Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111368-The-Secret-Door-Budapest-Moon-Book-4
ID #111368
Product Type: eBooks
Reviewer: Joy
Review Rated: 13+
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Summary of this eBooks...
The Secret Door is the fourth book in the Budapest Moon series. Although the story explores elements beyond the range of scientific explanation, it does probe into the romantic relationships with remarkable insight.

Unlike most Gothic novels, the story takes place in the beginning of the second quarter of the twentieth century. The story opens with an incredible fight when The main character Zoltan Kristos, a Hungarian Minister, is attacked by Meklau, the son of Marcus who is the prince of Ternitz. Meklau falls on broken glass and a shard cuts into his neck, killing him. The reason for the attack was Inna, the witch Zoltan took away from Marcus, with Inna's consent.

Meklau's death heightens Marcus's animosity because, now, his only heir is dead and he is an aged werewolf. His only hope is to sire another son by a young witch, specifically Inna. But then Zoltan is also a werewolf and needs Inna to attend to him, as each werewolf needs a witch to tame his feral nature and take care of his medical needs, and Inna is afraid of Marcus's clan because they treat their witches with violence.

The site of the attack is in front of Volturn Manor, home to Sophia Varga, Zoltan's love interest.

Zoltan, however, is a troubled hero. His background is tainted and he feels bad about his past behavior. He also has difficulty with the trust issues, but what Sophia demands is Zoltan's trust.

Yet, the real story begins here after the attack and Meklau's death. Will Volturn Manor help the two lovers to settle their differences, as it harbors secrets hidden in old books behind a locked door, and will Zoltan be able to defeat Marcus at the end?

The Secret Door's plot is tightly woven, with referrals to earlier volumes, showing the expertise of this author with interlacing a new story with the older ones. The characters, too, are well drawn, especially the main characters. Even the secondary characters have traits that are believable, should they be placed in a more realistic story.

The romantic scenes are written along the rules of the romance genre, but in no way are they tasteless or overdone.

The story moves along with fast pace, which is somewhat due to its direct, clear language.

Secret Door can be read as a stand-alone or part of the Budapest Moon series. Its exciting action, paranormal elements, and romance will not disappoint a reader.
The author of this eBooks...
The author is StephBee . *Smile*
I recommend this eBooks because...
The story is exciting and entertaining, and with a fast pace. *Smile*
Created Feb 03, 2013 at 12:59pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111368-The-Secret-Door-Budapest-Moon-Book-4