Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2321401-Call-from-the-past
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2321401
This story is about girl's love and separational problem with her parents.
I have been working in a scientific center in the city center for several years now. My job is to conduct demonstration of chemical and physical experiments. I have become quite skilled at them, yesterday we conducted an experiment with fire in a closed jar, the day before yesterday we experimented with foam. My name is Sally. And everything would be fine if only this salary was enough for me to finally separate from my parents and live independently, I was a little over thirty. I suffer from some kind of mental disorder of unknown genesis and I have a disability. Yes, I like my job and my boyfriend, but he does not support me in separation at all, his job and brothers come first for him, and on top of that he is a Muslim and a migrant worker. I had to live and endure the situation, contenting myself, in part, with little and insignificant things. Yes, I thought highly of myself, although my parents did not. They considered me, rather, ordinary. But I graduated with very good marks from the institute and knew my worth. It was terribly hot outside, all my relatives and friends had gone to their cotteges, and I was sitting at the table, planning another physical experiment for the open day. Suddenly the phone rang. I picked it up: "Hello," I said. "Hi, this is your old friend from college, do you want to meet?" they said on the other end of the line. To be honest, the call stunned me. "What's your name?" I asked. "Molly," my friend answered. "Oh, Molly, yes, I remember, we talked a little. Well, do you want to meet? Okay. At two at the opera? Okay, I made an appointment." I said. I must admit that I rarely get calls from the past, I was a little scared, but at the same time interested. It seemed to me that if I came to this meeting, nothing would threaten me. A couple of hours later, I went to bed peacefully and woke up around 12 noon. It was hard to get rid of my mother's constant questions about where I was going, so I dreamed of moving out as soon as possible, to live my own life and not give anyone unnecessary reports. I slipped out of the house, a little nervous, but got to my destination and met my friend Molly. - Hi, - I waved to her, - what brings you here? - Sally, don't think that I'm going crazy, but I heard that things are not easy for you now, an unclear situation with a guy and the inability to finally move into your own place are making you sad. But I remembered when you broke your leg at the institute and ended up in the hospital, you didn't just break your leg. And I have to tell you about it. - Molly, I don't understand what you're talking about, I slipped in the hallway and broke my leg, there's nothing surprising about that. - No, remember what you hit yourself on? - Yes, I hit something that is not usually found in the hallway, transparent glass, which later broke, but I did not attach any importance to it, and what do you think, that someone set up the situation so that I would break my leg? - Sally, I have some reason to think so. - How can we find out now, so much water has flowed under the bridge, my leg has healed long ago, but my soul is not quite. After college, I ended up in a mental hospital and was forced to take psychotropic drugs. - I know that too, - Molly admitted, - but this is not a reason to put an end to your life. You are conducting experiments in the center, and someone is conducting experiments on you, I mean a broken leg, but I don't understand who needs this. - Okay, Molly, you are an open person, thank you for your concern, but it's true that no one needs this. Bye. All the way I thought about these strange assumptions of Molly, maybe someone really needed me to get to the hospital. I need to go back to that hospital and find out more. The next day after work in the center, I was going to visit the first city hospital. I did not know what I would find out and what to ask, I walked briskly under the scorching sun. Finally, I went to the reception, suddenly I remembered the name of the doctor who put the splint on me and asked to see him. Doctor Beksi came out to me twenty minutes later. - Good afternoon, - I greeted him - Good afternoon. You probably don't remember me two years ago, I treated my leg with you? - No, it was so long ago. Has everything healed? - Basically, yes. And you didn't find anything strange about my stay in the hospital? The doctor laughed, what could be strange about a fracture and a stay in the hospital? - Although wait, I remember when you got to the hospital, there was a call from above asking to keep you in the hospital for a couple of days. Nothing special for sure. "Thank you, that's what I wanted to know," I thanked. I was walking home thinking and comparing the facts, writing a message to the guy, who naturally didn't understand anything and wished me to rest. I was terribly hungry, I came and ate cutlets with potatoes and went to bed. The next morning I called my informant Molly. - Hi, yes, the doctor said that there was a call from above to keep me in the hospital. - You see, as far as I remember, the fracture was minor, why did they leave you in the hospital? "I remember that I had a terrible headache after the hospital," I remembered. "Head manipulation!" Molly exclaimed. "I assumed something like that. Although I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Remember, Sally, what you were doing when you broke your leg, maybe some important research." I thought about it: "Yes, there was one study, I was developing a new social network with a wide reach, theoretically true." Molly clapped her hands: "Bravo, that's how it went, some social network just got scared of you and decided to get you out of the way. You're too smart, Sally, and that's where all the troubles come from. You were a star at the institute, you're still good, but these experiments that you do don't bring the desired result? Why are you doing this? It seems like you were programmed."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
- Maybe there's a chip in your brain that controls all your actions, I read about that.
- Molly, I swear I'll laugh. But if that's what you want, tomorrow I'll go for an MRI of my head.
We said goodbye. It was some kind of fantasy, I found it hard to believe.
At lunch the next day I went for an MRI, the results were supposed to be in in two weeks. I wasn't really expecting it.
When the results came back after the agreed time, I held on to a chair so as not to fall. There was a foreign body in my head, 1 cm in diameter 1 cm. There was no shadow of doubt, someone was controlling me and this was not the delirium of a madman, but reality.
The doctors said that it was not in the brain, but under the ear, so removing it would not be difficult. A month later, I came for surgery. I did not feel anything, I only felt boundless joy when this square object was finally removed from my head.
Molly disappeared somewhere, and I enjoyed the results of what had been done, I left my dead-end job quite quickly, having found a place in the department of the institute, I was finally able to adequately talk to a guy about living together and rented a great apartment. So, you have to believe in yourself, even if you were programmed, there are no hopeless situations.

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