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WDC friends,
drop me an email saying you were here
and I'll review something in your port!

My name is Nicole and I am a creative writer. On I'm Known as NickiD89. One of my short stories was recently published! Click here to read it:

My writing portfolio has grown steadily since November 8, 2007 when I joined (WDC). Here you will find links to my stories and poetry, as well as the community groups I belong to and highlighted portfolios of some of my talented WDC friends.

So grab a cup of coffee or tea, click around to read my work and learn about WDC. If you are interested in joining our community, you will find information at the bottom of this page that will get you started. Thanks for stopping by, and happy reading!

My latest writing is here *Down*

 What's New in 2009   (18+)
Spotlights my latest writing projects since January '09. Reviews welcome and appreciated!
#1547442 by NickiD89

Here's the 411 on me:

  • I am a 40-something woman with an open outlook
  • I have a college level education...
    ...but I've learned the most when traveling the world
  • I have lived on three continents (in this lifetime *Wink*)
  • I eat healthy and exercise, but I love to eat chocolate...
    and therein lies the rub!

  • I am actively pursuing a writing career
Rising Star Sig

Click on this image *Up* to learn about the Rising Stars program.

Plague I received for winning the Rising Stars 2008 North Star contest

Winning this award was one of my proudest WDC moments!

*Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*
*Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*
About Me

I'm a functional creative, meaning I somehow manage a lively household with a fantastic husband and two bright children, foster friendships, AND write! One thing that helps me write is the fact that I live in the Atlanta, GA area. How does this help my writing? Well, first I am an outdoors type who is driven inside (and in front of my computer) when the kids have had enough of the pool during the miserable summer months filled with humidity; although, I have the gorgeous north Georgia mountains just a thirty minute drive away where the nature-lover in me can hike and my muse is inspired. Second, I find many of the people here curious, with their staunch and archaic viewpoints on life and spirituality, and the opportunity for character sketching is rich. I look at my life in GA as a chapter in a larger work, whose ending is yet unwritten.

Why I Write

Sometimes the real question is 'Why don't I write?' It is the times life has been the hardest for me that I have spent the least time writing, though those were the times I most should have had pen to paper. Many of my stories focus on conflicted characters damaged by dysfunctional relationships with family members. You could say the writing process is cathartic and healing for me. I share many personality traits and memories with my characters, but none of the stories -- not even those written in first person narrative -- are autobiographical. There is a folder of stories in my portfolio of memoir pieces, and only those are true stories. (Click here to read them: "Self Portraits in Non-Fiction)

*Down* Click on these quick links to visit places in my portfolio! *Down*
"What's New in 2009
"Short Stories ~ My first (writing) love
"My Poetry
"Nicki D-Zigns Sig&Banner Shop ~CLOSED~
"My Contests and Activities
"Gallery Guest Book

New Horizons

I am an instructor at the New Horizons Writing School. I have taught a class called Love Reviews for four terms, and we are half-way through the Fall 2009 term.

The class explores the elements of storytelling, and discusses how to evaluate those elements when writing an in-depth, encouraging review. The lessons cross genres to encompass short stories, poetry, chapters, novellas, essays and articles. It is my belief that we grow as writers by reading and reviewing our peer writers' work.

Are you interested in learning more about this class, and New Horizons Writing Academy? *Down* Click on the links below! *Down*

"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item

[Artwork by the talented Anne Stokes.
Visit her at]
Short Stories I'm Most Proud Of:
NEWEST!: "When Opposites Attract
"In The Face Of Danger
"Don't Tempt Me
"The Key
"The Sound of Consequences
"Day 11 - When Love Stings
"Unfinished Business
"It was Tuesday
"The Way Forward
"A Shift in the Universe
"Path of Open Doors
"After The Ice
"The Giving Lesson
"Flight of Freedom
"Broken Dreams
"Under The Magnolia's Gaze
"The Fortune Teller
"Laughter Is The Best Medicine
"Family Legend: Rome N.Y. Recipe
Results of Playing Around With Poetry:
"The Call of a Whale
"Silent Jeer
"(Bud)ding Love
"Day 7 - Black Roses
"Day 2 - Love Unattainable
"Dream With Me
"The Empty Fish Tank
"Mon Mari
"The Cosmic Masquerade Ball
"Greatest, Hands Down

Myspace Layouts

My WDC Friends and Favorite Authors
I have been inspired by,
and learned so much from,
my WDC friends.
This list is in no particular order at all! *Bigsmile*
Take a moment to check out their work!
I want to thank three people
for their patience and support
while I was creating this web page.
If it weren't for these people, I would have lost my mind!
Thank you to:
You guys rock!!!!
Check out the great groups I belong to:
"The WDC Angel Army *Note1* This group, begun by the talented kiyasama is fantastic when you are new to WDC. Seasoned members show newbies around; there are forums to promote community events; and you can get involved with a wonderful mentoring program -- and these are just a few of the activities available to Army Angels!
"The Rising Stars Tour Bus *Note4* I was thrilled to learn I'd been nominated as a Rising Star, and this incredibly supportive group has brought so much to my WDC experience. The Rising Stars Shining Brighter contest is a great way to draw quality reviews of your work. The Circle of Sisters rock!! Our wonderful leader is GabriellaR45
"SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP - SHERRI GIBSON had a great idea when she created this group. Every week Sherri and her co-leaders highlight items from talented WDC members. Simply Positive members read and review each selection, helping our peers improve their craft and boosting a sense of community here at WDC. Just look on the Public Review page to see how successful and widespread this group has become!
"Reviewing News and Views - Can you tell I love reviewing? *Bigsmile* This group, led by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik puts out a reviewing newsletter every two weeks. Regular and guest editors delve into the intricacies of reviewing and discuss an assortment of interesting topics we all encounter in our regular review practice. I will be the guest editor in December 2009. To join, click this link or email Stik.
"Invalid Item - One of WDC's kindest and most supportive members came up with the idea to help newbies learn the ins and outs of WDC. Hannah ♫♥♫ hand-picked a group of us to help her guide a selection of new members. We sponsor contests and activities geared to helping these promising writers enjoy all that WDC has to offer.
"Invalid Item - This new group was created by ~Vikki~ in response to the need for a forum where novelists can discuss their trials and victories with other novelists. She plans to send the group regular newsletters discussing a wide range of topics facing aspiring novelists.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!!

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This page by:   NickiD89
Last Modified: 10-18-09 @ 4:09 pm EDT
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