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Exploring Islam
what is Islam?

The word “Islam” means “submission to the will of God.” Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are monotheistic and worship one, all-knowing God, who in Arabic is known as Allah.

Islam is a beautiful religion that emphasizes monotheism—the belief in one God, Allah. Muslims believe that Allah sent prophets throughout history to guide humanity, with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) being the final messenger. The Quran is regarded as the ultimate and unchanged word of Allah, providing guidance for all aspects of life. Belief in the unseen, including angels, the Day of Judgement, Heaven, and Hell, is integral to Islamic faith. A Muslim is someone who willingly submits to Allah's will, following His commands and striving to live a righteous life.

Seven pillars of Islam:

1. **Belief in the Oneness of God (Tawhid):**
Islam emphasizes the absolute oneness of Allah in His essence, attributes, and actions. This belief forms the cornerstone of Islamic faith, highlighting monotheism and the worship of Allah alone. Prophets associated with this belief include:
- **Adam (Adam):** Considered the first human and prophet in Islam, Adam is believed to have been created by Allah and taught the names of all things.
- **Abraham (Ibrahim):** Revered as a patriarch and a model of monotheism, Ibrahim is known for his unwavering faith in Allah and his willingness to sacrifice his son in obedience to Allah's command.
- **Muhammad (Muhammad):** The final prophet in Islam, Muhammad received the Quranic revelations and is revered for restoring monotheism and pure worship of Allah.

2. **Belief in the Angels of God (Mala'ika):**
Angels are spiritual beings created by Allah from light, who serve as messengers and servants of God. They have specific roles such as delivering revelations to prophets, recording deeds, and carrying out divine commands. Prophets associated with angelic encounters include:
- **Gabriel (Jibril):** Known as the chief angel responsible for delivering revelations from Allah to the prophets, including the Quran to Muhammad.
- **Michael (Mikail):** Associated with providing sustenance and provisions according to Allah's decree.

3. **Belief in the Revelations (Books) of God (Kutub Allah):**
Muslims believe that Allah communicated His guidance to humanity through various prophets, each receiving revelations suited to their time and people. Prophets and their associated scriptures include:
- **Moses (Musa) and the Torah (Tawrat):** The Torah is believed to have been revealed to Moses, containing laws and guidance for the Israelites.
- **David (Dawud) and the Psalms (Zabur):** The Zabur is a collection of divine revelations in the form of hymns and prayers.
- **Jesus (Isa) and the Gospel (Injil):** The Injil is believed to have been revealed to Jesus, emphasizing monotheism, moral conduct, and spiritual devotion.

4. **Belief in the Prophets of God (Anbiya):**
Muslims believe in the prophethood of numerous messengers sent by Allah throughout history to guide humanity. Besides those mentioned earlier, other prophets include:
- **Noah (Nuh):** Warned his people of a great flood as a punishment for their disobedience to Allah.
- **Solomon (Sulaiman):** Known for his wisdom and justice, as well as his ability to communicate with animals and control jinn.
- **Joseph (Yusuf):** Known for his beauty and patience, Joseph's story is detailed in the Quran and highlights themes of betrayal and redemption.

5. **Belief in the Day of Judgment (Yawm al-Qiyamah):**
Muslims believe in a day of judgment when all humans will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds. This belief underscores the importance of leading a righteous life according to the teachings of Islam.

6. **Belief in Premeasurement (Qadar):**
Qadar refers to Allah's divine decree and predestination of all things. Muslims believe that Allah has knowledge of all things, past, present, and future, and nothing occurs except by His will.

7. **Belief in Resurrection after Death (Al-Ma'ad):**
Muslims believe in life after death, where individuals will be resurrected, judged according to their deeds, and rewarded with either paradise or punished in hellfire.

These beliefs form the core tenets of Islamic faith, shaping the worldview and practices of Muslims around the world. Each belief is interconnected, reinforcing the comprehensive nature of Islam's guidance for spiritual, moral, and societal conduct.

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