Choose any one item from your partner's port. Read it and give an in-depth review. Be honest, encouraging, and helpful.
You don't have to make your review public, but public reviews increase exposure for the item.
After you finish the review, send the member a merit badge. It can be any merit badge of your choosing.
Post a message in this forum: "Merit Badge Bonanza!" when you have sent the merit badge, so I can check you off my list. 
All reviews and merit badges should be sent by June 15th.
If you haven't received your review and merit badge by the 15th, please email me. I'll gently nudge your partner. If you still haven't received them by the time I return from vacation on July 12th, I will do the review and send you a merit badge in their place! 
Have fun!
Blue Check Marks Show Players Who Have Completed the Challenge