Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114674-The-Wedding-Journey-Love-Inspired-Historical-by-Cheryl-StJohn-2012-04-03
ID #114674
Amazon's Price: $ 36.92
Not currently available.
Product Rating:
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Summary of this Book...
This is a wonderful, engaging and action-packed Christian historical romance. It introduces all three sisters for the trilogy (this is book one of three) and tells the story of Maeve Murphy and Dr. Flynn Gallagher. The book opens with tragedy, has an amazing surprise with a heavy dose of mystery, involves the sisters packing up their lives and heading from Ireland to America. There are some wild adventures along the way and Maeve is a hero in every sense of the word (saving lives and having a beautiful character). Flynn is a great hero and I loved the book.
This type of Book is good for...
People who like Christian, historical, suspense, action, Irish, immigrant, romance, or mystery books.
I especially liked...
Maeve, Flynn and Nora's characters. And the three brothers ... and the ladies the sisters shared their cook fire with... there were a lot of great characters in this book. I also liked how action-packed and interesting it was. The first chapter was a little slow but the rest of the book sped by and was hard to put down.
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to...
Request the next in the series from my library, so I did. I also went and "followed" the author on Amazon.
This Book made me feel...
Like I was Maeve and on a life-changing adventure, along with all the feelings that involved (dismay, angst, fear, excitement, anticipation, longing, hopefulness, trust in the Lord, growing faith, prayerfulness, romance and more).
The author of this Book...
From Amazon: "About me:
Cheryl has always loved the exciting and diverse worlds available between the covers of books. As a child she wrote stories & drew covers, then stapled them into little books. She cut all the tiny images from the book club advertisements in the Sunday newspaper & glued them to bits of cardboard so Barbie® had a full library.

Cheryl is the married author of more than fifty books, both historical and contemporary. Her stories have earned numerous RITA nominations, Romantic Times awards & are published in over a dozen languages. One thing all reviewers & readers agree on regarding Cheryl’s work is the degree of emotion & believability. In describing her stories of second chances & redemption, readers & reviewers use words like, “emotional punch, hometown feel, core values, believable characters & real-life situations.” Amazon & Goodreads reviews show her popularity with readers.

The author lives in the Midwest, USA. When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, she’s checking out garage sales, flea markets & antique malls. Among her collections are teacups & teapots, roosters, chicken kitchen timers, vintage spice tins, wooden recipe boxes, Barbies®, charm bracelets, vintage jewelry, Kokeshi dolls, white stoneware, Delftware, souvenir spoons, Goebel birds, Royal Copley planters, vintage hankies & BOOKS. Cheryl admits she’s a bargain hunter with the heart of a hoarder, trying to live as a minimalist. The struggle is real.

Cheryl is currently at work on an indie series called Aspen Gold with her critique partners of many years. She believes in paying it forward, and her some of her most rewarding experiences have been sharing in the successes of writers she has mentored over the years.

email Cheryl at: SaintJohn@aol.com
Visit her on the web: http://www.cherylstjohn.net/
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/cheryl-st-john
Like her Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/CherylStJ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_CherylStJohn_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cherylstjohn/
She's a Pinterest junkie! https://www.pinterest.com/cheryl_stjohn/ "
I recommend this Book because...
It was a great read. It was also inspiring for my faith.
Further Comments...
This is wild... right now on Amazon the Kindle version is $1.99 but the paperback and mass market paperbacks are $961.00!!!!! That's crazy!
Created Nov 13, 2020 at 7:01pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114674-The-Wedding-Journey-Love-Inspired-Historical-by-Cheryl-StJohn-2012-04-03