Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/990874-Change-of-Address
by nomlet
Rated: E · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #990874
Do monsters get mail?
The old house.

Joey had always been a small boy with small fears. His largest fear lived under his bed. Joey always managed just enough bravery and vigilance to get through the night. At some point that changed. At some point, his imagination outgrew his courage. Sniffles was the first victim.

A grumble of thunder woke Joey into darkness. He blinked at the clock by his bedside. It blinked a flashing midnight right back. The power was out. Another flash lit the room enough to reveal Sniffles lying helpless on the floor beside the bed. Sniffles, that soft teddy bear Joey had picked out for his fourth birthday. Beloved Sniffles.

Joey stretched for the bear, but it was out of reach. Icy terror froze Joey in place. Sniffles was left to his fate. When lightning flashed again, the bear was gone. Joey hated himself.

The new house.

New state, new town, new house—new life. Or at least the desperate hope of a new life. It would all mean nothing if the monster had moved with them. Joey prayed it hadn't. He had to know for sure.

The hum of the air conditioner choked off. So did Joey's breathing and, for a moment, his heart. He peeked under the bed. Nothing grabbed for him. Nothing peered back. It was monster-free.

Joey had been holding a sigh since age two. He let it go. He dared to hope. Joey tried to pity whoever moved into the old house, but all he could feel was relief.

The old house.

On the kitchen counter lay a notice:

We have received a change of address request for the following person(s).

Scare E. Monster

Old Address:

Under the Bed
123 Meadowlake Lane
Oldtown, TX

New Address:

In the Closet
456 Constitution Drive
Newton, MA

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