Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113898-Playing-with-Demons
ID #113898
Playing with Demons   (Rated: 18+)
Product Type: Kindle Store
Reviewer: Shaye
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 4.99
Product Rating:
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Summary of this Book...
From Goodreads:

In a world where humans are unaware of the demons that roam amongst them, it’s left to the Nephilim to keep it that way—or at least that’s what Grace Campbell was brought up to believe. Grace might have been born half-Nephilim and half-demon, but her loyalty is wholly on the side of the good guys. She’s dedicated her life to protecting the innocent, and her mixed linage only makes her better at her job. Unfortunately, her blood also makes her the only one capable of entering Hell’s hidden wards.

Now her latest assignment will see Grace endure the trials of the seven deadly sins in order to win a barbaric tournament to secure an important prize for the Nephilim. To survive, Grace will be forced to embrace her dark side and accept the help of her greatest opponent yet, Lucifer’s son. The very sexy Prince of Hell, Zadeon, will have Grace questioning just how bad, the bad guys are.
Further Comments...
Originally posted on A Reading Brit  

4.5/5 from me. Upgraded to a 5 after coming back to this after a few days. I want to read the next book, quite a bit, so it’s worth the upgradeOverall, I really enjoyed reading this, and am impressed with this as a debut book. For a debut, it’s pretty amazing.

I liked how music was used in this. It set the scene quite well when you knew what songs were playing in the background. And there was some great music, and the ones I haven’t heard of, I’ll be listening to, if they’re anything like the others mentioned.

There was a definite romance in this, but it wasn’t one of those where they tortured each other forever, and there was no love triangle. Two positive things to me. The over-protective nature of Zadeon was a little eye-roll worthy, but at the end of the day, he’s super-powerful and she was an unknown, so I guess it kind-of makes sense.

The main character was well-developed, she had her own backstory, and it tied in neatly with who she was. Her personality matching her experiences well.

My favourite part of this was the world-building. The nephilim vs demon thing, even though the nephilim were relatives of the highest level demons was a fun take. The abilities and quirks of the demons were fun, their demon marks making for some great description. The setting was fun. I enjoyed reading about what hell looked like, and how it didn’t follow 90% of the stereotypes.

I’ll admit this isn’t a book I’d necessarily recommend as a serious read, but as a light, fun read, I enjoyed it. And if I want a few hours of entertainment, I’ll look for the next in the series. I’m hoping one is coming at some point. There’s a hint of more stories to be told, so I think there’ll be more, and I look forward to it.
Created Jan 26, 2019 at 3:34am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113898-Playing-with-Demons