, denim covered butt and the underside of the tanned thighs her jean shorts revealed. She sat down and smothered his face beneath her full weight. “You do make a lovely chair,” she told him and giggled. Not wanted to suffocate him completely, Sarah sat but a few moments on him.

“I want to bite him!” exclaimed Amy. She grabbed his hand and brought it to her mouth. She licked his finger and then inserted it sideways into her soft mouth. Her teeth clamped down on his finger, and she held on until Mark yelled with pain. “I’m going to eat you, so I have to bite you,” Amy told him, as if he didn’t have any right to protest.

“He’s only meat,” said Lisa, the dark haired beauty. “I’m going to bite him.” Her brown eyes were ablaze with a hungry desire that hardened Marks’s cock. He was, indeed, starting to feel less like a human being and more like a hunk of meat these five sexy females wanted to take inside of them. Lisa was wearing a low cut mini-dress. She sat down heavily upon Mark’s legs and leaned over to his face, as she’d seen Melinda do. Her firm breasts pressed onto his chest. She licked her lips seductively. “What did that man’s lips taste like?” she asked Melinda.

“Simply scrumptious…one of my favorite parts of him,” replied Melinda.

“Mmm… I’m gonna bite you on the mouth,” Lisa told him.

Mark’s mouth and face still stung from where Melinda had bitten him. He grimaced and braced himself for more of the same from Lisa. He gazed at her soft, feminine face so near to his, a warm, gentle presence that seemed so contradictory when she bared her teeth and bit his lips. Then she tilted her head sideways-as she’d seen Melinda do—opened her mouth wide and bit into his entire mouth. He felt the tip of her tongue dart at his lips as she held them tight between her sharp teeth. When she released her oral grip her brown eyes danced with excitement. “Oh, did that hurt?” she asked, coyly. “When I eat you, I’ll really bite your mouth, Mark.”

“When I eat you.” Lisa was already thinking of him as food. The way she was staring hungrily at him… There was little doubt that Lisa wanted to eat him. She wanted to taste his flesh and take it inside her stomach like a mere piece of meat.

“I think I’ll sit on you,” she told Mark.

“Sit on his face, Lisa,” encouraged Rachel.

“I’m going to,” said Lisa. She stood near the couch with her mini dress hovering above him. “I hope you like my butt on your face,” she told Mark. When Lisa sat down, her dress went over his face and he caught a close up glimpse of her round butt and pink satin panties before his vision was obscured by the fleshy globes of her ass crushing and smothering him. She crossed her legs, allowing Mark to peer under a slightly elevated thigh, and the inner fabric of her dress draped over it. It was a scene he had fantasized many times, and the experience took on a surreal tone. Lisa was not only thinking of him as something she wanted to eat, but also as a seat for her magnificent butt. She continued to sit on him until Melinda cautioned her that he might smother to death and deny them the exhilaration of eating him alive. She finally stood up and Mark gasped for air.

Mark’s pleading eyes met Sarah’s. Her eyes looked cold in a way he had never seen them. It wasn’t an angry kind of cold. There was desire in them. Her tongue wiped slowly across her upper teeth, glistening them with saliva. She grabbed his arm and opened her mouth.

“Sarah, please?” he pleaded. But she ignored him and bit his upper arm so hard he thought he was going to pass out. “I’m going to eat you,” she told him, a malevolence in her voice. Then she bit him again.

“Let’s get those clothes off the meat,” said Melinda. She tore at his shirt and the others followed, tearing, ripping, yanking, until he was completely nude. Then Amy’s soft hand held his cock. A natural male response extended it. “Umm,” said Amy. “Doesn’t it look yummy,” she licked at the side of his shaft. “I love to eat wieners.” She put the head of his cock in her warm mouth. Then her pearly teeth bared and he winced. She opened her mouth wide and she gazed hungrily at him, teasing him. “I could bite it off and eat it,” she told him. She opened her mouth again and trapped his vulnerable manhood between her teeth. Amy bit down hard and Mark screamed. “No! Don’t!”

“Well, you’re only meat,” Amy told him. “I can eat your dick if I want to.” She positioned her pretty face to the side of his shaft, licked and bit at it. And it was apparent to Mark, that this was a teasing phase of his eventual demise. Amy didn’t attempt to take a bite of him, though he knew she wanted to.

Mark observed that Rachel, another of Sarah’s beautiful friends, hadn’t done anything to him. She just stood watching intently. Sarah noticed it, too. “Don’t you want to sit on him or bite him?” she asked Rachel.

“I’d hurt him,” said Rachel.

“Rachel,” said Sarah. “We brought Mark up here to eat him…and you’re afraid of hurting him?”

“Well, he is a person,” said Rachel.

“You mean he was a person,” Sarah told her. “He’s meat now.”

