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by Augus
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2315403
After funding for her experiment is dropped Adriana will have to use herself as a lab rat
I almost couldn’t believe it when I read the paper my professor handed me. “Are you kidding me they cut our funding, I have my degree riding on this thesis paper. And the science board thinks that asking students to take part in this is unethical?”, I asked professor Rift as she sat down. She looked at me with defeat in her eyes and said, “Adriana they believe testing an experimental weight loss drug on college students might open up the university to a lawsuit if the drug has life altering side effects.”, she took a breath and continued, “And besides I agree with them, if all we offer is a 100 dollars for something that might eat away the wrong type of cells.”. I couldn’t believe her, she was taking there side. I then asked angrily, “What if I took the drug? We can document myself on the drug and you pick another student to do the workout regiment and after a week we can see if the drug works better than working out.” Professor Rift looked confused, like I was taking to her in Latin, “You want to write your thesis paper on an experiment where your the patient, you know how bad that sounds out loud?”. I looked at her trying to convince her with my eyes I needed this. Finally she spoke again, “Will you make sure no one else finds out about this?” A smile washed over my face as I responded, “You have my word”. Professor Rift looked at me less sad, something in her face was telling me she had an idea. “I have another student who planned on using this as her paper as well. I’ll have her document the exercise side and you the drug side. All ask her to come down so I can explain how this will work.” And 30 minutes later a woman who looked a little older than myself walked into the room.” Adriana Oropez meet Chloe Langer.”, Professor Rift began writing something on a whiteboard when she continued, “So this will start tomorrow, so pay attention. Chloe 2 hours before you go to bed you will do this regiment I’ve written on the board behind me for 1 hour, and Adriana you will take this pill 2 hours before you go to bed make sure you drink a whole glass of water after you take the pill. Now here are the important parts number 1 no eating after 3 pm, number 2 no extra exercise for either of you, number 3 we need to document every mourning. Do you both understand?”. We shook our heads in agreement. “Okay now just to make this easier for us, Chloe how tall are you?”, professor Rudy asked. Chloe looked confused as she responded to the question with one of her own, “What does that have to do weightloss?”, she was asking the same thing I was thinking so I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. Professor Rift looked a little annoyed by the question but brushed it off with her response, “ I’ll be using a BMI to track if you not only drop pounds but levels as well.” Chloe looked more comfortable now with her question being answered as she spoke, “I’m 5ft 8in. Do you also want me to say weight as well?”, she paused waiting for professor Rift to respond. When she finally did Chloe answered with, “I’m 286 pounds”. Professor Rift jotted down what Chloe said then looked at me and said, “Adriana what about you?”. I felt a little embarrassed to give that info, but Chloe did so without a second thought so I could do the same, “I’m 5ft 10in and 263 pounds”. Professor Rift wrote that down as well then began to speak again, “Well ladies I’m sorry to say but the index says both of you are obese…” she took a break but before we could say anything she continued, “personally I think someone who can’t get up and walk without assistance is obese and you both can do that no problem, but now’s not the time for that. Good luck with your research tomorrow.”. And with that Chloe and I left. When the morning came Chloe and I weighed ourselves, I was 265 and Chloe was 285. After the weigh in we went our separate ways to complete our day. Around 1:30 I received an email from the professor telling me that I will need to make sure I have no fecal material in me when I take the pill as the pill may just burn that away. So I added to my daily routine 3:00 no more food and 3:30 bathroom time. The rest of the day went like any other day, the only thing that changed was the night time routine. I took my shower, saw Veronica my roommate for 10 minutes as she was getting ready to go to a party, brushed my teeth, took the pill, and then decided to read a book the the 2 hours before calling it a night. The book as about a girl who was mistaken for the demon queen and now she had to rule over the whole demon population. That entertained me until I went to bed around 10 pm. When I awoke the next morning I had a throbbing headache. It was so bad it was playing with my perception, my ceiling looked to be miles above me. The next thing I noticed was the smell, it was like someone covered my entire room with sewerage. When I got up I noticed some other things that didn’t sit right with me, like when I tried to get up from my bed my legs couldn’t reach the end of the bed, the sheets I was laying on were not the ones that my bed has, and somehow in my sleep I removed all the clothes from my body. When I did get up I noticed the thing I was laying on stretched out for miles, with what looked like tall blue grass off in the distance. When I turned around I saw that there were 2 giant structures behind me that looked like my pillows. Before I really had time to dwell on that I heard a thunderous sound coming from beyond the blue grass, as if somethings was pounding on the world around me. The pounding kept coming for a while sometimes a voice could be heard. When it stopped I heard a new sound, it sounded as if someone put my door’s hinges on speaker for the world to hear. After the squeaking stopped I heard to familiar voices echo around me. I felt the world shake as 2 giants walked in, they were talking about someone. ”I don’t know where she is, it’s not my job to keep track of her. I just live with her.” said the skinny giant. The fatter giant responded with, “Well I need to know where she is, we are supposed to start our days together. Can I wait in here till she returns?” The skinny giant agreed to that, grabbed some stuff then promptly took off out the giant door. The fatter giant walked toward the blue grass and moved the mountains of it like it was weightless. As she made a weird face as she then started to look in my direction she said, “Did she leave the room naked where are her clothes laid out on the bed?” As the last word left her mouth I realized why the giants voice was so familiar, it was Chloe and that meant the skinny giant was Veronica. Chloe now towered over me as I tried to process the bizarre turn of events. My heart raced, and panic began to set in as I realized the enormity of my situation—literally and figuratively. Somehow, the experimental drug had shrunk me to a minuscule size, and now I was barely a speck in the vast expanse of what used to be my bed."Chloe! Down here!" I screamed, waving my arms frantically, but my voice was so tiny that it was swallowed by the sheer size of the room.Chloe's massive eyes scanned the bed, her face a mixture of confusion and concern. "Where could she have gone?" she muttered to herself, her breath creating a gust of wind that nearly knocked me over.I needed to get her attention before she accidentally crushed me. Desperation fueling my actions, I began to run towards the edge of the pillow, hoping to make myself more visible. The fabric felt like rough terrain beneath my feet, and each step was a struggle.Finally, I reached the edge and jumped up and down, waving my arms as wildly as I could. "Chloe! Look down here!"Chloe's eyes finally settled on the pillow where I stood. Her expression shifted from confusion to utter shock as she realized what she was seeing. "Adriana? Is that you?" she whispered, bending down closer to get a better look."Yes! It's me! Please, be careful!" I yelled, my tiny voice barely reaching her ears.
Chloe's face was a mixture of awe and horror. She extended a finger slowly, offering it to me like a platform. "Climb on, Adriana. Let's get you somewhere safe."With a mix of relief and fear, I climbed onto Chloe's finger, gripping the skin tightly to avoid falling. She lifted me with the utmost care, bringing me closer to her face. "We need to get you back to Professor Rift," she said, her voice trembling. "She'll know what to do."As Chloe carefully carried me out of the room, I couldn't help but feel a wave of dread wash over me. This experiment had taken a terrifying turn, and now, more than ever, I needed to find a way back to normal. But for now, all I could do was trust Chloe and hope that Professor Rift could help reverse the effects of the drug.
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