Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111890-Black-GirlBorom-Sarret
ID #111890
Black Girl/Borom Sarret   (Rated: ASR)
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: A*Monaing*Faith
Review Rated: ASR
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this DVD...
A Senegalese woman, Diouana (Di) begs for a job out on a street corner. A white woman offers her one as a 'maid'. Di watches her mistresses 3 kids while in Senegal, but the couple ask her to come to France and the kids aren't there. So she's just a maid....apparently Di didn't expect this and considers herself a slave.
This type of DVD is good for...
A change in pace. It's French, subtitled in English.
I especially liked...
The scenery and introduction to new actors.
I didn't like...
The premise. Maybe it's just because I'm used to Black American history in the 50s/60s and it was SOOOO much worse than what this Diouana went through. Di never even sat down and talked to her bosses about her feelings, she just sulked and took it like a child. Odd....
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to...
Find out more about African-French relations, if a majority of French 'racism' towards blacks is like this when compared to the States then I'm looking forward to visiting sometime.
This DVD made me feel...
Like the Blacks in France had it much better than most African Americans back in the day.
The cast of this DVD...
Seem interesting, Mbissine Thérèse Diop (Diouana) is very beautiful but her acting skills weren't exactly showcased in this film; case in point, when her and the mistress are fighting over the mask. The woman shows plenty of emotion but Di's face is completely expressionless...it's weird.
I recommend this DVD because...
I say try (skim/scan) everything at least once, it's only an hour long anyway.
I don't recommend this DVD because...
It's just not that great a movie and frankly makes no sense. IMHO Diouana and her mother at the end when Di's boss actually tracks Di down to return her suitcase that she left AND give them money because the mother asked for it in her last letter. I just don't get it, the white people end up looking a lot more amicable than the Senegalese....again...weird....
Further Comments...
I truthfully don't understand how this movie got such high reviews on Amazon, IMDB, and even Netflix. Perhaps it's just a matter of interest. I wonder what the cast/crew of this film makes of The Help, now THAT was oppression.
Created Feb 05, 2014 at 12:46am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111890-Black-GirlBorom-Sarret