“But, can’t you see...? He doesn’t want us to eat him,” said Rachel, “just ask him. Do you want me to eat you, Mark?”

Mark looked thoughtfully at Rachel. He gazed at her beautiful face framed by long blonde hair, at her mouth that seemed to beckon to him as if to speak for itself: let me bite into you…come inside of me…let me chew you up and send you to my stomach.

“So…Do you want me to eat you?” Rachel repeated.

“No,” replied Mark, weakly.

“He doesn’t sound too sure of that,” said Melinda. She placed a hand on Rachel’s shoulder. “I’m going to take him into my room, and I want you to join me, just you, me, and the meat.”

Mark was ordered into Melinda’s master bedroom. Melinda told him to lie down on a soft, leather bench that was not much more than a foot tall. Melinda and Rachel were both wearing wrap mini-skirts that reached about mid-thigh. Melinda opened a dresser drawer and was showing Rachel some photo’s of her taken on movie sets. The two women stood near him with their backs to him while Melinda commented on the photos. It seemed as though Melinda was deliberately ignoring Mark’s presence in the room. Suddenly, Melinda’s knees bent and she sat down squarely atop Mark’s face, burying it under her round buttocks, with only the thin fabric of her skirt between him and her flesh. He heard Rachel giggle. Melinda continued to sit on his face as if he were a part of the low bench. She rose up a foot or so, allowing him to gasp in a few breaths of air, then she flipped her skirt over his face as if to say: modestly means nothing when something is there to sit on. Mark stared at her sexy bottom, covered only by a thin V of yellow panty material, before she sat back down on him and crossed her legs.

“Poor thing… Aren’t you squishing him?” said Rachel.

“It doesn’t matter,” Melinda told her, nonchalantly. “He’s here to be sat on and eaten.” Melinda sat on him a few moments longer before getting up. “Have a seat, Rachel,” she offered.

“On his face?” said Rachel, grinning. “Do you care if I sit on your face, Mark?” she asked.

“You don’t have to ask permission of a chair before you sit on it,” said Melinda.

“But he’s not a…” her words broke off. “Okay… I don’t care,” she admitted. She stood over him a few moments and toyed with the hem of her skirt. Rachel had lovely tanned thighs and a shapely butt. He wanted her to sit that sexy butt down on his face, but he wasn’t about to admit it. “I’m going to hurt you,” Rachel warned. Mark remained silent, and Rachel took his silence as an affirmation of what she was about to do. She put her legs together and started to sit down, her buttocks tightening into a round, panty covered, overwhelming, feminine presence hovering above his face. She plopped down heavily on his face and giggled. “You are fun to sit on,” she admitted.

“Wait till you eat him,” Melinda said. “You’re going to love it.”

Rachel got up from her fleshy seat. “Let’s bite him,” encouraged Melinda. She grabbed Mark’s hand and bit it.

“I’ll bite you,” Rachel warned. She leaned down, her firm breasts pressed onto his chest and opened her mouth, displaying white, sharp-looking teeth to him. “I’m going to bite you,” she said, again. But this time it wasn’t a warning. It was an affirmation of her desire to do so. She clamped her teeth over his mouth and bit down hard. Obviously, she loved the power she had over him. Mark groaned from her vicious bite, but Rachel ignored his pain and bit him again, this time on the cheek. “I’m going to eat you up, Mark,” she told him. “I’m going to sink my teeth into you and eat you.” She bit down on his lips, again, and the pain was excruciating. Mark screamed into her mouth.

‘Not yet,” Melinda told her. She pulled Rachel away from him. “I think you’re ready, now, to eat him with the rest of us.”

Mark was ordered to go to his room and adjoining bathroom to clean up for dinner. He stared, horrified, at his reflection in a full length mirror. His face, arm, and hand bore reddened teeth marks—some still damp with the saliva from hungry mouths. When the girls finally ate him, he thought, those teeth marks would be gaping holes where his flesh had been removed, chewed up, and swallowed into the deepest recesses of their sexy bodies. He was overwhelmed by a combination of horror and erotic excitement.

He sat at the table with them at dinner. He watched them hoist food to their mouths and sever it with sharp teeth, claiming it for their hot mouths. He watched them chew it and swallow it, often times gazing at him as if he were the food they were eating. Amy, in particular, loved to taunt him while she was eating. She took a carrot and held it in front of her mouth. “Are you afraid?” she asked him, coyly. “I’m going to eat you…just like this…” She opened her mouth wide and bit down on the carrot, slowly sinking her teeth into it until they came together, a chunk of carrot helplessly caught in her youthful mouth. She swallowed and patted her stomach. “Then you’ll be inside me,” she continued, and giggled.

