For Authors: August 31, 2005 Issue [#586]
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For Authors

 This week:
  Edited by: Wannabe
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Welcome to this weeks For Authors Newsletter. I trust you will find the information useful.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Well the summer is just about done, and fall is no more than a few weeks away, and here I sit reviewing the many surveys that I received from “Send me a Letter”. Thank you to all who took the time to respond.

For those of you that have never ventured into the survey form I urge you to use this wondrous tool that the site provides. I know when you open the form it can certainly look very complicated, but then isn’t everything in life that way till you step forward and meet the challenge.

A survey form can gather extremely useful information on your behalf, not to mention the time that it could save you in research. It does give you the opportunity to ask a wide variety of people a series of questions and once you have your survey form made up you just have to sit back and wait for the responses. You will know exactly when you get a response because an email will be waiting for you in your inbox.

Speaking of which are you feeling lonely and don’t think you get enough email from the members on the site ... well make an interesting survey and watch the mail pore in.

With the responses you have received you can collect the data from the individual emails, or you can go to your survey form and click on ‘manage’. There you will have more opportunities to access the information you have received. With a running log of all who responded you could view anytime even if you did accidentally delete the email you received. An export tool also allows you to take all of the information and place it into an excel worksheet for you to view everything at once. This gives you a clear picture and allows you to sort through and see what is useful and what is not.

In my most recent ‘Send me a Letter’ I asked:
“If you were editor for a day what message would you like to provide for others to read.”

The responses were excellent, and today each and every one of them is a guest editor just so you too can hear what they have to say too.

About reviewing - "You can't help someone get to the top of a hill without getting closer to the top yourself." , Norman Schwarzkopf

Make sure that you read your own stuff for mistakes before you put them up for ppl to read them! There's nothing more embarrassing by having simple things stuffed up, especially if it's things that you know aren't right (like their, they're and there).

The more you read, the better you write.

Big Mike 2humble2bragbut...
Uphold our written language. Do not succumb to the sloppy distortions that are invading and degenerating our printed word. "Extreme" is not spelled "Xtreme", for example. Always strive for the right word, not just enough letters to almost make the word!

Not to give up hope, and to keep writing no matter what.

Starr* Rathburn
Punctuation, grammar and spelling matter!, I constantly read magazine guidelines that say something like, "If your story isn't polished and looking professional, we won't waste our time on it."

sometimes she writes
Just keep writing. I know it's trite but it works.

Observe the world and action that goes on around you daily, and you will never be at a loss for something to write about or turn into a story.

gaze at endless sky
Never fear death, its because of it that we enjoy life.

To just write how they feel

Izzie, cc_s princess
Never give up; love as many people as you can; help as many people as you can; and immerse yourself in to this community.

wild orchid
I would just encourage everyone to stick with their writing, even after receiving rejection letters, and to go so far as to frame them and be proud of them, because so many people out there want to be writers, but, never get so far as receiving that rejection letters.

Take all feedback with a grain of salt. You are the author of your own writing and know what direction you most want to develop it in. Be true to your own writing voice.

Prosperous Snow celebrating
Keep writing, keep reading, and keep reviewing. Review a variety of times and once in a while include an item you in a genre that you have not intention of writing in.

Keep writing (e:smile}

♥ The Maveric ♥
It may be good, but not good enough. Rewrite it again.

MandiK~ : p
I think that people need to remember that this is a writing site. When people post items here with spelling, punctuation and grammar issues, and then get upset when they are pointed out, they have to realize that is what reviewing is for. To make you’re writing better. You don't want everyone to laugh at you for spelling badly, do you?

If I were editor for a day, I would encourage everyone to find their own individual styles of writing. It's true that there are tools every writer needs (grammar, spelling, etc.), but there are no absolute rules for how to write. If there were, all books would be clones of each other. Put some of yourself in your writing--add a unique flavor to entice readers.

Don't ever let go of your dreams. Being a writer can be a very discouraging profession, particularly when you are just getting started. Between writer's block, distractions, editing, rejections and everything else that comes along, you may often question why in the world you ever wished to be a writer. But the most important thing is to keep writing! And when you submit something for publication and/or printing, remember that for every rejection you receive, you are just one more publisher closer to an acceptance. Write on!

Amazing right. The survey form is a great information gatherer, be sure to use it the next time you are looking for a first, second, or third opinion on a subject. A survey form can be created by upgrade, premium, and enterprise members.

Talk at Ya Later

Editor's Picks

While I haven’t had a chance to read all of the following links, they were provided by the authors themselves in answer to another survey question:

If you could only showcase one item from your port what item would it be.

Hope you enjoy them!*Smile*

"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Remember Me"   by The Shadow (S.Hadi)
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Where Angels Belong"   by TBird_critterkeeper
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"After 5"   by Starr* Rathburn
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Seven Sacred Teachings (Children's)"   by Izzie, cc_s princess
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Juliet Aurora"   by MandiK~ : p
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"The Hunted"   by NiceGuy

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

Submitted By: Victoria Earle
Submitted Comment: On the subject of backups... you might want to look into You can upload as much as you like, completely free of charge, and you pay only if you download over 100 Mb of files in a month. All of my novels and my scanned photos are stored on Streamload. I'd heartily recommend it.

Submitted By: Puditat
Submitted Comment: Wannabe: Ooooo, you just know I'm jealous of all you conventioneers. I love living in New Zealand, but convention time always makes me feel melancholy for what I'm missing out on. Thanks for reminding me what I'm missing!

Submitted By: PastVoices
Submitted Comment: I so enjoy your For Authors Newsletters, Wannabe! I can't wait to "Write You a Letter!

Submitted By: Allister1963
Submitted Comment: To add to the discussion about backups, as a software engineer, can I add the need to keep any really important work in more than 1 building. Copy it to the net, put it on CD and give to a friend or grandparent etc... Then if the worst should happen and your house is destroyed at least you will still have the backup to load on your new PC when the insurance pays out.

For the older members who are in charge of the insurance a photocopy of the policies held elsewhere can also be very useful in case of disaster.

Submitted By: jeanimoo
Submitted Comment: I really enjoyed your "write me a letter"

Submitted By: ~EL~ Happy NaNo
Submitted Comment: I would love to go to the convention... SOMEDAY! Unfortunately, the next couple years of my life will be devoted to planning a wedding I've been longing for, for what seems forever! But... God willing, we (my family and I... or perhaps just me, myself, and I) will be able to go to convention one day. Until then, I will have to play with the pirates! ARGGG!

I would like to make my apologies to the Pirates for this last convention. (I've just been unsure as to how as, I believe, the ships have since disbanded.) My computer crashed and then I took a vacation and I was unable to do the reviews I should have done. In looking towards the future, I plan on getting a better computer and working on improving my time budgeting. The latter will be especially important for things such as school, so you can be sure I'll be working on the problems that plagued me this year. Again, my apologies (both to poet and writer) for having not participated when I'd made a promise

Submitted By: Erik Stark
Submitted Comment: Nice newsletter but, ehem, your link to "write me a letter" came up as private to me so I could not check it out. Thought you might like to know if you don't already. Thanks and keep up the great work!

Submitted By: obwan
Submitted Comment: I am a newbie and did not get the last issue about the computer crash, but reading the comments I think that there is one point which might have been left out. If you back up files to a floppy and just put it on the shelf, you should be aware that the magnetic fields on a floppy naturally decay after a while - within as little as three years a floppy disk will begin to erase it's self even if there is no wear and it is not exposed to external magnetic fields.

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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