Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2170155-The-Condemnation-of-Judgement
Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #2170155
The key to perfect living, and perfect love, and perfect peace
We frolicked in the Garden,
a paradise of play
and made love in the open light
of newly fashioned Day

Naked joy and innocence
the charge of our advent
we tasted perfect peace and love
on fresh laid firmament

It was not lust or folly
which broke the hearts of men.
'twas not from the Tree of Pleasure
that we forsook the first Garden.

Recall your bedtime stories
sweet voices from your past
It was the Tree of self famed Knowledge
that our pleasures didn't last

The Maker fashioned passions;
enraptured lovers wild, untamed.
Yet by their own foul judgement
Mankind traded bliss for bane

The key to perfect passion
with all those whom we enjoin,
Embrace our first formed natures
And be by innocence entwined

True love, is love unhindered
by thoughts of wrong or right
Forsaking ill taught judgements
we may once more feel the light

That Serpent's foul temptation
the base of all despair
The Good Lord pleads "Love Mercy"
And thus Paradise repair

So cast off sour Religion
Let your Shoulds and Shoulden'ts die
Become a steadfast lover
Of whatever's caught your eye

Seeking purity and purpose
in knowing we live right
The image first presented
Is the key to perfect life...

Lovers in the garden
Warmed by fresh formed light
Knowing one another
Free from Judgement's deadly bite

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