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Rated: 13+ · Folder · Biographical · #1964325
A web of pop culture

What makes a happy life? Is it a sense of purpose and well being?
Or perhaps happiness is a delusion?

Nod and Cloe were very happy.

Nod was and will always be an immortal Feary.
Cloe was a simple Yetti. The Yetti were furry snow people.
Nod like to rub her thick fur with his six firefly wings.

They had children.

The boy was called Freddy and the daughter Alana.
Choosing the right lifestyle to raise their children was a not so simple.

"I am a Feary! My Changelings are too!" Nod argued loudly.

Cloe lowered her head for battle, "My children are snow people."

Nod knew many incantations, but he could not trick his wife.
So, they decided to send their children to Oxford University.
They would be excepted there on there own merit. Freddy was a brilliant physicist.
Alana liked to write poems and paint ... She was excepted, because she was a Yetti
and the anthropologists at Oxford thought she was the missing link in human evolution.
Freddy, looked human, but he had supernatural abilities, like walking on water and levitation.

Alana looked like a white Sasquatch. Her hair was white as snow and covered her entire body even
her face. She didn't care about how humans would look at her. Yetti are very independent and
strong. Human male student yanked at the fur on her butt in art class.
Alana swatted him across the room .. Male Yetti grab their females by the back of the neck
and wrestle for a kiss .. or more.

The university suspended the student, who sexually assaulted Alana.
He was in a coma.

Freddy impressed his professors with his knowledge of crystals and their kinetic energy.
He made an antimatter generator that produced cold fusion.
He constructed a harmonic warp field to cross space without motion.
Freddy received many awards and profitable patents.

Alana continued to amaze the anthropologist ... Her skull had and identical shape
to prehumen ancestors. Alana did not wear clothing. It was too itchy and besides
her fur coat kept her warm in the polar regions. She did like to braid her long white hair
from her head ... Some her girl friends encouraged her to wear lipstick and eye liner.
The male humans continued to challenge her, calling her "Wooki" and trying to wrestle
with her... They were too weak for Alana.

Alana's primitive sculptures in wood and stone won her many awards and sold for
high prices. Many collectors wanted a Yetti sculpture.
Jay Leno bought her Totem and interviewed Alana to an excited audience.

"Are you human?" Jay queried.

Alana laughed, "I am Yetti. Is that not enough?"

Alana confessed she did not understand human fascination with science.
To live a happy life was enough. Jay asked Alana to lift a pickup truck.
She raised the truck over head with a Yetti roar.

Miley Sirus clapped her hands. "That is so awesome." she said.
Alana felt so happy she kissed the young singer; a Yetti gesture of friendship.
Miley giggled and trembled... The audience applauded.

Nod and Cloe were very proud of their children.

Portfolio -> Saints & Sinners
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/1964325-Saints--Sinners