Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2317957-A-recipe-for-Tzaziki
Rated: E · Other · Other · #2317957
I brought this recipe home from Greece. I was stationed there while in the USAF.


2lb. Tub of Plain Yogurt or Sour Cream (low fat or fat free can be substituted here)

1 Small Cucumber

Olive Oil

Minced Garlic (Garlic Salt, optional)

Salt (optional)


1. Wash cucumber, then place in blender. Process in blender until cucumber has attained a near liquid state -- sort of like cream of wheat cereal.

2. Spoon yogurt or sour cream into a two-quart bowl.

3. Add one tablespoon of olive oil. (the real kind of tablespoon - the one you eat with, not the measuring kind - I guess they are different somehow)

4. Sprinkle minced garlic on top of mix. CAUTION: Do this sparingly! It does not take much garlic to get the right taste. If you do not get enough the first time, you can add more later.

5. Add cucumber to the mix in small amounts, and then mix until tzaziki is a nice light green color.

6. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours (I do it overnight).

7. Eat with favorite bread, chip, or vegetable!

I love this recipe. I picked it up when I was stationed in Greece in 1986/87 (USAF). The greatest thing about this recipe is that you can subtly modify it to meet your personal tastes - more garlic, less olive oil, chunkier cucumber, etc. You can even add salt if it is not tart enough; and, if you are in a real big hurry (like for an unexpected party), you can replace the minced garlic with garlic salt and serve the dish almost immediately. I hope you enjoy it as much as my family and I have. Eat well and be happy!
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