Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/112375-Watching-the-Tree-Limbs-Maranatha-Series-Book-1
ID #112375
Product Type: Kindle Store
Reviewer: Joy
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 4.99
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Book...
This novel deals with the serious subject of rape; yet, it starts the nine-year old Mara’s story through her own voice. The setting of the story is Burl, Texas.

Mara, unloved and little cared for, one day stops to talk to a high school student, named Robert E. Lee, with the nickname General. Through devious tactics and threats, the General forces Mara to be with him nine more times. Mara’s psychology is shown realistically and most touchingly through this ordeal while she remains silent about her suffering, so General won’t hurt other people around her.

While Mara believes she has been raised by Nanny Lynn and her daughter Aunt Elma, her true background is totally different. When Elma dies of cancer, Mara is taken to live with Mr. Winningham, a rich, powerful yet cantankerous old man. The housekeeper Zady in Mr. Winningham’s mansion mothers Mara and takes her to church. In the church and through a few other sources, Mara slowly uncovers her background.

Possibly because of the author’s religious views, however, Mara’s sudden finding of Jesus, shadows her discovery of her parentage, which should be the climax in the story. This is just about the only flaw where this story’s construction is concerned, but then, most faith-based novels have a way of interrupting the flow of a story.

On the other hand, characterization is pretty good with quirky adult characters and a few villainous ones. The most thoroughly portrayed characters are those of Mara’s, her friend Camilla’s, and Zady's.

The storytelling is quite good and captures the reader through a strong plot and emotion. As a reader I did care about Mara, and the mystery and suspense of the story kept me reading book to its end.
I especially liked...
the author's use of the language and her storytelling.
I didn't like...
the sudden push of religion into an otherwise close-to-perfect story. Should religion be there in the beginning and through the middle, even as a hint, I would understand it, but the only Jesus-finding chapters toward the end were shocking.
The n/a of this Book...
is Mary DeMuth, who writes non-fiction and fiction books, ranging from women's fiction to thrillers.
I recommend this Book because...
I recommend this book only if you enjoy Christian fiction and you don't mind difficult and traumatic subjects.
Created Feb 07, 2015 at 11:44am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/112375-Watching-the-Tree-Limbs-Maranatha-Series-Book-1