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Rated: E · Poetry · Animal · #2313929
birthday party for the dogs in Burns, Oregon

Happy Birthday Daisy

40 lines

Joe Lewis lived on a ranch
In the mountains,
Outside of Burns, Oregon.

He had five semi-feral cats. 200 cows, five dogs, ten pigs, 100 sheep
wild bear, coyotes, deer, and elk roaming the property
with hawks, eagles, and vultures flying overhead
and geese and ducks swimming in the trout stream
that ran through the property.

And five people
Worked for him.

Had a wife and two children
Sadly, the two kids,
were not interested
In running the ranch.

One day it was Daisy
His favorite dog’s birthday.

They gave the dog
A birthday party
Gave the dogs
The best food ever
And even a little beer.

Then sang Happy birthday
The dogs got bored.

Went outside,
To howl at the full
Wolf moon.

Joe and his friends
Joined in howling at the moon.

Joe looked at Daisy
“Good birthday bash,

The dog looked at him
And barked in confirmation,

Today is our sweet Daisy's 13th Birthday - she's a teenager!

Write your story or poem using all of the following as part of the prompt.

1. Title your item "Happy Birthday Daisy"
2. Write about a birthday party for a dog, which includes some of their dog friends.
3. Choose ANIMAL as one of your genres.

Author's note: Eastern Oregon is one of the least densely populated places in the U.S. The Eastern Oregon desert is part of the Great Basin Desert which runs from Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, parts of Idaho, Parts of Utah, parts of Nevada and parts of Arizona and extends into Mexico. The northern Nevada part and Eastern Oregon sections have very few people living there. For some reason, Basque sheep herders immigrated to the region. Burns is a town of 20,000 people, the nearest other towns are each over 100 miles away. there are no services at all outside of town and the internet does not work, cell phones are useless out in America's outback. I stayed there one night during my 2016 epic road trip.

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