“Yummy,” said Lisa. She broke off a small piece of celery and told Mark to hold it in his mouth. She then proceeded to slowly bite off pieces of the celery and eat it. Her teeth came closer and closer to his mouth with each bite. She bit down on his lips before chewing off the last couple inches of the celery. Mark felt like he and the celery were both on the same level to Lisa: food to be bitten and eaten.

Rachel was grinning mischievously. “I have an idea,” she said. She grabbed a can of whipped cream and slid down under the table. Mark felt the cream surround his cock. Then he felt a soft tongue licking at his creamy shaft. His member hardened and he heard giggles from under the table. It was a pleasurable feeling until he felt her teeth clamp down over the head of his shaft. Rachel had bitten hard and he screamed with pain. Reflexively, his hand shot down to Rachel’s head. “Careful,” Melinda warned him. She had opened the tiny lid on her bracelet, leaving little doubt in his mind that he was at the complete mercy of these females. Rachel released her grip on the head of his member. Then her tongue licked at the side of his shaft and bit at its’ tender flesh. After she climbed back up on her chair, her tongue wiped across remaining patches of whipped cream. “Ummm,” she moaned, looking hungrily at him. The other women laughed and mocked him with imaginary bites.

Mark’s life during the remainder of the week was filled with agony. He was free to roam about the house and grounds, but he was always being watched by the girls. He was referred to not as Mark, but as “Meat” or “Chair.” Whenever one or more of the girls decided to sit on him they would simply point to a chair or couch and order him with a single word: chair. He was immediately obliged to lie down upon the object so he could be sat on. And quite often one of the girls would order him with the word: meat. He would then endure the pain of their teeth penetrating his flesh. They had yet to actually eat him, but he was experiencing the closest thing to it.

He felt the girls’ perception of him change from Mark, human being, to Mark, an edible piece of meat and Mark, something to sit on. He began to feel the same, he thought, as a barnyard chicken or pig might feel in the presence of lovely girls, knowing he was doomed to end up inside their stomachs as food. His life was soon to end, and his flesh would be consumed, digested, and become a part of theirs, contributing to each exciting curve of their bodies. Some of his flesh would journey though yards of intestine and slithered out of there anuses into a toilet: such was the fate of all food…and he was now food. He was strangely fascinated by the promise of them eating him but not by the reality of it. For as powerful and relentless as the fantasies had been his whole life, he was not prepared to die for them. As the day of the feast approached, he began to beg for his life.

“Please, Melinda,” he begged. “Don’t do this! I don’t want to die!”

“I’m sure you don’t” Melinda said, coldly. “And I’m sure a chicken or some other domesticated livestock doesn’t want to die so its’ body can be used for food. But it doesn’t have a choice…and neither do you.”

“But I’m not a chicken. I’m not a pig,” retorted Mark. “I’m a human being…and this is murder!”

“He is right,” admitted Rachel, apparently still the weakest link in a chain of ravenous females.

“No!” shouted Sarah at her. “We’ve come too far. He’s seen a video tape of Melinda eating a man alive. We can’t just set him free.”

“I guess you’re right,” Rachel admitted. “Well…Looks like you’re going in here, whether you like it or not.” She told Mark, patting her stomach. She smiled sweetly at him. But no matter how sweet was her smile, the teeth it was composed of were instruments of destruction.

Melinda rushed away and came back with a hand mirror. “Besides…” Melinda told him. “Look at yourself.” She shoved the mirror up to his face. Mark gasped at his own reflection, the reflection of what was once a good looking man now covered with deep bite wounds all over his face, torso, and legs. “We’ve bitten you so hard it’s going to leave scars,” said Melinda. “Do you want people staring at you like some kind of freak?”

Mark stared at Melinda’s celebrated face. Then his eyes met each of the other girls, all with the same hopeful, yet fiendish desire in them.

“Do I get a pain killer?” he asked.

“Of course not,” replied Melinda, as if the question was absurd. “You’re going to feel every bite we take of you. It’s part of the exhilaration of eating you alive.”

“When do we get to eat him?” asked Amy with an impatience that, over the course of a week, had grown to a feverish pitch.

“How about now?” asked Melinda. The girls all agreed that now was the time. They had played with their meat long enough. Mark was ordered to lie upon a table in the dining room. There were no chairs around the table, and he felt like part of a buffet line up. Then he realized he was lying upon the same table he’d seen in the video tape. He recalled the man’s mournful cries as Melinda bit off chunks of his living flesh. The pain must have been unbearable for the man, and Mark tried to imagine that pain along with the pain of four additional mouths biting, ripping, and tearing at his flesh.

