Noticing Newbies: September 01, 2021 Issue [#10926]
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 This week: Click Here
  Edited by: Annette
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Writing.Com has many types of links. There are many ways to create links for different types of content, but there is only one way to access all of them. Simply click on each link.

Word from our sponsor

Amazon's Price: $ 7.99

Letter from the editor

Writing.Com is a little like an internet within itself. Getting around the site is done by clicking on links that lead to everything there is to see and do.

Anything you create and store inside of your portfolio is an item.
There are many ways to link to those items. Each way of typing up the link makes the link look a little differently because it displays different information about the item.
In the left sidebar, there is a link that is called Writing.Com Tools. If you click on it from the sidebar, it will show you all of the different ways to link to items in your portfolio.

While everything in your portfolio is an item, some items have smaller parts within that can be linked to.

Forums have posts.

Books have entries.

The Newsfeed has notes.

The above links all send you to things to read or to activities that you can take part in. There is one more link that you will need to get the most out of the site.

The review link. This one links to reviews that you sent or to reviews from other members.

How to construct those links is all explained with exact descriptions and examples in Writing.Com Tools  .

Aside from that, there is also this document that includes a video that explains how to create clickable links: "Video: Linking to an Item

This is an exciting week to be on Writing.Com. From September 1 through September 7 "Writing.Com Party Central 2024! will be the place to be! There are daily new things to discover and many, many member run activities. They will include many different types of items and will challenge you to be creative in many different ways. There will be tons of opportunities to learn and practice how to get the most out of the site for your writing journey.

Editor's Picks

For the first week of September, the first link here is going one you should visit at least once a day.

Click on this link to experience a week full of fun activities, virtual goodies, and making friends on
Writing.Com Party Central 2024!  (E)
We're celebrating our 24th birthday! Stop in to see what's going on!
#506157 by The StoryWitchress

These following links are great places to check out and get familiar with. They will each help you to get the most out of becoming a part of this writing community.

Click on this link to introduce yourself and make friends on Writing.Com:
Noticing Newbies  (13+)
A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com!
#126963 by The StoryWitchress

Click on this link to find items to read, or to post one of yours to get reviewed:
Please Review  (E)
This is a page to request reviews for static items and books.
#819237 by Writing.Com Support

Click on this link to find the official site contests and contests run by other members:
Writing Contests @ Writing.Com  (E)
Writing Contests on Writing.Com are posted here.
#171898 by Writing.Com Support

Click on this link to find activities that revolve around writing or other entertainment provided by members on the site:
Activities @ Writing.Com  (E)
The best place to find out what's going on around Writing.Com!
#819558 by Writing.Com Support

Click on this link to find other newsletters, ask to have an item of yours featured, or find more newsletters to subscribe to:
 Newsletter Area  (E)
Leave feedback, submit items or subscribe to the Writing.Com Newsletters!
#402704 by The StoryWitchress

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Amazon's Price: $ 4.99

Ask & Answer

I received these replies to my last Noticing Newbies newsletter "A Place For You

Polter-JACE: Cruising ... wrote: Great newsletter, Miss Annette. Spot on! I think those of us who've been here for a long time tend to slack off some. I know I have to guard against that.
And I like adding the "Noticing Newbies in the Editor's Picks. *Thumbsup*

Thank you for reading and the *Thumbsup*

hbk16 wrote: The advantages fond on this web site are many indeed. Great to remind this to new bees and all of s as authors.

Yes, there are so many advantages to be on this site.

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
Writing.Com Item ID To Highlight (Optional):

Send a comment or question to the editor!
Limited to 2,500 characters.
Word from our sponsor

Removal Instructions

To stop receiving this newsletter, click here for your newsletter subscription list. Simply uncheck the box next to any newsletter(s) you wish to cancel and then click to "Submit Changes". You can edit your subscriptions at any time.

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