Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/1976491-Jimmy-Died
Rated: E · Folder · Death · #1976491
Written in memory of the death my brother
Jimmy Died
January 5, 2014

He came into this world as little child, but left it a man.
Trials and tribulations were his, I am sure you understand.
But joy and happiness was always in the heart of this man.
Simply born and simply died, because his feet would no longer dance.

What a warm and fun loving person Jimmy came to be
Never ever meeting a stranger on these earthly streets.
Hard work and pride were things he often brought to the scene.
Jimmy was never the one to be callous are very mean.

Life was good to him and life was cruel to him, but he did not run away.
No matter how tough things got, Jimmy was here to stay.
He would be singing, talking, laughing, and driving every single day.
Now without notice he is to be quietly and ceremoniously allowed to lay.

For days now there has been a still and a hush over the land.
His children are crying and no one seems to have a plan.
Jimmy is laying somewhere stiff as a board and can no longer dance.
The doctors have declared that he will never have another chance.

Hearts everywhere are breaking and screams can be heard.
The news has traveled far and wide carried on the wings of birds.
Something has happened to Jimmy and he is no longer on this earth.
No wonder it has been raining so hard that his city seems to flood.

World of pain I feel today as we prepare to put my brother away. My life seems to have taken a dive for now there is only me living on this side. I wonder how I will go on as I sit here thinking my dear brother is gone. Aches and pain are constant friends as I try to digest that I will never see my brother again. Oh God how can this be, Jimmy is dead and now it is just me? How do I go on with life as it is with no Momma and no Jimmy to carry me?

Jimmy’s soul has taken flight
He has walked his last mile this night.
No more pain and no more trials
Gone forever is our Mother’s child.

For Jimmy has died.

Although I carried my brother most of his life, there was nothing I could do to keep him alive. For once I was not at his side as he struggled with his life and died. Although I was not there, he was not alone. His children were there to be with him on his final ride home. He moved from this life to the next as quietly as he had arrived and made no fanfare as he laid there and died. No more pain. No more tears. No more aches. No more fears. True! But more so, there is also no more Jimmy. No more smiles. No more jokes. No more life. No more singing his heart out. No more visits. No more phone calls. No more laughter. No more Jimmy. Jimmy died.
Portfolio -> Jimmy Died
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