The girls took turns guarding him while they all changed into bikinis. Melinda set a pan of sweet smelling liquid down beside him. Then she took a ladle and spread the sticky, syrupy substance over his body. “My own recipe,” she commented to the girls. “It’s so sweet it masks the bitterness of the blood.” Melinda lit two candle on the table and Mark gazed at the magical candle light as it danced across the sexy bodies of the girls who were about to consume him. They all looked so beautiful and feminine, not monsters at all—despite the monstrous act they were about to commit.

“Who would like to take the first real bite?” asked Melinda.

“I will,” said Amy, her eyes burning with hunger. A tongue darted over her glossy lips. “I’m going to eat you up,” she told Mark. “She grabbed his arm and bit into the upper part of it. He had been bitten so many times during the week it seemed, at first, like just another practice bite. But as her teeth pierced his flesh she refused to let go of it, as it was in practice. She bit into him, pulling and yanking at his flesh until her teeth came together with a piece of his body between them. Mark screamed. Blood dripped down the side of her chin as she chewed. “Mmmm,” she moaned, chewing on a mouthful of flesh. “You taste wonderful,” she told him. She swallowed with a sip of wine and then returned for another agonizing bite.

“Look at Amy eat him,” Sarah said to the others. Sarah held his head still while she forced her open mouth on his cheek. Her soft face pressing against his, her hot lips, brought back memories of the times they had kissed. But this wasn’t to be a kiss. Her teeth cut into his cheek as she bit down. Mark tried to pull his head away. She released her teeth from him only long enough to admonish him. “ I’m going to eat you, Mark,” she told him. “So you might as well be still.” He stared, horrified, into her soft brown eyes as her teeth parted again and sank deep into his flesh. Sarah bit off a piece of his cheek and ate it. Melinda was holding his other arm tight. Her hot breath seemed to caress it. “You’ll soon be a part of my lovely body,” she told him in her typical self-absorbed way. Then she bit into him and claimed a hunk of his arm for her mouth and stomach. Then Lisa could no longer suppress her hunger for this living delicacy. Her head bobbed down and she bit into his chest, ripping off a bloody chunk of it and chewing it in front of him.

Mark felt as if his body had been set afire, burning where each piece of his flesh had been removed, chewed up, and swallowed. Rachel was the only one who hadn’t tasted him yet. She gazed, curiously, as her friends continued to eat him alive.

“Eat him, Rachel,” Lisa told her, chewing a mouthful of flesh. Her pretty face was bright with what looked to Mark like orgasmic delight.

“I suppose I could eat his mouth,” said Rachel, staring hungrily at Mark. She leaned down over him and brushed her golden hair away form her face. She opened her mouth wide as if to bite into him, but then closed it. “Do you want me to eat you?” she asked Mark, again. And Mark, writhing in agony from the other bites, stared into her lovely face. It was a question he’d been struggling with his whole life. Did he want to be eaten by pretty girls…really…or had it all been just elaborate fantasy—an imaginary world he could control. Despite the incredible pain of having his flesh bitten into and removed, his cock hardened at the thought of Rachel wanting to eat him. “Yes,” he said, weakly. Rachel sighed. Then her mouth was, again, open, inviting his flesh into it. She tilted her head, and gripped both his lips in her hot, ravenous mouth. He felt her teeth sink deep into his lips and looked at the determination in her eyes as she twisted and yanked his lips away from him. She chewed on his bitten off lips with the same orgasmic delight, the delight of supreme possession that illuminated the faces of the others.

Mark felt a soft wet tongue slide across his shaft. He managed to gaze down the length of his torso at Melinda, preparing to bite into his dick. Her hand held it firm as she licked and sucked at it like a lollipop. But then she bared her teeth, and he grimaced with fear. The question as to whether or not he actually wanted to be eaten by pretty women was a moot question now. He had no control over his fate. He was meat to these women. He was meat, and they were eating him. Melinda’s teeth sank deep into the head of his shaft. He screamed, again, as part of the swollen member disappeared into her mouth, with blood billowing from the stump. “Mmmm,” Melinda moaned, chewing on the flesh. “You taste even better than the first one.” There was a matter-of-factness in her voice, a complete absence of mercy or compassion that was terrifying. The other girls picked up on her casualness in eating him alive and began to comment to each other on the taste of a particular piece of him they were eating. Amy tried to bite into his foot, but found it a little too tough. She chewed off a piece of his calf, instead. Rachel and Sarah decided to eat the rest of his face, leaving only his eyes so he could watch his own consumption. Mark drifted off as the girls relentlessly claimed parts of his flesh with sharp, merciless teeth.

A few days later, the girls were back home and at a dance. Their firm butts and soft breasts undulated to the rhythm of the music. And the flesh that once belonged to Mark was now a part of their anatomy—secretly hidden from the ogling eyes of horny men at the dance. Sarah had her eye on one man in particular. She thought he might like to join them on a road trip.

The End

© Copyright 2005 Barefoot Bob (angst at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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