Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/978176-Summer-Daze
Rated: E · Poetry · Children's · #978176
How I spent my summer vacation--written for preliminary contest round for mini-slam

Summer Daze

Long,languid days of sunshine.
I no longer function in clocktime.
All imagined fantasies are mine.
I spend my summers in the li-brar-y.

They limit us kids to just six books.
The librarian's throwing me hot looks.
I tried to get seven or eight books.
Glorious summers in the li-brar-y.

My lust for books is voracious.
My knowledge of words is capacious.
My parents think it's outrageous,
I spend my summers in the li-brar-y.

Someday, I shall be an author.
Novels and poems I'll proffer.
But for now I'm content to offer
my summer days to the li-brar-y.
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