Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/968014-No-Riotousness
Rated: 18+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #968014
Based on the violence in our world
There have been many before me.
More will come long after I have rotted and fed the vermin.
Yet none have been as vicious as me.
I rape, torture and bath in innocent blood, yet no one can stop me
Not now not ever. I will continue my reign of destruction.
Slicing my way into hell where I will be covered in my victims' entrails and will
Hear their screams as they beg for their God who has forsaken them.
I will feast on their still beating hearts and drink their blood as if it were wine.
Their children I will rape in front of their eyes and pose them as dolls once their soul
Has entered mine. For that is what I am. A collector
A collector of souls. Who will be my next?
I have gutted a child while her parents slept, I have raped a child and blinded her
So that she may relive that terror for decades never knowing if I was near her again.
Her fear crawling on her skin like tiny insects trying to burrow into her forever-distrustful heart.
I have feasted on them in their own homes creeping out at daylight without a trace.
Many fear me yet not one can stop me.
I have mutilated and disfigured them so that not even dental records are a help.
I have blown them apart piece by piece
I will forever rule these people with their fears.
I am the creature that lives inside their hearts and souls.
© Copyright 2005 Terra_Onyx (hispandoll at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/968014-No-Riotousness