Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/400006
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#400006 added January 17, 2006 at 1:59pm
Restrictions: None
Somehow, I arrived to work last Friday without my usual TGIF attitude. To further underscore my unfortunateness…I had brought my emo frame of mind in. I know, but it was an accident. One I wanted to remedy before my emo brain took over. Soooo, I enlisted the help of one of my friends, who offered me the following:

I sometimes utilize "TWIS" (this week is shot) as a substitute {to TGIF}. Of course the nice thing about TWIS is that it can occur at any point during the week! It is not locked to a specific day. Feel free to use it!

What? TWIS? WTF? I was looking for something funny! Not useful. My protests were waved off by the following:

There is one other established variant on TWIS, TDIS, or this day is shot. You can give up on a particular day but not the whole week, depending on the circumstances. You might want to add that nuance to your blog entry. Of course, this opens up to many other possibilities, TMIS, TYIS, TLIS etc. etc..

I sat there, staring at the computer screen. Who could argue with such logic? Once I dissected the implications, I decided I’d embrace the concept of TWIS with open arms. After all, TWIS give you access to liberties, which might otherwise be denied.

Once the day, the week, the month, the year has been deemed ‘shot’ you can relax, sit back, prop your feet up on your desk, bag work and even swig a shooter. Why bother with responsibility? Your boss wants his monthly reports turned in two days earlier than usual…TWIS. Shrug your shoulders. Who cares? TWIS!

Yup! I like it.

I posted this every same entry in myspace blog and recieved the following comment:

Hmmm. Ok, like you, I decided to think about this and give it a fair shot. And while I can see the usefulness in TDIS, -because hey, a day is 24 hours, usually 12 or so of them waking hours and an event can surely kill any hope of salvaging it- but, a whole week?

I decided to try and think about any time I'd felt that way and recalled that a few events had seemed to shoot the week in the butt, like a death, serious personal/emotional upheaval, pneumonia..... OK, I'll go with that, too.

But a month? Holy crap! I think I'd rather nail my hand to the floor than live out the remainder of a month I'd tagged as TMIS early on.

Instead, I think for me, it would be more useful modified, as in:

TRIS-This Relationship Is Shot

TCIS- This Career Is Shot

THIS- This Holiday Is Shot

TFSIS- This Former Spouse Is Shot (oh wait, heh heh, just daydreaming... >:)

Yeah, you're right, Robin, it is a handy tool, can be adapted to fit many situations, brings a smile to the face. Of course, the Type-A in me wants to 'fix it' occasionally, and dredge an apparently 'shot' day up out of the murky depths, which I suppose, isn't against the rules, since we are making them up as we go along...

Thank you! For introducing us to TDIS et al.

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