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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Death · #1270845
A peek into Dr. Death's soul...

I hadn't given much thought to the details of Kevorkian's actions until a couple of years ago.  After all, I was in favor of euthanasia.  It was about time someone was doing something about it!

Then, I ran across Kevorkian's paintings on the internet.

As a painter and sculptor for many years, I tell those who want to better understand artwork that when they look at a piece, they need to ask themselves what kind of personality/nature the artist had to have to create what s/he created. When this question is asked and the answers reflected upon, that's when the observer gets a peek into the artist's soul.

By way of example, Botticelli painted sensuous, sweet women.  He liked women. Michaelangelo, on the other hand, liked men. His 'David', a marvel of male beauty, is proof of this. On the other hand, Michaelangelo's paintings and sculptures of women are blocky, anatomically incorrect, and lifeless. Michaelangelo just wasn't interested in women. The artist Escher relished the technical aspects of both medium and content. For him, this was 'intellectual' work. He enjoyed puzzling out three dimensions on a two-dimensional surface. You'd never catch a man like Escher slipping into the liberated style of a DeKooning.

My take on Kevorkian's paintings? I don't see a drop of compassion or warmth in them. Kevorkian is obsessed with death.  He relishes it.  He rolls it on his tongue and it exudes from the tip of his brush. 

I still believe in euthanasia but I don't want anyone 'getting it off' on my demise.  When it's my time, Kevorkian is not the guy I'll call.

Google link to Kevorkian paintings: http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&um=1&hl=en&rlz=1B2GGGL_enUS206US207&q=k...



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