Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322807-Hero-from-the-Void-Chpt-1-pt-5
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2322807
Stuff happens quickly, and Anti and Extera save the day.
We went to sleep, but to be honest I couldn't sleep well, having nightmares of my old home in the void whenever I did fall asleep. I get up the next morning, And anti gives me what he calls 'Coffee'. "It will help you stay awake." Anti said. I drank it and moments later I felt better. I put on clean clothes, surprisingly the same color and fashion, then I headed out with Anti towards the castle house. It's raining very lightly, but I take it slowly, not wanting to trip and hurt myself yet again. We are almost there when A huge crunch happens, and the door flies off its hinges and lands with a big thump right by our feet. The guy from last night who seemed crazed, with the ink pouring out of his eyes was standing in front of the doorway, having kicked it down. "I see you! I'll end you! For the cause of chaos, chaos for the cause!"

My instinct kicks in, and I rush to stop the man. He rushes to me at a speed seemingly inhuman, then kicks me backwards.

"Extera! Be careful not to let the ink get inside your body! you'll become just like him!"

Knowing this, I was careful to touch his head, If I could even get to it. He was faster than me, and seemingly stronger.

Blasted... No matter what, I can't get to him... I need to stop him but it's almost impossible!

A burning feeling is starting to emerge deep within me, as I struggle to subdue and stop him. At first I think It's because of me getting slung around by the laughing madman, but as it starts to grow even more, I can tell it's not natural.

"You think your pathetic attempts to stop me will work, fool!? Me and you are both but a tool, a tool! I'll free you from this life and end both of our pain! Join me,we have so much to gain, ehahaha!!"

I got tired of this at this point. Anti tried to help, but he can't really fight, having left his tools at home. The man slings a huge glob of ink at me, and I raise my hands to try and stop it from hitting my face, when suddenly fire erupts from my hands, lighting the ink aflame and burning it all up. The fire manages to get to the man, setting his whole face up in flames. He grabs at his face, hitting the ground, squirming. I feel sick.

I did that? How could I have?

Sharp pain starts to kick in, after a bit of shock. I look at my hand, where a raindrop hit it, and the water is putting a gouging hole in my hand. "Ah, what the-" Anti notices this, and me and him rush to the house in the rain. I try, but pain is flaring through my entire body. "The water! We need to get out of the rain-" That's all anti got to say. I tripped, and fell face first into a small puddle.

I awoke, wrapped in bandages. Looking around, I'm at a hospital I've never seen. Anti is looking at me, noticing I'm awake.

"Hey! I got you to a hospital, since anything I tried to do wouldn't work. I managed to get you here safely, and they managed to save you."

"W... Where am I?"

"The best hospital. They are even known to heal illnesses that never had a cure. It's a miracle."

"Was it... bad?"

Anti shifts, a little nervous.

"Y-Yes... Your face is almost fine now, and your body is fine."


"Your face is going to have a huge scar, on your right eye area. Expect that eye to have a little worse vision as well."

A doctor said that as she walked in. "I'm Hospice. Please, do rest. You are going to need a little bit of time."

Hospice did a general checkup before deciding I get to leave after a little while of rest, then rushed off to check on the next patient. All I can think of is the invading army, how every second I'm resting is another second I've lost. I dare not think about the man who went mad, I don't want to remember what I did.

After a few minutes, I get to leave, and I leave in a blur. The world outside is yet another bustling city. I look at Anti, and he looks at me.

"We're going to see the queen of monstrosia, she can help us."
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