Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113887-Misfits-Urban-Soul-Book-1
ID #113887
Product Type: Kindle
Reviewer: Elle - on hiatus
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 4.99
Not currently available.
Product Rating:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Digital Ebook Purchas...
Tom owns a thriving restaurant business, and is out scouting for a new location. Avoiding traffic, he eats at a nearby restaurant, figuring he can check out the local competition at the same time. Jake is his waiter and grabs Tom's attention by giving his honestly poor opinion of the food available. Later, Tom witnesses Jake have an incident where he drops plates and food and gets sent out back. After Tom leaves and goes to a nearby pub, Jake finds him, returning a diary he left behind and admitting that he's been fired. Jake suffers from Tourettes, and it's not easy to be a waiter when your body moves without your permission. Tom is intrigued, and the two end up back at Tom's house, in Tom's bed. Tom leaves early the next morning, leaving a note behind for Jake. Except when Jake wakes up, Tom's boyfriend Cass is there. Jake freaks, thinking he's in big trouble with the boyfriend. But the truth is that Tom and Cass have an open relationship. Tom can't stop thinking about Jake, and vice versa. But Cass has to come first. Is it possible that the three of them can make something work?
I especially liked...
Jake was a fascinating character. It wasn't just his Tourettes, but also how he dealt with it, his humour, his embarrasment, his hilariously inappropriate comments...

I found Cass to be an intriguing character too. His lower class upbringing, his secrets, and perhaps even the fact that story is never told from his perspective, only from Jake and Tom's.

Tom was the least interesting of the three characters for me, but it was very clear how much Jake and Cass loved him, and why.
When I finished n/a this Digital Ebook Purchas I wanted to...
Read the next book in the series. Which I did, and you should too!
Further Comments...
This book, and the characters, had a lot of depth. It wasn't just a simple 'guy meets guy, falls in love, lives happily ever after'. The triangle complicated things, but it was more than that. Cass in particular had a lot of issues to work through before he could commit to the relationship. I felt that although Jake and Tom had fallen into bed really quickly, the overall relationship between the three of them, and the true commitment to each other, proceeded at a much more realistic pace. It was not instalove.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, and the second book (and currently only other) book in the series. I recommend them to anyone who enjoys m/m romance.

Cass and Tom start with an open relationship, so there is no 'cheating' as such. No lying or hiding anything, so if cheating is something that puts you off, there's none of that in this book.
Created Jan 20, 2019 at 2:36am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113887-Misfits-Urban-Soul-Book-1