Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/cancel
Close An Account On Writing.Com
Close a Writing.Com Account:

Members may close their Writing.Com account at any time. This form makes the process quick and simple. For security, you must provide both the account username and password. Once an account is closed, it can not be re-opened and the contents of the account's portfolio will be removed from the Writing.Com site.

Enter The Account's Username:

Enter The Account's Password:

Please provide a reason for this account's deletion (optional):
Click "Move To Confirmation" for the final step:
Lost or forgotten password? Click here to reset your password!
Manually Request Account Closure:
Ut oh. You can't remember your password and you can't access your original email account to reset your password?
No problem. If your account has been inactive for a long time and you can provide us some additional information, we can close it for you.
Please note that we manually handle these requests and you should allow us time for that.

Enter The Account's Username:

Enter The Offsite Email Address (As Listed in Your Account):

Enter Your First Name (As Would Be Listed in Your Account):

Enter Your Last Name (As Would Be Listed in Your Account):

Enter The Account's Postal Code, (As Would Be Listed in Your Account):

Enter Your Current Email Address:

Please provide a reason for this account's deletion (optional):
Click "Move To Confirmation" for the final step:
If you can't remember your password but have access to the email address you signed up using:
Click here to reset your password! This is the quickest way to close your account.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/cancel