Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113433-Stormbreaker-Alex-Rider-Book-1
ID #113433
Product Type: Kindle Store
Reviewer: Shaye
Review Rated: ASR
Amazon's Price: $ 9.99
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Book...
This is a book about a teenager, dragged into becoming some sort of spy for MI5/6 (I always forget which one!). He's tasked with figuring out what some shady guy is up to, with regards to gifting computers to all the schools in the UK, after his Uncle is killed whilst trying to do the exact same thing (because sending in a 14 year old kid is a great idea!).
This type of Book is good for...
Kids that you're struggling to get into reading, because they think it's boring. This might just change their mind. There's explosions (quite often!), a teenage boy doing something a teenage boy in real-life would never do, some weird gadgets, and a happy ending.
I especially liked...
Not much. I guess I'm too old for this sort of thing now. Maybe when I was young I would've liked it.
I didn't like...
All of it. The character was two dimensional. The most boring, emotionless kid ever. He's like an android! It seems like this novel was written with no planning whatsoever, so some convenient things happened to solve plotholes. Oh, crap, can't get through the door? Uh, just as well it's padlock is already unlocked. What are the chances? Oh, some deep water to get through, oh look, there's some scuba gear. Wow. *Rolleyes*
When I finished n/a this Book I wanted to...
Wonder why there are more of these things. And not just a few more, so many more!
The n/a of this Book...
I've read books of his before, in fact, I've got some sat on the shelves behind me right now. His "Gatekeepers" series. Admittedly, haven't read them since I was about 12, but I could swear they were better than this.
I recommend this Book because...
I recommend it to kids, not adults. I pity the adults that might have to read this book to their kids.
Created Oct 15, 2017 at 12:58pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113433-Stormbreaker-Alex-Rider-Book-1